2003/8–2004/7, 比利時魯汶大學, 博士聯合培養
2000/9–2005/6, 華中科技大學, 電機與電器, 博士研究生
1996/9–2000/6, 華中科技大學, 電氣工程, 學士
2011/11 - 至 今,華中科技大學,國家脈衝強磁場科學中心,教授
2009/07-2009/08,比利時魯汶大學,物理系,Visiting fellow
2008/05-2008/06,比利時魯汶大學,物理系,Visiting fellow
2006/07-2006/12,比利時魯汶大學,物理系,Visiting fellow
2005/06-2005/09,比利時魯汶大學,物理系,Visiting scholar
1. 電磁場分析計算與數值仿真
2. 超強脈衝磁場產生技術
3. 電磁線圈設計
4. 強磁場套用
5. 磁場測量技術
國家重點研發計畫,2016YFA0401701,超強脈衝磁體理論與設計, 2016/07-2020/06, 500萬,主持
教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫, NCET-12-0220,90-100 T 級脈衝磁體中纖維加固材料力學行為研究,2013/01-2015/12,50萬、主持
國家自然科學基金面上項目,51177064、80 T級脈衝磁體力學特性理論與實驗研究,2012/01-2015/12,52萬元,主持
科技部國家合作項目,國科外函【2002】371,超強脈衝磁場開發研究,2003/01-2004/12, 7.1萬歐元,參與
2.T. Peng,F. Jiang,Q.Q. Sun,Y. Pan,F. Herlach,L. Li*,Concept Design of 100T Pulsed Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(4):4300504
3.T. Peng*,F. Jiang,Q.Q. Sun,Q. Xu,H.X. Xiao,F. Herlach,L. Li,Design and Test of a 90 T Non-destructive Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(3):4300604
4.Tao Peng*,Quqin Sun,Jianlong Zhao,Fan Jiang,Liang Li,Qiang Xu,Fritz Herlach,Development of Fast Cooling Pulsed Magnets at the WHMFC,Review of Scientific Instruments,2013,84:125112
5.T. Peng*,H.X. Xiao,F. Herlach,L. Li,Measurement of the deformation in pulsed magnets by means of optical fiber sensors,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2012,22(3):9000504
6.T. Peng*,Q.Q. Sun,X. Zhang,Q. Xu,H.X. Xiao,F. Herlach,Y. Pan,L. Li,Design and Performance of the First Dual-Coil Magnet at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Journal of Low Temperature Physics,2012,170(5/6):463-468
7.T. Peng*,L. Li,F. Herlach,Development of Pulsed Magnets in WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2010,20(3):652-655
8.T. Peng,Y.X. Song,F. Herlach,L. Li*,Influence of a Thick Stainless Steel Shell on the Field Waveform of a Pulsed Magnet,Journal of Low Temperature Physics,2010,159(1-2):341-344
9. L. Li,Y.L. Lv,H.X. Xiao,Y. Pan,T. Peng*,High performance pulsed high magnetic fields at Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(4)
10.F. Jiang,Q. Q. Sun,Z. P. Lai,B. Luo,Y. Pan,L. Li,T. Peng*,Electromagnetically driven expanding ringtest for the strength study of the Zylon/epoxy composite,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(4):9000106
11. Quqin Sun,Fan Jiang,Le Deng,Houxiu Xiao,Liang Li,Ming Liang,Tao Peng*,Uniaxial fatigue behavior of Cu–Nb micro-composite conductor, part I: Effect of peak stress and stress ratio,International Journal of Fatigue, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.025,2015
12. Q.Q. Sun,L. Li,F. Jiang,H.X. Xiao,T. Peng*,Fatigue Properties of CuNb Conductor used for Pulsed Magnets at the WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(3):501404
13. L. Li,Y.L. Lv,H.F. Ding,T.H. Ding,X.T. Han,H.X. Xiao,Y. Xu,G.B. Wang,Y. Yuan,F. Jiang,Q.Q. Sun,X.Z. Duan,Y. Pan,T. Peng*,Short and long pulse high magnetic field facilities at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2014,24(3):9500404
14. L. Li,T. Peng*,H.X. Xiao,Y.L. Lv,Y. Pan,F. Herlach,Magnet Development Program at the WHMFC,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2012,22(3):4300304
15. L Li,T Peng*,H F Ding,Progress in the Development of the Wuhan Pulsed High Magnetic Field Center,Journal of Low Temperature Physics,2010,159(1-2):374-380