



  • 中文名:彭玉鑫
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:河南
  • 畢業院校日本東北大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:機械電子工程、運動人體科學
  • 任職院校浙江大學


  • 柔性感測技術、智慧型穿戴設備
  • 柔性機器人、康復機器人、康復器具
  • 運動生物力學、人機工效學、康復醫學


分別於2007年和2010年獲重慶大學機械電子工程專業本科、碩士學位,2013年獲日本東北大學納米機械工學博士學位,2014年至2016年在新加坡國立大學先進機器人中心任Research Fellow,2013年1月在澳大利亞阿德萊德大學作為訪問學者從事精密儀器研究。2016年任浙江大學“百人計畫”研究員、博士生導師,2022年獲長聘堡辣擊教職。先後入選浙江省錢江人才、浙江省之江青年學者等人才計畫項目。主要研究領域為柔性奔企堡諒感測技術、智慧型穿戴設備、柔性機器人、運動生物力學等。曾獲日本學術振興會(JSPS)“組織的な若手研究者等海外派遣プログラム”基金資助、日本東北大乃府微學國際高等研究教故少捆育機構基金資助,以項目負責人主持國家自然科學基金、國家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、浙江省自然科學拜組漿基金等省部級以上項目8項,並參與國家重點研發計畫、軍委科技委創新特區項目、浙江省重點研發計畫、日本JSPS基金項目、新加坡國防科技研究院(DSO)基金項目等。以第一作者或通訊作者在Science子刊《Science Advances》等國際知名期刊發表SCI論文20餘篇,已授權專利20餘項。




A. 期刊論文(SCI)(汗府棵燥* 通訊作者): 
[1] Kai Pang, Xian Song, Zhen Xu*, Xiaoting Liu, Yingjun Liu*, Liang Zhong, Yuxin Peng*, Jianxiang Wang, Jingzhi Zhou, Fanxu Meng, Jian Wang, Chao Gao*. Hydroplastic foaming of graphene aerogels and artificially intelligent tactile sensors. Science Advances. 2020, 6 (46): eabd4045.(《Science》子刊,IF:14.980)
[2] Yuxin Peng, Jianxiang Wang, Xiaoqing Tian, Tao Liu, Weidong Geng, Zefei Zhu. An electronic skin strain sensor for adaptive angle calculation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(13): 12629-12636.
[3] Yuxin Peng, Jianxiang Wang, Kai Pang, Wenming Liu, Jun Meng, Bo Li. A physiology-based flexible strap sensor for gesture recognition by sensing tendon deformation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(7): 9449-9456.
[4] Yuxin Peng, Xiaoyang Wang, Liang Zhong, Kai Pang, Ying Chen, Mingyu Wang, Wenming Liu. A flexible dual-modal sensing system for synchronous pressure and inertial monitoring of finger movement. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(9): 10483-10490.
[5] Yuxin Peng, Jingzhi Zhou, Xian Song, Kai Pang, Akram Samy, Zengming Hao, Jian Wang. A flexible pressure sensor with ink printed porous graphene for continuous cardiovascular status monitoring. Sensors, 2021, 21(2): 485.
[6] Xian Song, Xiaoting Liu, Yuxin Peng*, Zhen Xu, Wenming Liu, Kai Pang, Jianxiang Wang, Liang Zhong, Qiang Yang, Jun Meng. A graphene-coated silk-spandex fabric strain sensor for human movement monitoring and recognition. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(21): 215501.
[7] Jianxiang Wang, Yuxi Chen, Yuxin Peng*, Xian Song, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang. Waveform optimization of a two-axis smooth impact drive mechanism actuator. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2021, 32(2): 156-168.
[8] Bingcheng Hu, Tian Ding*, Yuxin Peng*, Li Liu, Xu Wen. Flexible and attachable inertial measurement unit (IMU)-based motion capture instrumentation for the characterization of hand kinematics: a pilot study. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2021, 49(2): 125-145.
[9] Yuxin Peng, Xian Song, Kai Pang, Qiang Yang, Zhen Xu, Mingming Zhang. A flexible and stretchable bending sensor based on hydrazine-reduced porous graphene for human motion monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20(21): 12661-12670.
[10] Xian Song, Hongqiang Wang, Yangkun Zhang, Wenming Liu, Li Liu*, Yuxin Peng*. A miniaturized dual-slider linear actuator using electrostatic adhesion and inertia drive. Actuators, 2020, 9(4): 114.
[11] Jianxiang Wang, Yuxi Chen, Yuxin Peng*, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang, Xiaoqing Tian. A linear actuator with an SMA clamping mechanism for dual-slider positioning. Microsystem Technologies, 2020, 26(12): 3885-3891.
[12] Xian Song, Yuxin Peng*, Bingcheng Hu, Wenming Liu. Characterization of the fine hand movement in badminton by a smart glove. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2020, 48(4): 443-458.
[13] Peisong Xia, Tian Ding, Yuxin Peng*, Qiang Yang, Jianhua Li. A multi-information data glove for hand function evaluation of stroke patients. Investigacion Clinica, 2020, 61(1): 328-338.
[14] Yujie Hou, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang, Haoyong Yu, Yuxin Peng*. Modeling and experimental verification of a dual-slider piezo-actuated linear motor, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2019, 62(6): 876-880.
[15] Liang Zhong, Feifei Li, Yuxin Peng*, Qiang Yang, Mingming Zhang, Jian Wang. Design and characterization of a T-shaped two-axis force sensor. Sensor Review, 2019, 39(6): 776-782.
[16] Yuxin Peng, Li Liu, Yangkun Zhang, Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Jian Wang. A smooth impact drive mechanism actuation method for flapping wing mechanism of bio-inspired micro air vehicles. Microsystem Technologies, 2018, 24(2): 935-941.
[17] Yuxin Peng, Huiying Wang, Shu Wang, Jian Wang, Jie Cao, Haoyong Yu. Design and experimental validation of a linear piezoelectric micromotor for dual-slider positioning. Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(7): 2363-2370.
[18] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Li Liu, Haoyong Yu. A piezo-driven flapping wing mechanism for micro air vehicles. Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(4): 967-973.
[19] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Zhao Guo, Haoyong Yu. A linear actuator for precision positioning of dual objects. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24: 125039.
