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彭莎,女,1980年7月,陝西高陵,博士,副研究員,碩士研究生導師,中國生殖生物學會會員,《the Journal of Cytology and Tissue Biology》雜誌編委。


  • 中文名:彭莎
  • 出生日期:1980年7月
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院動物研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生殖生理學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 籍貫:陝西高陵








1. Wei Han, Xin He, Mingzhi Zhang, Shuxian Hu, Fen Sun, Lipeng Ren, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng S. The establishment of porcine pancreatic stem cell line using T-REx system-inducible Wnt3a expression. Cell Proliferation 2015, 48, 301–310.
2. Xin He, Wei Han, Shuxian Hu, Mingzhi Zhang, Lipeng Ren, Fen Sun, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng* . Canonical Wnt signaling pathway contributes to the proliferation and survival in porcine Pancreatic Stem Cells (PSCs). Cell Tissue Research 2015,362(2): 379-388.
3. Xi Yao, Hao Ren, Wenjing Yang, Thirumalai Diraviyam, Furong Tang, Meng Yu, Jinlian Hua, Xiaoying Zhang*, Sha Peng* “Expression of goat RNA binding protein (NANOS2), development and evaluation of anti-NANOS2 IgY antibodies.” Czech Journal of Animal Science 2015,60 (4): 152-163.
5. Xi Yao, Furong Tang, Meng Yu, Haijing Zhu, Zhili Chu, Mingzhao Li, Wei Liu*, Jinlian Hua* and Sha Peng* “Expression profi le of Nanos2 gene in dairy goat and its inhibitory effect on Stra8 during meiosis. Cell Proliferation, 2014, 47, 396–405.
4. Sha Peng*, Wei Han, Xi Yao, Jinlian Hua. Construction and identification of mouse R-spondin 1 eukaryotic expression vector. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2013,11 (1): 227-230.
6. Huiru Zhang, Dan Li, Hui Cao,Xiao LV,Yuankui Chu, Yaofu Bai, Yaping Jin, Sha Peng*, Zhongying Dou, Jinlian Hua*. Conophylline promotes the proliferation of immortalized mesenchymal stem cells derived from fetal porcine pancreas (iPMSCs). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2013, 12(4): 678-686.
7.Sha Peng, Junlin Zhang, Jiahuan Chen and Huayan Wang “Effects of Wnt5a protein on proliferation and apoptosis in JAR choriocarcinoma cells.” Molecular Medicine Reports 2011, 4: 99-104.
8. Sha Peng, Jinlian Hua, Xuanhong Cao, Huayan Wang “Gelatin Induces Trophectoderm Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.” Cell Biology International 2011, 35: 587-591.
9. Sha Peng, Jing Li, Chenglin Miao, Liwei Jia, Zeng Hu, Ping Zhao, Juxue Li, Ying Zhang, Qi Chen and Enkui Duan “Dickkopf-1 secreted by decidual cells promotes trophoblast cell invasion during murine placentation”. Reproduction 2008,135:367-375.
10.Sha Peng,Chenglin Miao,Jing Li,Xiujun Fan,Yujing Cao,Enkui Duan “Dickkopf-1 induced apoptosis in human placental choriocarcinoma is independent of canonical Wnt signaling”. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2006,350:641-647.
11. Liming Zheng, Haijing Zhu, Hailong Mu, Jiang Wu, Wencong Song, Yuanxin Zhai,Peng Guangpeng Li, JinlianHua. CD49f promotes proliferation of male dairy goat germline stem cells. Cell Proliferation 2016, 49(1): 27-35.
12.Hui Cao, Yuankui Chu, Xiao Lv, Pubin Qiu, Chao Liu, Huiru Zhang, Dan Li, Sha Peng, Zhongying Dou, Jinlian Hua*.GSK3 inhibitor-BIO regulates proliferation of immortalized pancreatic mesenchymal stem cells (iPMSCs). PLoS One 2012, 7(2): e31502.
