






2003.09—2008.07 中科院長春光機所 碩士、博士




  • 光纖雷射鎖模
  • 全固態雷射鎖模
  • 雷射套用





6.國家自然科學基金重點項目:功率和模式不穩定機理與高穩定高功率摻Tm 光子晶體光纖雷射器關鍵技術研究,2018.01-2022.12,290萬,參加


1. Huaiwei Zhang, Jiayu Lu, Jiying Peng, Xiaosheng Xiao, Guoyu Xu, Yunhong Zhang, Xinyang Su, Tianran Sun, Kai Zheng, Yi Zheng, and Jianquan Yao. Investigation of High-Power Spatiotemporal Mode-Locking with High Beam Quality. Laser Photonics Rev. 2023, 17(2300017):1-7.
2.GUOYU XU,JIYING PENG, HUAIWEI ZHANG,YUNHONG ZHANG,MENGDI CUI, YIYANG SU, AND YI ZHENG, All-multimode fiber spatiotemporal mode-locked figure-eight laser based on multimode gain fiber. Optics Express, 2023, 31(26):44603-44610.
3.Huaiwei Zhang, Yunhong Zhang, Jiying Peng, et al. All-fiber spatiotemporal mode-locking lasers with large modal dispersion. Photonics Research, 2022, 10(2): 483-490.
4. Dongjian Xu, Huaiwei Zhang, Jiying Peng, et al. Passively Mode-Locked Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Fe3O4 Nanosheets Saturable Absorber. Photonics. 2022; 9(5):306.
5. Y. Zhang, Y. Zheng, X. Su, J. Peng, H. Yu, T. Sun, and H. Zhang, "All-Polarization Maintaining Noise-Like Pulse From Mode-Locked Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Nonlinear Loop Mirror," IEEE Photonics Journal 14(1), 1-5 (2022).
6. X. Yang, D. Li, X. Meng, Q. Li, H. Zhang, and J. Peng, "Tunable nonlinear optical properties in magnetic nanoparticles suspension under picosecond laser excitation," Optics & Laser Technology 142(2021).
7. Huaiwei Zhang, Jiying Peng, Xiangpeng Yang, Chao Ma, Qianqian Zhao, Guoliang Chen, Xinyang Su, Decai Li, AND Yi Zheng. Passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser operating at 1.3 μm with a graphene oxide and ferroferric-oxide nanoparticle hybrid as a saturable absorber. Appl. Opt., 2020, 59(6):1741-1745.
8. Chao Ma, Jiying Peng, Xiangpeng Yang, Huaiwei Zhang, Qianqian Zhao, Decai Li, Xinyang Su,Yi Zheng. All-solid-state mode-locked laser based with Fe3O4 nanoparticles saturable absorber. Optics Communications, 2020,473:125979.
9. Huaiwei Zhang, Jiying Peng, Jianquan Yao, Xiangpeng Yang, Decai Li, and Yi Zheng.1.3 μm passively Q-switched mode-locked laser with Fe3O4 nanoparticles saturable absorber. Laser Physics,2020,30(125801):1-5.
10. Zuohan Li, Jiying Peng, Jianquan Yao, Ming Han.The characteristics of Kerr-lens mode-locked self-Raman Nd:YVO4 1176 nm laser. Opt. & Laser Technol., 2017, 89:1–5.
11. Ming Han, Jiying Peng, Zuohan Li, Qiuyuan Cao, Ruixia Yuan. 1.34 µm picosecond self-mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 watt-level laser. Laser Phys., 2017, 27(1):015003.
12. Zuohan Li, Jiying Peng, Jianquan Yao, Ming Han, Linghong Jiang. Efficient self-stimulated Raman scattering with simultaneously self-mode-locking in a diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4 laser. Appl. Opt., 2016, 55(32):9000-9005.
13. Zuohan Li, Jiying Peng, Ruixia Yuan, Jianquan Yao, Yi Zheng. Compact and high repetition rate Kerr-lens mode-locked 532 nm Nd:YVO4 laser. Laser Phys., 2015, 25(11):115001-6.
14. 務益傑, 彭繼迎, 袁瑞霞. 高重複頻率1.34μm 調Q 鎖模Nd:YVO4雷射器. 《強雷射與粒子束》, 2015, 27(11):42-45.
15. Z.H. Li, J.Y. Peng, Y.Zheng. Self-mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 laser with long cavity. Optik, 2015,126:337-339.
