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  • 中文名:徐剛
  • 學位/學歷:博士




2.國家自然科學基金面上項目,生物炭釋放的水分散性膠體對土壤磷遷移的影響及生態效應,2016.1-2019.12, 73萬元,主持;
5.煙臺市科技發展計畫項目,低分子有機酸對石灰性土壤中元素釋放動力學研究,2011.1-2012.12, 15萬元,主持;
6.大氣化學與大氣物理國家重點實驗室合作研究課題土壤中的低分子有機酸分布及對大氣有機酸貢獻,2009.1-2012.12, 7萬元,主持.


1. Xu G, Song JW, Zhang Y, Lv YC, Han GX. Enhancement of phosphorus storage capacity of sediments by coastal wetland restoration, Yellow River Delta, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2020,150, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110666.
2. Xu G, Song JW, Zhang Y, Lv YC. Effects of biochar application on soil organic carbon mineralization during drying and rewetting cycles. Bioresources, 2019,14(4), 9957-9967.
3. Xu G,Shao HB, Zhang Y, Sun JN. Non-additive effects of biochar amendments on soil phosphorus fractions in two contrasting soils,Land Degradation and Development. 2018, (29)2720-2727.
4. Xu G, Zhang Y, Sun JN, Pyrolysis temperature affects phosphorus transformation in biochar: Chemical fractionation and 31P NMR analysis,Science of the Total Environment,2016,569-570:65-72.
5. Xu G, Zhang Y, Sun JN, Negative interactive effects between biochar and phosphorus fertilization on phosphorus availability and plant yield in saline sodic soil,Science of the Total Environment,2016,568:910-915.
6. Xu G, Sun JN, Shao HB, Chang S. Biochar had effects on phosphorus sorption and desorption in three soils with differing acidity. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 62:54-60.
7. Sun JN, Wang BC, Xu G*, Shao HB. Effects of wheat straw biochar on carbon mineralization and guidance for large-scale soil quality improvement in the coastal wetland. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 62:43-47.
8. Wu Y, Xu G*, Sun JN, Shao HB. Furfural and its biochar improve the general properties of a saline soil . Solid Earth, 2014,5:665-671.
9. Xu G, Shao HB, Sun JN. What is more important for enhancing nutrient bioavailability with biochar application into a sandy soil: direct or indirect mechanism? Ecological Engineering, 2013, 52:119-124.
10. Wei LL, Xu G*, Shao HB. Regulating environmental factors of nutrients release from wheat straw biochar for sustainable agriculture. Clean-Soil, Air, Water, 2013, 41 (7), 697–701.
11. Xu G, Shao HB, Sun J.N., Chang S. Phosphorus fractions and profile distribution in newly formed wetland soils along a salinity gradient in the Yellow River Delta in China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2012, 175 (5):721-728.
12. Xu G, Shao HB, Lee XQ, Lv YC. Recent advances in biochar applications in agricultural soils: benefits and environmental implications. Clean-Soil, Air, Water, 2012, 40 (10):1093-1098.
13. Sun JN, Xu G*, Shao HB, Potential retention and release capacity of phosphorus in newly formed wetland soils from Yellow River Delta. Clean–Soil, Air, Water, 2012,40(10):1131-1136 .
14. Xu G, Sun J. N, Xu RF, Lv YC, Shao HB. Effects of air-drying and freezing on phosphorus fractions in soils with different organic matter contents, Plant Soil and Environment, 2011,57 (5):228-234.
15. Xu G, Lee XQ, Chen YJ, Huang DK. The seasonal variations of carboxylic acids in rainwater and their contribution to the free acidity(a case study of Guiyang and Shangzhong). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(16),1667-1673.
19.張友,宋佳偉,呂迎春,徐剛*,高麗榮成天鵝湖沉積物有機磷的生物有效性及其時空動態,環境科學學報,2017,DOI: 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2017.0224。