[20] Yuxin Peng, Yulong Peng, Xiaoyi Gu, Jian Wang, Haoyong Yu. A review of long range piezoelectric motors using frequency leveraged method. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 235: 240-255.
[21] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yuki Shimizu, Toyohiro Azuma, Wei Gao, Eiji Niwa. A Cr-N thin film displacement sensor for precision positioning of micro stages. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2014, 211: 89-97.
[22] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yasumasa Sakurai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. Construction and verification of a linear-rotary micro-stage with a millimeter-scale range. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2013, 14(9): 1623-1628.
[23] Yuxin Peng, Shilong Wang, Jie Zhou, Song Lei. Structural design, numerical simulation and control system of a machine tool for stranded wire helical springs. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2012, 31: 34-41.
[24] Ni Tang, Lei Zhang, Jianbin Zhou, Jiandong Yu, Boqu Chen, Yuxin Peng, Xiaoqing Tian, Wei Yan, Jiyong Wang, Min Qiu. Nonlinear color space coded by additive digital pulses. Optica, 2021, 8(7): 977-983.
[25] Qing Miao, Zhijun Li, Kaiya Chu, Yudong Liu, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Q. Xie, Mingming Zhang. Performance-based iterative learning control for task-oriented rehabilitation: a pilot study in robot-assisted bilateral training. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2021.3072096.
[26] Zhong Bin, Jinghui Cao, Kaiqi Guo, Andrew McDaid, Yuxin Peng, Qing Miao, ShengQ Xie, Mingming Zhang. Fuzzy logic compliance adaptation for an assist-as-needed controller on the Gait Rehabilitation Exoskeleton (GAREX). Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 133: 103642.
[27] Yangkun Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng, Haoyong Yu. A novel piezo-actuated flapping mechanism based on inertia drive. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020, 31(15): 1782-1792.
[28] Qing Miao, Yuxin Peng, Li Liu, Andrew McDaid, Mingming Zhang. Subject-specific compliance control of an upper-limb bilateral robotic system. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 126: 103478.
[29] Qing Miao, Mingming Zhang, Andrew McDaid, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Xie. A robot-assisted bilateral upper limb training strategy with subject-specific workspace: A pilot study. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 124: 103334.
[30] Yangkun Zhang, Meilin Wang, Yang Cheng, Dongdong Zheng, Yuxin Peng. A stick-slip/inchworm hybrid rotary piezo motor based on a symmetric triangular driving mechanism. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115(13): 131904.
[31] Mingming Zhang, Andrew McDaid, Allan Joshua Veale, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Quan Xie. Adaptive trajectory tracking control of a parallel ankle rehabilitation robot with joint-space force distribution. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 85812-85820.
[32] Yangkun Zhang, Meilin Wang, Yimin Fan, Tien-Fu Lu, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng. Improving load capacity of stick-slip actuators in both driving directions via a shared driving foot. Smart Materials and Structures, 2019, 28: 065004.
[33] Yankun Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Zhenxing Sun, Haoyong Yu. A novel stick-slip piezoelectric actuator based on a triangular compliant driving mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(7): 5374-5382.
[34] Li Liu, Shu Wang, Guoxin Su, Bin Hu, Yuxin Peng, Qingyu Xiong, Junhao Wen. A framework of mining semantic-based probabilistic event relations for complex activity recognition. Information Sciences, 2017, 418-419: 13-33.
[35] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Peng Wang, Kaiyu Zhang, Yuqing Xiao, Kun Li, Yuxin Peng, Qun Hao. Autofocusing imaging system based on laser ranging and a retina-like sample. Applied Optics, 2017, 56(22): 6222-6229.
[36] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Qun Hao, Fanghua Zhang, Kaiyu Zhang, Xiao Li, Kun Li, Yuxin Peng. Improving the performance of time-domain pulsed echo laser profile using tunable lens. Optics Express, 2017, 25(7): 7970-7983.
[37] Li Liu, Shu Wang, Yuxin Peng, Zigang Huang, Ming Liu. Mining intricate temporal rules for recognizing complex activities of daily living under uncertainty. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 60: 1015-1028.
[38] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Peng Wang, Yuxin Peng, Kaiyu Zhang, Leina Wu, Wenze Xia, Haoyong Yu. Method based on bioinspired sample improves autofocusing performances. Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(10):103103.
[39] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yang Cheng, Fanghua Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu. Modelling and simulations on retina-like sensors based on curved surface. Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 5738-5744.
[40] Li Liu, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu, Zigang Huang. Complex activity recognition using time series pattern dictionary learned from ubiquitous sensors. Information Sciences, 2016, 340-341: 41-57.
[41] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng, Jiaxing Mu, Peng Wang, Haoyong Yu. Modeling and simulations of three-dimensional laser imaging based on space-variant structure. Optics and Laser Technology, 2016, 78: 62-70.
[42] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng, Kaiyu Zhang, Jiaxing Mu, Peng Wang. Differential time domain method improves performance of pulsed laser ranging and three-dimensional imaging. Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 360-367.
[43] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Wenze Xia, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng. Design and realization of retina-like three-dimensional imaging based on MOEMS mirror. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016, 82: 1-13.
[44] Li Liu, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu, Zigang Huang. Sensor-based human activity recognition system with a multilayered model using time series shapelets. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 90: 138-152.
[45] Yangkun Zhang, Tien-Fu Lu, Yuxin Peng. Three-port equivalent circuit of multi-layer piezoelectric stack. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 236: 92-97.
[46] Yuki Shimizu, Yuxin Peng, Junji Kaneko, Toyohiro Azuma, So Ito, Wei Gao, Tien-Fu Lu. Design and construction of the motion mechanism of an XY micro-stage for precision positioning. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2013, 201: 395-406.
B. 期刊論文(EI): 
[1] Yuxin Peng, Jun Kaneko, Yoshikazu Arai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao, Koichi Okamoto, Miho Chiba, Shuji Aisawa. A linear micro-stage with a long stroke for precision positioning of micro-objects. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering. 2011
[2] Yuxin Peng, Yasumasa Sakurai, Yoshikazu Arai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. Design of a linear-rotary micro-stage. Proc. of SPIE. 2011
[3] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yuki Shimizu and Wei Gao. A micro-stage for linear-rotary positioning. Key Engineering Materials. 2012
[4] Toyohiro Azuma, Eiji Niwa,Yuxin Peng, Junji Kaneko,Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Cr-N strain-gauge-type precision displacement sensor for measuring positions of micro stage. Key Engineering Materials. 2012, 523-524: 939-944.