16. Linghong Jiang, Yi Zheng, Lantian Hou, Kai Zheng, Jiying Peng. Surface plasmon induced polarization filter of the gold-coated photonic crystal fiber with a liquid core. Optical Fiber Technology. 2015,23:42-47.
17. Linghong Jiang, Yi Zheng, Lantian Hou, Kai Zheng, Jiying Peng, Xingtao Zhao. An ultrabraoadband polarization splitter based on square-latticedual-corephotonic crystal fiber with a gold wire. Optics Communications, 2015,351:50-56.
18. Z.H. Li, J.Y. Peng, Y.Zheng. CW mode-locked self-Raman1.17μm Nd:GdVO4 laser with a novel long cavity. Opt. & Laser Technol., 2014, 58:39–42.
19. JIANG Ling-Hong, ZHENG Yi, HOU Lan-Tian, PENG Ji-Ying, ZHENG Kai. Design of highly birefringent SF57 soft glass PCF with low efective mode area. J. Infrared Millim. Waves, 2014,33(3):222-226.
20. JIANG Ling-hong, ZHENG Yi, ZHENG Kai, PENG Ji-ying. Investigation of a Liquid-core Photonic Crystal Fiber with High Birefringence. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2014, 43(9): 0906003.
21. Li Zuo-Han, Peng Ji-ying, Zheng Yi, Yang Ye, Kou Jin-hua. C-cut Nd-doped vanadate crystal self-Raman laser with narrow Q-switched envelope and high mode-locked repetition rate. OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2014,10(6):0423-0426.
22. J.Y. Peng, Y. Zheng, J.P. Shen, Y.X. Shi. Narrow Q-switching pulse width and low mode-locking repetition rate Q-switched mode locking with a new coupled laser cavity. Laser Phys., 2013, 23(1):124-147.
23. 彭繼迎, 鄭義. 基於Cr:YAG的調Q鎖模Nd:GdVO4自受激拉曼雷射器。《光電子·雷射》, 2013, 24(3):415-418.
24. 彭繼迎, 鄭義.Nd:YVO4自受激拉曼雷射器調Q鎖模特性.《強雷射與粒子束》, 2013, 25(5):1097-1099.
25. Jiying Peng, Yi Zheng, Kai Zheng, Xiaowei Chang. Passively Q-switched mode locking in a compact Nd:GdVO4/Cr:YAG self-Raman laser Optics Communications 2012, 285(24):5334-5336.
26. Jiying Peng, Yi Zheng, Kai Zheng, Xiaowei Chang. Compact Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YVO4∕Cr:YAG self-Raman laser. Appl. Opt., 2012, 51(21):5126-5129.
27. J.Y. Peng, Y. Zheng, Y.X. Shi, J.P. Shen. Passively Q-switched a-cut Nd:GdVO4 self-Raman laser with Cr:YAG. Opt. & Laser Technol., 2012, 44(7):2175–2177.
28. Y.X. Shi, Y. Zheng, J.Y. Peng, T.L. Lu. Passively Q-switched a-cut Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser. Laser Phys., 2012, 22(5):904-906.
29. Jiying Peng, Jieguang Miao, Yonggang Wang, Baoshan Wang, Huiming Tan, Longsheng Qian, Xiaoyu Ma. Passive stabilization of a passively mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 laser by inverse saturable absorption. Optics Communications 2008, 281:141-145.
30. Ji-ying Peng, Jie-guang Miao, Yong-gang Wang, Bao-shan Wang, Hui-ming Tan, Long-sheng Qian Xiao-yu Ma. High-average-power and high-conversion-efficiency continuous wave mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser with a semiconductor absorber mirror. Optics & Laser Technology 2007, 39:1135-1139.
31. J. Y. Peng, B. S. Wang, Y. G. Wang, J. G. Miao, E. J. Hao,H. M. Tan, L. S. Qian, X. Y. Ma. High average power and short pulse duration continuous wave mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 laser with a semiconductor absorber mirror. Laser Physics 2007, 17:1033–1036.
32. Ji-ying Peng, Bao-shan Wang, Yong-gang Wang, Jie-guang Miao, Hui-ming Tan, Long-sheng Qian, Xiao-yu Ma. Q-switched and mode-locked diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser with an intracavity composite semiconductor saturable absorber. Optics & Laser Technology 2008, 40:243-246.
33. J.Y. Peng, H.M. Tan, Y.G. Wang, J.G. Miao, L.S. Qian, X.Y. Ma. Simultaneous Q-switching and mode locking with narrow envelope width in a microchip Nd:YVO4 laser with a composite semiconductor absorber. Laser Physics2006, 16:1601–1604.
