

  • 中文名:徐妲莉
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:海洋波浪能分布及其開發利用
  • 任職院校:上海海事大學海洋科學與工程學院
  • 職稱:講師





1/2015~2/2016 博士後
以色列理工學院 土木與環境工程系
導師:Michael Stiassnie教授
3/2016至今 講師
上海海事大學 海洋科學與工程學院


9/2008 - 2/2014 工學博士
學系:上海交通大學 船舶海洋與建築工程學院
導師:廖世俊 教授
9/2004 - 7/2008 工學、法學雙學士
學系:哈爾濱工程大學 船舶工程學院





Shijun Liao, Dali Xu and Zeng Liu, 2015, The lecture notes in physics: new approaches to nonlinear waves, Chapter 3, On the discovery of the steady-state resonant water waves, pp.43-82, Springer.


徐妲莉, 2014, 同倫分析方法在穩態共振波浪研究中的套用,博士學位論文,上海交通大學


3.2.1 穩態波浪系統中波浪能分布方面的期刊論文:
[1] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin, Shijun Liao and Michael Stiassnie, 2012, On the steady-state fully resonant progressive waves in water of finite depth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics
[2] Dali Xu, Jifeng Cui, Shijun Liao and A. Alsaedi, 2014, A HAM-based analytic approach for physical models with an infinite number of singularities. Numerical Algorithms
[3] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2015, Equilibrium states of class-I Bragg resonant wave system, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids
[4] Xiaocheng Li, Dali Xu, and Shijun Liao, 2014, Observations of highly localized oscillons with multiple crests and troughs, Physical Review E
[5] Zeng Liu, Dali Xu, Jun Li, Tao Peng, A. Alsaedi and Shijun Liao, 2015, On the existence of steady-state resonant waves in experiments, Journal of Fluid Mechanics
[6] Shijun Liao, Dali Xu and Michael Stiassnie, 2016, On the steady-state nearly resonant waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics
[7] Shijun Liao, Dali Xu, Zeng Liu and Zhiliang Lin, 2016, Steady-state resonant water waves with time-independent wave spectrum, Science, Published as perspective.
3.2.2 波浪能開發利用方面的期刊論文:
[1] Dali Xu, Raphael Stuhlmeier and Michael Stiassnie, 2016, Parameter based design of a twin- cylinder wave energy converter for real sea-states,
[2] Dali Xu, Raphael Stuhlmeier and Michael Stiassnie, 2017, Harnessing wave power in open seas II: very large arrays of wave-energy converters for 2D sea states, Journal of Ocean Science and Marine Energy,


[1] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2011, The resonance of two nonlinear traveling waves infinite water depth, The CET conference proceedings
[2] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2012, On the quartet resonance of gravity waves in water of finite depth, AIP Conference Proceedings
[3] Dali Xu, Zhiliang Lin and Shijun Liao, 2013, Steady-state solutions of the wave-bottom resonant interaction, Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics


[1] The resonance of two nonlinear traveling waves in finite water depth, 2011Word Congress on Engineering and Technology, Oct.28-Nov.2, 2011, Shanghai, China.
[2] Interaction of resonant gravity waves in water of finite depth, the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug.19-24, 2012, Beijing, China.
[3] On the quartet resonance of gravity waves in water of finite depth, the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathemaitcs, Sep.19-25, 2012, Kos, Greece.
[4] Steady-state solutions of the wave-bottom resonant interaction, the 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, Aug.12-15, 2013, Shanghai, China.
[5] Steady-state solutions of the resonant wave system propagating over undulated bottom, the 11th Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Oct.12-16, 2014, Shanghai, China.


2015 以色列自然科學基金博士後獎學金
2014 上海交通大學優秀博士學位論文培育基金
2014 上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院優秀博士學位論文培育基金
2014 上海交通大學趙朱木蘭博士獎學金
2013 上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院優秀博士學位論文培育基金
2012 英國勞氏教育基金(LRET)