C. 會議論文:
[1] Yuxin Peng. Smart Sensing Technologies in Sports Science. 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport 2022 & 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport 2022, 10-13 September, 2022, Vienna, Austria.(主旨報告)
[2] 彭玉鑫. 智慧型感測技術與運動健康. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.(特邀報告)
[3] 彭玉鑫,體育工程中的先進感測技術研究. 第十二屆全國體育科學大會, 2022.3.25-27, 中國,日照.
[4] 宋憲,彭玉鑫,王健翔,柔性應變織物感測器在人體運動檢測中的套用. 第十二屆全國體育科學大會, 2022.3.25-27, 中國,日照.
[5] 仲亮,彭玉鑫. 手部雙模態柔性感測系統研究及其在手部運動中的套用. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[6] 宋憲,王健翔,彭玉鑫. 基於石墨烯新材料薄膜的柔性感測器. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[7] 王健翔,宋憲,彭玉鑫. 一種自感知柔性康復機械手的研究. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[8] 楊毅,彭玉鑫,王健. 基於可穿戴式足底三維測力系統的步態識別研究. 2020 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[9] Xiangying Zhang, Hongling Ye, Tao Peng*, Yuxin Peng, Renzhong Tang, Xingwei Xiang. A smart user authentication approach using sensing seat. IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), 20-24 August, 2020, Hong Kong.
[10] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔. 基於雙目視覺與卷積神經網路的手功能活動損傷評估. 2019中國生物醫學工程大會,2019.11.14-16, 中國,濟南.
[11] 彭玉鑫. 運動人體科學與智慧型感知技術. 中國工業與套用數學學會第十七屆年會(CSIAM 2019), 2019.10.19-22, 中國,佛山.
[12] 宋憲,王健翔,彭玉鑫. 基於時空圖卷積網路的人體運動狀態識別研究. 第十一屆全國體育科學大會, 2019.11.1-3, 中國,南京.
[13] 仲亮,周靜芝,彭玉鑫. 基於智慧型數據指環與虛擬現實的手功能康復系統研究. 第十一屆全國體育科學大會, 2019.11.1-3, 中國,南京.
[14] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng, Peng Wang, Jiaxing Mu, Hanglin Cheng, Haoyong Yu. Three-dimensional pulsed laser imaging based on retina-like structure. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 19-23 November, 2015, Hong Kong. (EI)
[15] Xiaoyi Gu, Zhao Guo, Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu, Gong Chen. Effects of compliant and flexible trunks on peak-power of a lizard-inspired robot. 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 6-9 December, 2015, Zhuhai, China. (EI)
[16] Li Liu, Zigang Huang, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu. A hierarchical pachinko allocation model for social sentiment mining. The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2015), 28-30 October, 2015, Chongqing, China. (EI)
[17] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Li Liu, Jian Wang, Haoyong Yu. Design and optimization of a piezo-actuated flapping wing mechanism for micro air vehicles. ACTUATOR 2016, 15th International Conference on New Actuators, 13-15 June, 2016, Bremen, Germany.
[18] Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu. Design and experimental validation of a piezo-driven MAV flapping wing mechanism. 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), 17-20 April, 2016, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan.
[19] Yuxin Peng, Toyohiro Azuma, Eiji Niwa, Junji Kaneko, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito and Wei Gao. Development of Cr-N strain-gauge-type displacement sensor for positioning of micro-XY stage. Proc. of 7th LEM21, 7 November, 2013, Matsushima, Japan.
[20] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Design and experimental validation of an XY micro-stage. The 47 JSME Tohoku Branch Conference, 13 March, 2012, Sendai, Japan.
[21] 東豊大,彭玉鑫,清水裕樹,伊東聡,高 偉,丹羽英二. マイクロステージ用変位センサに関する研究-測定の高分解能化. 2012年精密工學會東北支部學術講演會講演論文集, 2012.12, 日本, 米沢市.
[22] 東豊大, 丹羽英二, 彭玉鑫, 清水裕樹, 伊東聡, 高偉. マイクロステージ用変位センサに関する研究. 日本機械學會東北支部第47期総會・講演會講演論文集, 2012.3, 日本, 仙台市.
[23] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Modeling and analysis of an XY micro-stage for precision positioning. JSPE Tohoku Branch Conference, 1 December, 2012, Yonezawa, Japan.
[24] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. A micro actuator for linear-rotary two-axis positioning. JSPE Tohoku Branch Conference, 21 October, 2011, Sendai, Japan.
[25] 金子純史,彭玉鑫,東豊大,高偉,丹羽英二,相澤周二. 長ストロークXYマイクロステージに関する研究:マイクロステージの設計と試作. 2011年度精密工學會春季大會學術講演會講演論文集, 2011, 日本, 東京.
