後斯諾又稱:“Chinese Snooker”,就是說,在你擊球線主球的後方附近有著一顆子球,在你出桿的時候必須抬高手架,使球桿跨越那顆子球。這對出桿形成了極大的干擾。
- 中文名:後斯諾
- 外文名:Chinese Snooker
- 解釋:擊球線主球的後方附近的子球
- 運動:斯諾克
名次解釋,為什麼又叫"Chinese Snooker",
這種情況下擋住了自己舒服下桿的線路只有把握桿的後手高高抬起 擊打母球的上端 這樣失誤的幾率會增高。如圖;
為什麼又叫"Chinese Snooker"
中國古代的文字是從右往左寫的,而英國的文字是從左往右寫的,chinese snooker的意思就是,通常的snooker是在白球的前面有球擋著,而和這個情況相反,就是白球的後面被擋住,就像中文和英文的書寫習慣是相反的,所以叫chinese snooker。
這也許只是一種解釋,但是我只知道這種。來源於美國一個高級檯球教練,Bob Jewett。
My understanding is that Chinese characters are sometimes written right-to-left, or maybe top-to-bottom and then right-to-left, as opposed to English which is rarely written other than left to right. The person who told me the story implied that the snooker was "reversed" like the writing. I have no idea whether he was full of wisdom or something else. The explanation seems weak, but it is the only one I've heard.
My understanding is that Chinese characters are sometimes written right-to-left, or maybe top-to-bottom and then right-to-left, as opposed to English which is rarely written other than left to right. The person who told me the story implied that the snooker was "reversed" like the writing. I have no idea whether he was full of wisdom or something else. The explanation seems weak, but it is the only one I've heard.