13.Hui Cao, Yuankui Chu, Haijing Zhu, Junwei Sun, Zhimin Gao , Chunrong Yang, Sha Peng, Zhongying Dou, Jinlian Hua*. Characterization of immortalized mesenchymal stem cells derived from foetal porcine pancreas. Cell Proliferation 2011, 44: 19-32.
14.Junlin Zhang , Sha Peng, Xiang Cheng, HuayanWang “Functional Analysis of Hybrid Peptide CAMA-Syn: Expression in Mammalian Cells and Antimicrobial Potential.” Protein Peptide Letter. 2012, 19(10):1076-81. (co-first author)
15.Jiahuan Chen, Zhijuan Lu, De Cheng, Sha Peng, Huayan Wang “Isolation and Characterization of Porcine Amniotic Fluid-Derived Multipotent Stem Cells”. Plos One 2011,6:e19964 (co-corresponding author)
16.Ying Zhang, Sha Peng, Haibin Kuang, Qi Chen, Shuang Liu, Li Zhang and En-kui Duan. “Expression and regulation of dickkopf2 during periimplantation in mice”. The Journal of Reproduction and Development 2009 55:17-22.
17.Haibin Kuang, Chenglin Miao, Weixiang Guo, Sha Peng, Yujing Cao, Enkui Duan. “Dickkopf-1 enhances migration of HEK293 cell by beta-catenin/E-cadherin degradation.” Front Bioscience. 2009,14:2212-2220.
18.Liwei Jia, Jiaxi Zhou, Sha Peng, Jing Li, Yujing Cao, Enkui Duan. “Effects of Wnt3a on proliferation and differentiation of human epidermal stem cells”. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008,368:483-488.
19.Jing Li, Weimin Liu, Yujing Cao, Sha Peng, Ying Zhang, Enkui Duan. “Roles of Dickkopf-1 and its receptor Kremen1 during embryonic implantation in mice”. Fertility and Sterility 2008,90:1470-1479.
20.Juxue Li, Chenglin Miao , Weixiang Guo, Liwei Jia , Jiaxi Zhou, Baohua Ma, Sha Peng , Shuang Liu, Yujing Cao, Enkui Duan.“Enrichment of putative human epidermal stem cells based on cell size and collagen type IV adhesiveness”. Cell Research 2008,18:360-371.
21.Yongjun Yang, Yujing Cao, Shumin Bo, Sha Peng, Weimin Liu, Enkui Duan. “Leptin-directed embryo implantation: Leptin regulates adhesion and outgrowth of mouse blastocysts and receptivity of endometrial epithelial cells”. Animal Reproduction Science 2006,92:155-167.
22.Yongjun Yang, Weimin Liu, Jiaxi Zhou, Yujing Cao, Jing Li, Sha Peng, Li Wang, Jiang-Gang Yuan, Enkui Duan “Expression and hormonal regulation of calcyclin-binding protein (CacyBP) in the mouse uterus during early pregnancy”. Life Sciences 2006,78:753 -760.
23. 彭莎,張軍林 “穩定表達Wnt3a基因的豬胰腺幹細胞株的建立”。農業生物技術學報 2012,20(3): 301-307。
24. 彭莎,陳家歡,曹選紅 “ Wnts 及其相關分子在小鼠外胎盤錐中的表達”。農業生物技術學報 2011,19(2):314-322。
25. 陳家歡,魏育蕾,彭莎,王華岩 “豬羊水幹細胞特異向跳動心肌細胞誘導分化” 生物工程學報 2011, 27(8): 1206−1214。
26. 華進聯,雷安民,彭莎,楊春榮,賀鑫,張仕強,吳江,王龍。《幹細胞研究與套用》,中國農業科學技術出版社,2016年2月。


1.教育部留學回國人員啟動經費:miR-375在豬PSCs增殖及向胰島素分泌細胞分化過程中的調控機理,項目編號:K308021501,2015/1-2017/12, 3萬,主持。
2.留學人員科技活動項目擇優資助經費:LncRNA對豬PSCs增殖及分化的調控機理,項目編號:Z109021506, 2015/1-2015/12, 2 萬,主持。
3.西北農林科技大學基本科研業務費專項資金項目:miR-375對豬PSC增殖和分化的機理研究,項目編號:Z109021506 2015/1-2015/12,10萬,主持。
4.教育部博士點基金:Wnt/β-catenin在豬PSCs增殖和分化中的作用及機理,項目編號:SRFDP, 20100204120020,2011/1-2012/12,3.6萬,主持,結題。
5.國家自然科學基金:經典Wnt通路在豬PSCs增殖及分化中的作用機理,項目編號:31101775, 2012/1-2014/12,25萬元,主持,結題。
6.08應屆博士科研啟動費:羊水幹細胞分離、培養及向胰島細胞定向誘導分化的研究, 2008/01-2009/12, 5萬元,主持,結題。