[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,柔性可延展二自由度彎曲感測器的製備方法與敏感機理研究,主持。
[2] 國家社科基金後期資助項目,體育工程發展動力機制,主持。
[1] 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目,基於石墨烯柔性感測技術的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[2] 浙江省自然科學基金探索項目,面向軟體康復機器人的柔性光波導彎曲感測技術及機理研究,主持。
[3] 浙江省“之江青年社科學者行動計畫”,麥布里奇影像測量學對現代人體運動測量技術發展的啟示,主持。
[4] 浙江省“錢江人才計畫”C類項目,基於石墨烯智慧型織物與人工智慧的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[5] 浙江省自然科學基金青年項目,主持。
[6] 江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目,主持。
[1] 浙江省體育局體育哲學社會科學重點項目,智慧型體育的探索研究,主持。
[2] 浙江大學學科交叉預研專項 ,一種可穿戴多維度步態檢測技術研究,主持。
[3] 浙江大學青年科研創新專項 ,基於人工智慧的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[4] 浙江大學虛擬仿真實驗教學培育項目,主持。
[1] 國家重點研發計畫,冬季項目運動員技能最佳化關鍵技術研究,參與(項目骨幹)。
[2] 浙江省重點研發計畫,智慧型化精準運動能力檢測與評估系統研製與示範套用,參與。
[3] 浙江省重點研發計畫,基於多生理感知與神經理療的智慧型上肢康復外骨骼系統研發,參與。
[4] 中日青少年科技交流計畫基層對口項目,參與。
[1] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔,仲亮。“一種主動施壓的小型柔性脈診儀及其檢測方法”。申請號:201911095121.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN110916623B,發明,申請日期:2019-11-11,授權日期:2022-02-01。
[2] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,宋憲,王健。“一種角度自適應解算的柔性彎曲感測器”。申請號:202122371108.X, 授權公開(公告)號:CN215914602U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-09-29,授權日期:2022-03-01。
[3] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種用於坐姿監測的陣列式智慧型坐墊”。申請號:202122371009.1, 授權公開(公告)號:CN215838064U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-09-29,授權日期:2022-02-18。
[4] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,仲亮,宋憲,楊毅。“一種多自由度氣動柔性機械手”。申請號:201911148014.7,授權公開(公告)號:CN110877344B,發明,申請日期:2019-11-21,授權日期:2021-11-30。
[5] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,宋憲,劉文明,郝增明,王健。“一種角度自動標定機構”。申請號:202122669947.X,實用新型,申請日期:2021-11-03。發明,申請號:202111293495.8,申請日期:2021-11-03。
[6] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種手指壓力與姿態雙模態柔性感測系統”。申請號:202120377052.6,授權公開(公告)號:CN214409910U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-02-19,授權日期:2021-10-15。發明,申請號:202110188990.6,申請日期:2021-02-19。
[7] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種手指壓力與姿態雙模態檢測方法及裝置”。申請號:202110190634.8,發明,申請日期:2021-02-19。
[8] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,劉文明,孟濬,王健。“一種基於生理特徵的手勢識別柔性感測器”。申請號:202023203407.4,授權公開(公告)號:CN213545222U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-12-28,授權日期:2021-06-25。
[9] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,劉文明。“一種基於形狀記憶合金的夾持機構”。申請號:202022657821.6,授權公開(公告)號:CN213647327U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-11-17,授權日期:2021-07-09。
[10] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,劉文明。“一種高精度長行程的雙物體線性驅動器”。申請號:202021599273.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212305174U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-08-05。授權日期:2021-01-05。發明,申請號:202010775675.9,申請日期:2020-08-05。
[11] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,楊毅,汪曉陽。“一種Y型二維力感測器”。申請號:202020965813.5,授權公開(公告)號:CN212030797U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-06-01,授權日期:2020-11-27。
[12] 彭玉鑫,宋憲。“一種基於中性層基底的柔性可延展彎曲感測器”。申請號:202020793768.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212151614U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-05-14,授權日期:2020-12-15。
[13] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔,蔡燕琳,杜文祥。“一種柔性陣列式電容壓力感測器”。申請號:202020365959.6,授權公開(公告)號: CN211576422U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-03-21,授權日期:2020-09-25。
[14] 彭玉鑫,蔡燕琳,杜文祥。“一種內置式實心擺線電動關節”。申請號:202010123730.6,發明,申請日期:2020-02-27。
[15] 彭玉鑫,杜文祥,蔡燕琳。“一種高精度內藏式中空型擺線電動關節”。申請號:202020218642.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399650U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[16] 魯鑫梁,田曉慶,魯凡,朱澤飛,彭玉鑫,關堯,楊琅。“多感測信息融合的卒中急性期患者手功能康複評估系統”。申請號:202011609760.4,發明,申請日期:2020-12-30。
[17] 蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫。“基於觸覺感測器的智慧型抓取柔性機械手”。申請號:202021076490.0,授權公開(公告)號:CN212527771U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-06-12,授權日期:2021-02-12。
[18] 杜文祥,彭玉鑫,蔡燕琳。“一種擺線減速機內置中空電機的集成式電動關節”。申請號:202010123562.0,發明,申請日期:2020-02-27。
[19] 蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫,杜文祥。“一種高精度內藏式實心擺線電動關節”。申請號:202020218974.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399652U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[20] 蔡燕琳,杜文祥,彭玉鑫。“一種採用軸承套均壓的機械臂關節及機械臂”。申請號:202020218677.3,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399651U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[21] 杜文祥,蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫。“一種中空擺線減速機及電動關節”。申請號:202020218972.9,授權公開(公告)號:CN212421349U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-29。
[22] 馮雪,祁一洲,葉柳順,陳穎,宋憲,彭玉鑫。“柔性石墨烯關節感測器及其製備方法”。申請號:202010036552.3,授權公開(公告)號: CN111232914A,實用新型,申請日期:2020-01-14,公開日期:2020-06-05。
[23] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,宋憲,王健翔。“一種可拉伸柔性貼附式手部精細動作捕捉裝置”。申請號:201922232221.2,授權公開(公告)號:CN210776590U,實用新型,申請日期:2019-12-13,授權日期:2020-06-16。
[24] 彭玉鑫,胡炳城,仲亮,楊毅。“一種貼附式手部動作捕捉系統”。申請號:201922231692.1,授權公開(公告)號:CN210776589U,實用新型,申請日期:2019-12-13,授權日期:2020-06-16。
[25] 彭玉鑫。“一種可穿戴足底陣列式三維測力系統”。申請號:201820075507.7,授權公開(公告)號:CN208096194U,實用新型,申請日期:2018-01-17,授權日期:2018-11-16。發明,申請號:201810043855.0,申請日期:2018-01-17。
[26] 王時龍,張明明,周杰,康玲,雷松,彭玉鑫,李小勇。“小型多股簧數控加工工具機”。申請號:201010219024.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN101898222A,發明,公開日期:2010-12-01,授權日期:2012-02-15。
[27] 王時龍,周杰,康玲,彭玉鑫,程建宏,鄒政。“多股簧數控工具機鋼絲張力控制器”。申請號:200910104596.9,授權公開(公告)號:CN101633026,發明,公開日期:2010-01-27,授權日期:2011-08-31。
[28] 王時龍,周杰,康玲,程建宏,彭玉鑫,鄒政。“多股簧數控加工工具機”。申請號:200910104597.3,授權公開(公告)號:CN101633027,發明,公開日期:2010-01-27,授權日期:2011-06-15。
[29] 王時龍,周杰,姚威,何雲靜,李永兵,康玲,彭玉鑫。“導流式電鍍滾筒總成”。申請號: 200910104024.0,授權公開(公告)號:CN101570880,發明,公開日期:2009-11-04,授權日期:2011-06-15。
[1] Guest Editor, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. (SCI)
[2] Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. (SCI)
[3] Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (SCI)
[4] Reviewer, IEEE Sensors Journal. (SCI)
[5] Reviewer, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical. (SCI)
[6] Reviewer, IEEE Access. (SCI)
[7] Reviewer, Review of Scientific Instruments. (SCI)
[8] Reviewer, Applied Sciences. (SCI)
[9] Reviewer, Microsystem Technologies. (SCI)
[10]Reviewer, Instrumentation Science & Technology. (SCI)
[11]Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. (SCI)
[12]Reviewer, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. (SCI)
[4] Yuxin Peng, Xiaoyang Wang, Liang Zhong, Kai Pang, Ying Chen, Mingyu Wang, Wenming Liu. A flexible dual-modal sensing system for synchronous pressure and inertial monitoring of finger movement. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(9): 10483-10490.
