1. Jiayue Xu, Shiji Fan, Baoliang Lu, "Growth of Φ4" Li2B4O7 single crystals by multi-crucible Bridgman method", J. Crystal Growth, 264(1-3)(2004) 260-265.
2. Juan Zhou, Jiayue Xu, Wangxiang Hua, Shiji Fan, Bridgman growth of new piezoelectric single crystal Sr3Ga2Ge4O14, Materials Sciences and Engineering B, 2004, 106: 213-217.
3. Jiayue Xu, Jian Tong, Minli Shi, Anhua Wu and Shiji Fan, "Flux Bridgman growth of Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.93Ti0.07]O3 piezocrytals", J. Crystal Growth, 253(2003) 274-279.
4. Xinhua Zeng, Xin Yao, Qunli Rao, Yulong Zhang, Jian Hu and Jiayue Xu, LPE growth of the PZNT91/9 film on the (0 0 1) SrTiO3 substrate, J. Crystal Growth, 262 (2004)251-254.
5. Xianjun Wu, Jiayue Xu, Jingzhong Xiao, Anhua Wu, Weiqing Jin, Vertical Bridgman growth of lead germanate single crystal, J. Crystal Growth, 263 (1-4)(2004) 208-213.
6. Juan Zhou, Zhenwu Zhong, Jiayue Xu, Jun Luo, Wangxiang Hua, Shiji Fan,"Bridgman Growth and characterization of nonlinear optical single crystals Ca4GdO(BO3)3", Materials Sciences and Engineering B, 97(3)(2003) pp283-287.
7. Hongbing Chen, Haiping Xia, Jinhao Wang, Jianli Zhang, Jiayue Xu and Shiji Fan. Growth of birefringent crystal a-BaB2O4 by Bridgman method. Materials Letters, 57(8)(2003) 1441-1444.
8. Hongbing Chen, Haiping Xia, Jinhao Wang, Jianli Zhang, Jiayue Xu and Shiji Fan. Bridgman growth of LiNbO3 single crystal. J. Crystal Growth, 256(3-4) (2003)219-222.
9. Jiayue Xu, "Recent developments in the Bridgman growth of relaxor ferroelectric single crystals PZNT", Proceedings of the first thin film and crystal growth symposium, pp.46-67, Seoul, Korea, 2002/11/20 (Invited).
10. Jiayue Xu, Shiji Fan, Baoliang Lu, Jian Tong, Aiqiong Zhang, "Seeded Growth of Relaxor Ferroelectric Single Crystals Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 by the Vertical Bridgman Method", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41(2002)7000-7002.
11. Hongbing Chen, Shiji Fan, Haiping Xia and Jiayue Xu, "Bridgman growth of fluoride laser crystal Ce3+: LiYF4", J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 21(2002)457-459.
12. S. Agathopoulos, M.C. Ferro, J.Y. Xu, J.M. Oliveira, P.A.A.P. Marques and M.H.V. Fernandes, "Structural Interpretation of the In Vitro Reactivity of SiO2-Na2O-MgO Glasses", Key Engineering Materials, 240-242, (2003) 217-220.
13. S. Agathopoulos, A.J. Calado, J.Y. Xu, M.H.V. Fernandes, M. Nedea, P. Nikolopoulos and R.N. Correia, "Interactions at the Surface of Oxide Bioceramics with Biological Liquids and Blood Cells", Key Engineering Materials, 240-242, (2003) 675-678.
14. J. Luo, S.J. Fan, H.Q. Xie, K.C. Xiao, S.X. Qian, Z.W. Zhong, G.X. Qian, R.Y. Sun and J.Y. Xu, "Thermal and Nonlinear optical properties of Ca4YO(BO3)3 (YCOB), Crystal Research Technology, 36(2001)1115-1121.
15. Xu Jiayue,Fan Shiji,Lin Yafang, Xu Xuewu, "Bridgman growth and properties of potassium lithium niobate single crystals", Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials,40(2000)137.
16. Fei Yiting,Fan Shiji,Sun Renyinag,Xu Jiayue,M. Ishii, "Bridgman Growth of Bi4Si3O12 Scintillation Crystals and Doped effects on Radiation Resistance",Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials,40(2000)189.
17. J.Y. Xu, A.Q. Zhang, "Growth of PbTe crystals for thermoelectric applications, Proceedings of twentieth international conference on thermoelectrics", pp.150-153, 2001, Beijing, China.
18. Fei Yiting,Fan Shiji,Sun Renying,Xu Jiayue, "Crystallizing behavior of Bi2O3-SiO2 system", Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19(2000)893.