- 中文名:彭池方
- 畢業院校:江南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:食品質量安全檢測與控制
- 任職院校:江南大學食品學院
1.基於大環主體分子修飾多功能納米酶的食品危害物識別與檢測方法研究:國家自然科學基金面上項目.(31871879)2019 - 2022。
2.食品安全風險知識庫設計與套用:十三五國家重點研發計畫子課題.(2017YFC1601000)2017 - 2021。
3.強抗干擾型食品危害物快速均相免疫分析新方法研究:國家自然科學基金面上項目.(31371767)2014 - 2017。
4.基於納米材料標記的食品化學殘留物快速檢測方法研究:全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項.(201187),2012 - 2015。
5.基於新材料和分子識別的食品中有害因子高通量檢測技術研發:國家科技支撐項目子課題.(2012BAK17B109)2012 - 2015/12。
6.水產品加工過程中危害因素的識別與脫除技術研究:國家科技支撐項目子課題.(2015BAD17B02/002),2015 - 2018。
8.食品危害物快速均相免疫分析方法研究:教育部博士點青年教師基金.(20110093120003),2010 – 2012。
1. Xie, Z.-J., Shi, M.-R., Wang, L.-Y., Peng, C.-F.*, Wei, X.-L. * Colorimetric determination of Pb2+ ions based on surface leaching of Au@Pt nanoparticles as peroxidase mimic, Microchimica Acta 2020, 187(4), 255-261.
2. Xie, Z.-J.; Bao, X.-Y.; Peng, C.-F.* Highly Sensitive and Selective Colorimetric Detection of Methylmercury Based on DNA Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles. Sensors 2018, 18 (8), 2679-2685.
3.Zhu, Y.; Liu, C.-L.; Xie, Z.-J.; Liu, L.-Q.; Peng, C.-F.*; Xue, F., Botryoid-shaped nanoparticles-enhanced ELISA for ochratoxin A. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2017, 28 (2), 299-309.
4. Peng, C.-F.*; Pan, N.; Qian, Z.-J.; Wei, X.-L.; Shao, G. Colorimetric detection of thiocyanate based on inhibiting the catalytic activity of cystine-capped core-shell Au@Pt nanocatalysts. Talanta 2017, 175, 114-120.
5. Pan, N.; Li-Ying, W.; Wu, L.-L.; Peng, C.-F.*; Xie, Z.-J. Colorimetric determination of cysteine by exploiting its inhibitory action on the peroxidase-like activity of Au@Pt core-shell nanohybrids. Microchimica Acta 2017, 184 (1), 65-72.
6. Wu, L.-L.; Wang, L.-Y.; Xie, Z.-J.; Xue, F.; Peng, C.-F.* Colorimetric detection of Hg2+based on inhibiting the peroxidase-like activity of DNA–Ag/Pt nanoclusters. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (79), 75384-75389.
7. Wu, L.-L.; Wang, L.-Y.; Xie, Z.-J.; Pan, N.; Peng, C.-F.* Colorimetric assay of l-cysteine based on peroxidase-mimicking DNA-Ag/Pt nanoclusters. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016, 235, 110-116.
8. Peng, C.-F.*; Pan, N.; Xie, Z.-J.; Wu, L.-L. Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of Hg2+based on the separation of Hg2+and formation of catalytic DNA–gold nanoparticles. Analytical Methods 2016, 8 (5), 1021-1025.
9. Pan, N.; Zhu, Y.; Wu, L.-L.; Xie, Z.-J.; Xue, F.; Peng, C.-F.* Highly sensitive colorimetric detection of copper ions based on regulating the peroxidase-like activity of Au@Pt nanohybrids. Analytical Methods 2016, 8 (41), 7531-7536.
10. Peng, C.*; Liu, C.; Xie, Z. Preparation of a fluorescent silver nanoprism-dye complex for detection of hydrogen peroxide in milk. Analytical Methods 2015, 7 (23), 9749-9752.
11. Peng, C.*; Duan, X.; Khamba, G. W.; Xie, Z. Highly sensitive "signal on" plasmonic ELISA for small molecules by the naked eye. Analytical Methods 2014, 6 (24), 9616-9621.
12. Peng, C.*; Duan, X.; Song, S.; Xue, F. Parts Per Trillion Detection of 7-Aminonitrazepam by Nano-Enhanced ELISA. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013, 14 (10), 19474-19483.
13. Peng, C.-F.*; Qin, Z.-F.; Ruan, Z.-X.; Xu, C.-L.; Jin, Z.-Y. Rapid determination of clenbuterol in urine by a competitive bead immunoassay based on luminex technology. Immunol Invest 2011, 40 (1), 14-28.
14. Peng, C. F.; Li, Z. K.; Zhu, Y. Y.; Chen, W.; Yuan, Y.; Liu, L. Q.; Li, Q. S.; Xu, D. H.; Qiao, R. R.; Wang, L. B.; Zhu, S. F.; Jin, Z. Y.*; Xu, C. L*. Simultaneous and sensitive determination of multiplex chemical residues based on multicolor quantum dot probes. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2009, 24 (12), 3657-3662.
15. Peng, C. F.; Chen, Y. W.; Chen, W.; Xu, C. L. *; Kim, J. M.; Jin, Z. Y.* Development of a sensitive heterologous ELISA method for analysis of acetylgestagen residues in animal fat. Food Chemistry 2008, 109 (3), 647-653.