[5] Yuxin Peng, Jingzhi Zhou, Xian Song, Kai Pang, Akram Samy, Zengming Hao, Jian Wang. A flexible pressure sensor with ink printed porous graphene for continuous cardiovascular status monitoring. Sensors, 2021, 21(2): 485.
[6] Xian Song, Xiaoting Liu, Yuxin Peng*, Zhen Xu, Wenming Liu, Kai Pang, Jianxiang Wang, Liang Zhong, Qiang Yang, Jun Meng. A graphene-coated silk-spandex fabric strain sensor for human movement monitoring and recognition. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(21): 215501.
[7] Jianxiang Wang, Yuxi Chen, Yuxin Peng*, Xian Song, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang. Waveform optimization of a two-axis smooth impact drive mechanism actuator. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2021, 32(2): 156-168.
[8] Bingcheng Hu, Tian Ding*, Yuxin Peng*, Li Liu, Xu Wen. Flexible and attachable inertial measurement unit (IMU)-based motion capture instrumentation for the characterization of hand kinematics: a pilot study. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2021, 49(2): 125-145.
[9] Yuxin Peng, Xian Song, Kai Pang, Qiang Yang, Zhen Xu, Mingming Zhang. A flexible and stretchable bending sensor based on hydrazine-reduced porous graphene for human motion monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20(21): 12661-12670.
[10] Xian Song, Hongqiang Wang, Yangkun Zhang, Wenming Liu, Li Liu*, Yuxin Peng*. A miniaturized dual-slider linear actuator using electrostatic adhesion and inertia drive. Actuators, 2020, 9(4): 114.
[11] Jianxiang Wang, Yuxi Chen, Yuxin Peng*, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang, Xiaoqing Tian. A linear actuator with an SMA clamping mechanism for dual-slider positioning. Microsystem Technologies, 2020, 26(12): 3885-3891.
[12] Xian Song, Yuxin Peng*, Bingcheng Hu, Wenming Liu. Characterization of the fine hand movement in badminton by a smart glove. Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2020, 48(4): 443-458.
[13] Peisong Xia, Tian Ding, Yuxin Peng*, Qiang Yang, Jianhua Li. A multi-information data glove for hand function evaluation of stroke patients. Investigacion Clinica, 2020, 61(1): 328-338.
[14] Yujie Hou, Yangkun Zhang, Mingming Zhang, Haoyong Yu, Yuxin Peng*. Modeling and experimental verification of a dual-slider piezo-actuated linear motor, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2019, 62(6): 876-880.
[15] Liang Zhong, Feifei Li, Yuxin Peng*, Qiang Yang, Mingming Zhang, Jian Wang. Design and characterization of a T-shaped two-axis force sensor. Sensor Review, 2019, 39(6): 776-782.
[16] Yuxin Peng, Li Liu, Yangkun Zhang, Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Jian Wang. A smooth impact drive mechanism actuation method for flapping wing mechanism of bio-inspired micro air vehicles. Microsystem Technologies, 2018, 24(2): 935-941.
[17] Yuxin Peng, Huiying Wang, Shu Wang, Jian Wang, Jie Cao, Haoyong Yu. Design and experimental validation of a linear piezoelectric micromotor for dual-slider positioning. Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(7): 2363-2370.
[18] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Li Liu, Haoyong Yu. A piezo-driven flapping wing mechanism for micro air vehicles. Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(4): 967-973.
[19] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Zhao Guo, Haoyong Yu. A linear actuator for precision positioning of dual objects. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24: 125039.
[20] Yuxin Peng, Yulong Peng, Xiaoyi Gu, Jian Wang, Haoyong Yu. A review of long range piezoelectric motors using frequency leveraged method. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 235: 240-255.
[21] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yuki Shimizu, Toyohiro Azuma, Wei Gao, Eiji Niwa. A Cr-N thin film displacement sensor for precision positioning of micro stages. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2014, 211: 89-97.
[22] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yasumasa Sakurai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. Construction and verification of a linear-rotary micro-stage with a millimeter-scale range. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2013, 14(9): 1623-1628.
[23] Yuxin Peng, Shilong Wang, Jie Zhou, Song Lei. Structural design, numerical simulation and control system of a machine tool for stranded wire helical springs. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2012, 31: 34-41.
[24] Ni Tang, Lei Zhang, Jianbin Zhou, Jiandong Yu, Boqu Chen, Yuxin Peng, Xiaoqing Tian, Wei Yan, Jiyong Wang, Min Qiu. Nonlinear color space coded by additive digital pulses. Optica, 2021, 8(7): 977-983.
[25] Qing Miao, Zhijun Li, Kaiya Chu, Yudong Liu, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Q. Xie, Mingming Zhang. Performance-based iterative learning control for task-oriented rehabilitation: a pilot study in robot-assisted bilateral training. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2021.3072096.
[26] Zhong Bin, Jinghui Cao, Kaiqi Guo, Andrew McDaid, Yuxin Peng, Qing Miao, ShengQ Xie, Mingming Zhang. Fuzzy logic compliance adaptation for an assist-as-needed controller on the Gait Rehabilitation Exoskeleton (GAREX). Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 133: 103642.
