2013.8-2014.8 University of Western Ontario (西安大略大學),電氣與計算機工程系,Visiting Scholar
主持和參與了國家自然科學基金、國家科技支撐計畫專題、廣東省自然基金、廣東省科技計畫項目及市級項目等12項科研課題;在《Sensors》、《Journal of University of Sci. and Tech. Beijing》、《Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences》、《International Review on Computers and Software》《北京科技大學學報》、《計算機套用研究》、《計算機套用》等國內外核心學術期刊上發表學術論文20餘篇,其中被SCI 收錄2 篇,EI 收錄9篇;副主編出版《電路分析》專業教材1 部。
[1] Guobao Xu , Weiming Shen , Xianbin Wang. Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in Marine Environment Monitoring: A Survey. Sensors,2014,14(9): 16932-16954(被SCI檢索:000343106600071、EI檢索:201439074710)1424-8220.
[2] Guobao Xu, Deling ZHENG, Geng ZHAO. Analysis and Confirmation of Immovable Points in Logistic Mapping Digital-flow Chaos, Journal of University of Sci. and Tech. Beijing Vol.10, June 2003,p62-65(被SCI檢索:000183877200014、EI檢索:03387643059)
[3] Guo-bao Xu, Mei-juan Zhou, Zeng-gang Xiong etc..An Improved Adaptive Fusion Edge Detection Algorithm for Road Images. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,2012,4(4):129-137 (EI檢索:20121314903501)
[4] Guobao Xu, Shiyi Xie, Yixin Yin, etc.. A Fast Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cellular Neural Networks for Road Images, International Review on Computers and Software,2012,7(1):426-431(EI檢索:20123115300944)
[5] Guobao Xu, Weiming Shen, Xianbin Wang. Marine Environment Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, USA, 5-8 October 2014, p 13-18, (EI檢索:20153101092182)
[6] Guo-bao Xu, Yi-xin Yin, Lu Yin, etc. Visual Information Processing Using Cellular Neural Networks for Mobile Robot. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services,Nov.2007,p1046-1050(EI檢索:083611500083)
[7] Guo-bao Xu,Zhi-bin Su, Ji Wang,etc. An Adaptive Morphological Filter Based on Multiple Structure and Multi-scale Elements. IITA08,vol.2,2008,p399-403 (EI檢索:20091411997153)
[8] Guo-bao Xu, Gui-yan Zhao, Lu Yin, etc.A CNN-based Edge Detection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image. Proceedings of 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2008.7,p2474-2477(EI檢索:084011610184)
[9] Guo-bao Xu, Yi-xin Yin, Shi-yi Xie. An Optimalizing Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Road Image Based on Mathematical Morphology. IITA09,vol.2,2009,p518-521 (EI檢索:20101012759243)