34. Jiying Peng, Huiming Tan, Yonggang Wang, Xiaoyu Ma, Jieguang Miao, Baoshan Wang, Longsheng Qian. High repetition rate Q-switched microchip Nd:YVO4 laser with pulse duration as short as 1.1 ns. Optik 2008, 119:657-660.
35. Peng Jiying, Tan Huiming, Wang Baoshan, Miao Jieguang, Qian Longsheng, Wang Yonggang, Ma Xiaoyu.1G Hz Repetition Rate CW Mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser. Acta Photonica Sinica 2007, 36 (8):1393-1396.
36. WANG Bao-Shan, PENG Ji-Ying, MIAO Jie-Guang, LI Yi-Min, HAO Er-Juan. Diode End-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:GdVO4 Self-Raman Laser at 1176nm. Chinese Physics Letters 2007, 24 (1):112-114.
37. Jieguang Miao, Jiying Peng, Baoshan Wang, Huiming Tan, Huikun Bian. Compact low threshold Cr:YAG passively Q-switched intracavity optical parametric oscillator. Optics Communications. 2008, 281:2265-2270.
38. Jieguang Miao, Jiying Peng, Baoshan Wang, Huiming Tan. Compact KTA-based intracavity optical parametric oscillator driven by a passively Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser.Applied Optics. 2008, 47(23):4287-4291.
39. Baoshan Wang, Huiming Tan, Jiying Peng, Jieguang Miao, Lanlan Gao. Low threshold, actively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser and frequency doubled 588 nm yellow laser. Optics Communications 2007, 271:555-558.
40. Wang Baoshan, Tan Huiming, Peng Jiying, Miao Jieguang, Gao Lanlan. Low threshold, diode end-pumped Nd:GdVO4 self-Raman laser. Optical Materials 2007, 29:1817-1820.
41. J. G. Miao, B. S. Wang, J. Y. Peng, H. K. Bian, H. M. Tan. Compact eye-safe intracavity optical parametric oscillator with efficient pulse shortening. Laser Physics. 2007, 17:1029-1032.
42. J. G. Miao,B. S. Wang,J. Y. Peng, H. M. Tan, H. K. Bian. Highly stable and efficient KTP-based intracavity optical parametric oscillator with a diode-pumped passively Q-switched laser. Applied Physics B2008, 88:193-196.
43. Jieguang Miao, Baoshan Wang, Jiying Peng, Huiming Tan, Huikun Bian. Efficient diode-pumped passively Q-switched laser with Nd:YAG/Cr:YAG composite crystal.Optics & Laser Technology2008, 40:137–141.
44. Yong-Gang Wang, Xiao-Yu Ma, Ji-Ying Peng, Hui-Ming Tan, and Long-Sheng Qian. High-repetition rate Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser with a composite semiconductor absorber.Applied Optics 2006, 45(25):6616-6619.
45. T. Yubing, T. Huiming, P. Jiying, and L. HongYi. LD-pumped actively Q-Switched Yb:YAG laser with an acoustic–optical modulator. Laser Physics2008, 18:12–14.
46. WANG Bao-Shan, TAN Hui-Ming, GAO Lan-Lan, PENG Ji-Ying. Compact, Low Threshold Nd:YVO4 Self-Raman Laser at 1178nm. Chinese Physics Letters 2006, 23(8):2095-2097.
47. Jieguang Miao, Huiming Tan, Huikun Bian, Baoshan Wang, Jiying Peng. Low threshold narrow pulse width eye-safe intracavity optical parametric oscillator at 1573 nm. Optics Communications 2006, 256:349-353.
48. Z. Zhang, H.M. Tan, L.L. Gao, B.S. Wang, J.G. Miao, J.Y. Peng. Intra-cavity second harmonic generation with Nd:YVO4/BIBO laser at 542 nm. Optics Communications2006, 267:487-490.
49. 王勇剛, 彭繼迎, 檀慧明, 錢龍生, 柴路, 張志剛, 王清月, 林濤, 馬驍宇. 中間鏡式半導體可飽和吸收鏡在Nd:YVO4雷射器中被動調Q特性研究.光子學報 2007, 36(3):401-404.
50. 劉天紅,檀慧明,王保山,彭繼迎,苗傑光. 雷射二極體抽運主動調Q Nd:YVO4自受激拉曼雷射器.中國雷射 2006, 33:1593-1596.