[27] Yangkun Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng, Haoyong Yu. A novel piezo-actuated flapping mechanism based on inertia drive. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020, 31(15): 1782-1792.
[28] Qing Miao, Yuxin Peng, Li Liu, Andrew McDaid, Mingming Zhang. Subject-specific compliance control of an upper-limb bilateral robotic system. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 126: 103478.
[29] Qing Miao, Mingming Zhang, Andrew McDaid, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Xie. A robot-assisted bilateral upper limb training strategy with subject-specific workspace: A pilot study. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 124: 103334.
[30] Yangkun Zhang, Meilin Wang, Yang Cheng, Dongdong Zheng, Yuxin Peng. A stick-slip/inchworm hybrid rotary piezo motor based on a symmetric triangular driving mechanism. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115(13): 131904.
[31] Mingming Zhang, Andrew McDaid, Allan Joshua Veale, Yuxin Peng, Sheng Quan Xie. Adaptive trajectory tracking control of a parallel ankle rehabilitation robot with joint-space force distribution. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 85812-85820.
[32] Yangkun Zhang, Meilin Wang, Yimin Fan, Tien-Fu Lu, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng. Improving load capacity of stick-slip actuators in both driving directions via a shared driving foot. Smart Materials and Structures, 2019, 28: 065004.
[33] Yankun Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Zhenxing Sun, Haoyong Yu. A novel stick-slip piezoelectric actuator based on a triangular compliant driving mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(7): 5374-5382.
[34] Li Liu, Shu Wang, Guoxin Su, Bin Hu, Yuxin Peng, Qingyu Xiong, Junhao Wen. A framework of mining semantic-based probabilistic event relations for complex activity recognition. Information Sciences, 2017, 418-419: 13-33.
[35] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Peng Wang, Kaiyu Zhang, Yuqing Xiao, Kun Li, Yuxin Peng, Qun Hao. Autofocusing imaging system based on laser ranging and a retina-like sample. Applied Optics, 2017, 56(22): 6222-6229.
[36] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Qun Hao, Fanghua Zhang, Kaiyu Zhang, Xiao Li, Kun Li, Yuxin Peng. Improving the performance of time-domain pulsed echo laser profile using tunable lens. Optics Express, 2017, 25(7): 7970-7983.
[37] Li Liu, Shu Wang, Yuxin Peng, Zigang Huang, Ming Liu. Mining intricate temporal rules for recognizing complex activities of daily living under uncertainty. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 60: 1015-1028.
[38] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Peng Wang, Yuxin Peng, Kaiyu Zhang, Leina Wu, Wenze Xia, Haoyong Yu. Method based on bioinspired sample improves autofocusing performances. Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(10):103103.
[39] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yang Cheng, Fanghua Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu. Modelling and simulations on retina-like sensors based on curved surface. Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 5738-5744.
[40] Li Liu, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu, Zigang Huang. Complex activity recognition using time series pattern dictionary learned from ubiquitous sensors. Information Sciences, 2016, 340-341: 41-57.
[41] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng, Jiaxing Mu, Peng Wang, Haoyong Yu. Modeling and simulations of three-dimensional laser imaging based on space-variant structure. Optics and Laser Technology, 2016, 78: 62-70.
[42] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng, Kaiyu Zhang, Jiaxing Mu, Peng Wang. Differential time domain method improves performance of pulsed laser ranging and three-dimensional imaging. Applied Optics, 2016, 55: 360-367.
[43] Jie Cao, Qun Hao, Wenze Xia, Yuxin Peng, Yang Cheng. Design and realization of retina-like three-dimensional imaging based on MOEMS mirror. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016, 82: 1-13.
[44] Li Liu, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu, Zigang Huang. Sensor-based human activity recognition system with a multilayered model using time series shapelets. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 90: 138-152.
[45] Yangkun Zhang, Tien-Fu Lu, Yuxin Peng. Three-port equivalent circuit of multi-layer piezoelectric stack. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 236: 92-97.
[46] Yuki Shimizu, Yuxin Peng, Junji Kaneko, Toyohiro Azuma, So Ito, Wei Gao, Tien-Fu Lu. Design and construction of the motion mechanism of an XY micro-stage for precision positioning. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2013, 201: 395-406.
B. 期刊論文(EI): 
[1] Yuxin Peng, Jun Kaneko, Yoshikazu Arai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao, Koichi Okamoto, Miho Chiba, Shuji Aisawa. A linear micro-stage with a long stroke for precision positioning of micro-objects. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering. 2011
[2] Yuxin Peng, Yasumasa Sakurai, Yoshikazu Arai, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. Design of a linear-rotary micro-stage. Proc. of SPIE. 2011
[3] Yuxin Peng, So Ito, Yuki Shimizu and Wei Gao. A micro-stage for linear-rotary positioning. Key Engineering Materials. 2012
[4] Toyohiro Azuma, Eiji Niwa,Yuxin Peng, Junji Kaneko,Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Cr-N strain-gauge-type precision displacement sensor for measuring positions of micro stage. Key Engineering Materials. 2012, 523-524: 939-944.
C. 會議論文:
[1] Yuxin Peng. Smart Sensing Technologies in Sports Science. 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport 2022 & 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport 2022, 10-13 September, 2022, Vienna, Austria.(主旨報告)
[2] 彭玉鑫. 智慧型感測技術與運動健康. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.(特邀報告)
[3] 彭玉鑫,體育工程中的先進感測技術研究. 第十二屆全國體育科學大會, 2022.3.25-27, 中國,日照.
[4] 宋憲,彭玉鑫,王健翔,柔性應變織物感測器在人體運動檢測中的套用. 第十二屆全國體育科學大會, 2022.3.25-27, 中國,日照.
[5] 仲亮,彭玉鑫. 手部雙模態柔性感測系統研究及其在手部運動中的套用. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[6] 宋憲,王健翔,彭玉鑫. 基於石墨烯新材料薄膜的柔性感測器. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[7] 王健翔,宋憲,彭玉鑫. 一種自感知柔性康復機械手的研究. 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[8] 楊毅,彭玉鑫,王健. 基於可穿戴式足底三維測力系統的步態識別研究. 2020 第十屆全國體育工程技術大會,2022.3.12,中國,西安.
