- 中文名:彼得·托馬斯
- 外文名:Mr. Piotr Tomasz
- 職業:表演家
- 畢業院校:朱麗亞音樂學院、克拉科夫音樂學院
托馬斯的演奏曲目範圍從最早的鍵盤音樂到年輕作曲家的最新作品。他選擇了兩首當代作曲家John Slover的鋼琴作品,在紐約和上海音樂廳舉行世界首演。托馬斯在波蘭華沙當代音樂比賽奪冠後的得到很高的榮譽,波蘭電台和電視網路分別為他錄製發布了巴托克奏鳴曲。
“Mr. Piotr Tomasz not only co-created Royal Cracow International Piano Festival but also gave a superb performance of Goldberg Variations. Mr. Tomasz’s come back after studies at Juilliard couldn’t have been more successful and glorious!”
“Gazeta Polska” (national daily newspaper), October 26 2010
“In the whole history of the prestigious XX Century Piano Competition I have never heard more astonishing performance of the Bartok Sonata. The precision, power, charisma and artistic vision conceived during the performance moved mesmerized audience to the edge of their chairs! Luckily, this amazing performance was recorded live by Polish Radio and TV that claims the CD of the concert will be available soon! That’s the first thing on my shopping list!”
Jan Lisiecki – “Music of Poland” (monthly magazine) June 2008
Jan Lisiecki - 《波蘭音樂》(月刊)2008年6月
“Edgy, hypnotizing, unforgettable. There is no other way to describe the new CD of Piotr Tomasz issued by Polish Radio. Part of the CD consist of the life recording of Bartok Sonata played with precision and quality of the studio recording, whereas works of Szymanowski and Chopin recorded in the studio are as fresh and exciting as the live concert. Only the greatest artists can do that. It’s a buy.”
“Ruch Muzyczny” (monthly music magazine) – January 2009
《樂章》(音樂月刊雜誌)- 2009年1月
“It is already well known that Mr. Tomasz has moved to China a year ago. For some it is a big loss for the local music life, for most it is a huge step to be proud of. Mr. Tomasz seems to have a very clear vision of his career as a pianist and pedagogue – opening a music center FaceArt Music InterNations in colaboration with the PianoClassic Association (also co-founded by him) under the protection of the General Consulate of Poland in Shanghai don’t seem like a path of the ordinary star-pianists we are used to. I will risk a statement that Mr. Tomasz is on the way of becoming the father of the modern piano world in Poland and perhaps (hopefully) in China.”
Anna Kaliski – “Polska Jutro” (Poland Tomorrow – national newspaper) December 2011
Anna Kaliski - 《波蘭明日報》(全國性報紙)2011年12月
“Those who have not yet bought Mr. Tomasz’s CD should go to the store right after reading this. The CD is almost sold out - it sells like a fresh baguette. I, among many others, truly hope that Mr. Tomasz will record a new CD soon – we all are waiting to be surprised again!”
“Music Box” (weekly magazine) – February 2009
“那些尚未購買托馬斯先生的CD,應該在看完本文後馬上去商店。他的CD就像新鮮出爐的麵包,幾乎銷售一空。其中許多人和我一樣衷心希望,托馬斯先生能儘快錄製一個新的CD - 我們都等待著再次驚喜!”
《音樂盒》(周刊)- 2009年2月