[9] Xiangying Zhang, Hongling Ye, Tao Peng*, Yuxin Peng, Renzhong Tang, Xingwei Xiang. A smart user authentication approach using sensing seat. IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), 20-24 August, 2020, Hong Kong.
[10] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔. 基於雙目視覺與卷積神經網路的手功能活動損傷評估. 2019中國生物醫學工程大會,2019.11.14-16, 中國,濟南.
[11] 彭玉鑫. 運動人體科學與智慧型感知技術. 中國工業與套用數學學會第十七屆年會(CSIAM 2019), 2019.10.19-22, 中國,佛山.
[12] 宋憲,王健翔,彭玉鑫. 基於時空圖卷積網路的人體運動狀態識別研究. 第十一屆全國體育科學大會, 2019.11.1-3, 中國,南京.
[13] 仲亮,周靜芝,彭玉鑫. 基於智慧型數據指環與虛擬現實的手功能康復系統研究. 第十一屆全國體育科學大會, 2019.11.1-3, 中國,南京.
[14] Jie Cao, Yang Cheng, Yuxin Peng, Peng Wang, Jiaxing Mu, Hanglin Cheng, Haoyong Yu. Three-dimensional pulsed laser imaging based on retina-like structure. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 19-23 November, 2015, Hong Kong. (EI)
[15] Xiaoyi Gu, Zhao Guo, Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu, Gong Chen. Effects of compliant and flexible trunks on peak-power of a lizard-inspired robot. 2015 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 6-9 December, 2015, Zhuhai, China. (EI)
[16] Li Liu, Zigang Huang, Yuxin Peng, Ming Liu. A hierarchical pachinko allocation model for social sentiment mining. The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2015), 28-30 October, 2015, Chongqing, China. (EI)
[17] Yuxin Peng, Jie Cao, Li Liu, Jian Wang, Haoyong Yu. Design and optimization of a piezo-actuated flapping wing mechanism for micro air vehicles. ACTUATOR 2016, 15th International Conference on New Actuators, 13-15 June, 2016, Bremen, Germany.
[18] Yuxin Peng, Haoyong Yu. Design and experimental validation of a piezo-driven MAV flapping wing mechanism. 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), 17-20 April, 2016, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan.
[19] Yuxin Peng, Toyohiro Azuma, Eiji Niwa, Junji Kaneko, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito and Wei Gao. Development of Cr-N strain-gauge-type displacement sensor for positioning of micro-XY stage. Proc. of 7th LEM21, 7 November, 2013, Matsushima, Japan.
[20] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Design and experimental validation of an XY micro-stage. The 47 JSME Tohoku Branch Conference, 13 March, 2012, Sendai, Japan.
[21] 東豊大,彭玉鑫,清水裕樹,伊東聡,高 偉,丹羽英二. マイクロステージ用変位センサに関する研究-測定の高分解能化. 2012年精密工學會東北支部學術講演會講演論文集, 2012.12, 日本, 米沢市.
[22] 東豊大, 丹羽英二, 彭玉鑫, 清水裕樹, 伊東聡, 高偉. マイクロステージ用変位センサに関する研究. 日本機械學會東北支部第47期総會・講演會講演論文集, 2012.3, 日本, 仙台市.
[23] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, So Ito, Wei Gao. Modeling and analysis of an XY micro-stage for precision positioning. JSPE Tohoku Branch Conference, 1 December, 2012, Yonezawa, Japan.
[24] Yuxin Peng, Yuki Shimizu, Wei Gao. A micro actuator for linear-rotary two-axis positioning. JSPE Tohoku Branch Conference, 21 October, 2011, Sendai, Japan.
[25] 金子純史,彭玉鑫,東豊大,高偉,丹羽英二,相澤周二. 長ストロークXYマイクロステージに関する研究:マイクロステージの設計と試作. 2011年度精密工學會春季大會學術講演會講演論文集, 2011, 日本, 東京.
[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,柔性可延展二自由度彎曲感測器的製備方法與敏感機理研究,主持。
[2] 國家社科基金後期資助項目,體育工程發展動力機制,主持。
[1] 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目,基於石墨烯柔性感測技術的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[2] 浙江省自然科學基金探索項目,面向軟體康復機器人的柔性光波導彎曲感測技術及機理研究,主持。
[3] 浙江省“之江青年社科學者行動計畫”,麥布里奇影像測量學對現代人體運動測量技術發展的啟示,主持。
[4] 浙江省“錢江人才計畫”C類項目,基於石墨烯智慧型織物與人工智慧的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[5] 浙江省自然科學基金青年項目,主持。
[6] 江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目,主持。
[1] 浙江省體育局體育哲學社會科學重點項目,智慧型體育的探索研究,主持。
[2] 浙江大學學科交叉預研專項 ,一種可穿戴多維度步態檢測技術研究,主持。
[3] 浙江大學青年科研創新專項 ,基於人工智慧的人體精細動作研究,主持。
[4] 浙江大學虛擬仿真實驗教學培育項目,主持。
[1] 國家重點研發計畫,冬季項目運動員技能最佳化關鍵技術研究,參與(項目骨幹)。
[2] 浙江省重點研發計畫,智慧型化精準運動能力檢測與評估系統研製與示範套用,參與。
[3] 浙江省重點研發計畫,基於多生理感知與神經理療的智慧型上肢康復外骨骼系統研發,參與。
[4] 中日青少年科技交流計畫基層對口項目,參與。
[1] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔,仲亮。“一種主動施壓的小型柔性脈診儀及其檢測方法”。申請號:201911095121.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN110916623B,發明,申請日期:2019-11-11,授權日期:2022-02-01。
[2] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,宋憲,王健。“一種角度自適應解算的柔性彎曲感測器”。申請號:202122371108.X, 授權公開(公告)號:CN215914602U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-09-29,授權日期:2022-03-01。
[3] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種用於坐姿監測的陣列式智慧型坐墊”。申請號:202122371009.1, 授權公開(公告)號:CN215838064U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-09-29,授權日期:2022-02-18。
[4] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,仲亮,宋憲,楊毅。“一種多自由度氣動柔性機械手”。申請號:201911148014.7,授權公開(公告)號:CN110877344B,發明,申請日期:2019-11-21,授權日期:2021-11-30。
[5] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,宋憲,劉文明,郝增明,王健。“一種角度自動標定機構”。申請號:202122669947.X,實用新型,申請日期:2021-11-03。發明,申請號:202111293495.8,申請日期:2021-11-03。
[6] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種手指壓力與姿態雙模態柔性感測系統”。申請號:202120377052.6,授權公開(公告)號:CN214409910U,實用新型,申請日期:2021-02-19,授權日期:2021-10-15。發明,申請號:202110188990.6,申請日期:2021-02-19。
[7] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,張玲,郝增明,王健。“一種手指壓力與姿態雙模態檢測方法及裝置”。申請號:202110190634.8,發明,申請日期:2021-02-19。
[8] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,劉文明,孟濬,王健。“一種基於生理特徵的手勢識別柔性感測器”。申請號:202023203407.4,授權公開(公告)號:CN213545222U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-12-28,授權日期:2021-06-25。
[9] 彭玉鑫,王健翔,劉文明。“一種基於形狀記憶合金的夾持機構”。申請號:202022657821.6,授權公開(公告)號:CN213647327U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-11-17,授權日期:2021-07-09。
[10] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,劉文明。“一種高精度長行程的雙物體線性驅動器”。申請號:202021599273.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212305174U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-08-05。授權日期:2021-01-05。發明,申請號:202010775675.9,申請日期:2020-08-05。
[11] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,楊毅,汪曉陽。“一種Y型二維力感測器”。申請號:202020965813.5,授權公開(公告)號:CN212030797U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-06-01,授權日期:2020-11-27。
[12] 彭玉鑫,宋憲。“一種基於中性層基底的柔性可延展彎曲感測器”。申請號:202020793768.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212151614U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-05-14,授權日期:2020-12-15。
[13] 彭玉鑫,宋憲,王健翔,蔡燕琳,杜文祥。“一種柔性陣列式電容壓力感測器”。申請號:202020365959.6,授權公開(公告)號: CN211576422U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-03-21,授權日期:2020-09-25。
[14] 彭玉鑫,蔡燕琳,杜文祥。“一種內置式實心擺線電動關節”。申請號:202010123730.6,發明,申請日期:2020-02-27。
[15] 彭玉鑫,杜文祥,蔡燕琳。“一種高精度內藏式中空型擺線電動關節”。申請號:202020218642.X,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399650U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[16] 魯鑫梁,田曉慶,魯凡,朱澤飛,彭玉鑫,關堯,楊琅。“多感測信息融合的卒中急性期患者手功能康複評估系統”。申請號:202011609760.4,發明,申請日期:2020-12-30。
[17] 蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫。“基於觸覺感測器的智慧型抓取柔性機械手”。申請號:202021076490.0,授權公開(公告)號:CN212527771U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-06-12,授權日期:2021-02-12。
[18] 杜文祥,彭玉鑫,蔡燕琳。“一種擺線減速機內置中空電機的集成式電動關節”。申請號:202010123562.0,發明,申請日期:2020-02-27。
[19] 蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫,杜文祥。“一種高精度內藏式實心擺線電動關節”。申請號:202020218974.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399652U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[20] 蔡燕琳,杜文祥,彭玉鑫。“一種採用軸承套均壓的機械臂關節及機械臂”。申請號:202020218677.3,授權公開(公告)號:CN212399651U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-26。
[21] 杜文祥,蔡燕琳,彭玉鑫。“一種中空擺線減速機及電動關節”。申請號:202020218972.9,授權公開(公告)號:CN212421349U,實用新型,申請日期:2020-02-27,授權日期:2021-01-29。
[22] 馮雪,祁一洲,葉柳順,陳穎,宋憲,彭玉鑫。“柔性石墨烯關節感測器及其製備方法”。申請號:202010036552.3,授權公開(公告)號: CN111232914A,實用新型,申請日期:2020-01-14,公開日期:2020-06-05。
[23] 彭玉鑫,仲亮,宋憲,王健翔。“一種可拉伸柔性貼附式手部精細動作捕捉裝置”。申請號:201922232221.2,授權公開(公告)號:CN210776590U,實用新型,申請日期:2019-12-13,授權日期:2020-06-16。
[24] 彭玉鑫,胡炳城,仲亮,楊毅。“一種貼附式手部動作捕捉系統”。申請號:201922231692.1,授權公開(公告)號:CN210776589U,實用新型,申請日期:2019-12-13,授權日期:2020-06-16。
[25] 彭玉鑫。“一種可穿戴足底陣列式三維測力系統”。申請號:201820075507.7,授權公開(公告)號:CN208096194U,實用新型,申請日期:2018-01-17,授權日期:2018-11-16。發明,申請號:201810043855.0,申請日期:2018-01-17。
[26] 王時龍,張明明,周杰,康玲,雷松,彭玉鑫,李小勇。“小型多股簧數控加工工具機”。申請號:201010219024.8,授權公開(公告)號:CN101898222A,發明,公開日期:2010-12-01,授權日期:2012-02-15。
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[28] 王時龍,周杰,康玲,程建宏,彭玉鑫,鄒政。“多股簧數控加工工具機”。申請號:200910104597.3,授權公開(公告)號:CN101633027,發明,公開日期:2010-01-27,授權日期:2011-06-15。
[29] 王時龍,周杰,姚威,何雲靜,李永兵,康玲,彭玉鑫。“導流式電鍍滾筒總成”。申請號: 200910104024.0,授權公開(公告)號:CN101570880,發明,公開日期:2009-11-04,授權日期:2011-06-15。
[1] Guest Editor, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. (SCI)
[2] Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. (SCI)
[3] Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (SCI)
[4] Reviewer, IEEE Sensors Journal. (SCI)
[5] Reviewer, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical. (SCI)
[6] Reviewer, IEEE Access. (SCI)
[7] Reviewer, Review of Scientific Instruments. (SCI)
[8] Reviewer, Applied Sciences. (SCI)
[9] Reviewer, Microsystem Technologies. (SCI)
[10]Reviewer, Instrumentation Science & Technology. (SCI)
[11]Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. (SCI)
[12]Reviewer, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. (SCI)


