- 中文名:彭東海
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖南省衡南縣
- 出生日期:1982年1月
- 職業:教學/科研
- 畢業院校:華中農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:微生物學/微生物農藥
- 職務:華中農業大學副教授
2003/09—2009/06,華中農業大學,生命科學與技術學院,博士 (導師:孫明教授)
2013/01—至今, 華中農業大學,生命科學與技術學院,副教授
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,31000020、蘇雲金芽胞桿菌溶源性噬菌體裂解關鍵控制因子、2011/01-2013/12、19萬元、主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31370002、蘇雲金芽胞桿菌控制溶源性噬菌體關鍵因子的功能和作用模式、2014/01-2017/12、80萬元、主持。(青年面上連續資助)
- Geng C#, Nie XT#, Tang ZC, Zhang YY, Lin J, Sun M, Peng DH*. (2016) A novel serine protease, Sep1, from Bacillus firmus DS-1 has nematicidal activity and degrades multiple intestinal-associated nematode proteins. Sci Rep, 6:25012. (5-Year IF: 5.525)
- Peng DH, Lin J, Hang Q, Zheng W, Liu GQ, Zheng JS, Zhu L, Sun M*. (2016) A novel metalloproteinase virulence factor is involved in B. thuringiensis pathogenesis in nematodes and insects. Environ Microbiol, 18(3):846-862. (5-Year IF: 6.288)
- Zhang FJ, Peng DH, Cheng CS, Zhou W, Ju SY, Wan DF, Yu ZQ, Shi JW, Deng Y, Wang F, Ye X, Hu Z, Lin J, Ruan L, Sun M. (2016) Bacillus thuringiensis Crystal Protein Cry6Aa Triggers Caenorhabditis elegans Necrosis Pathway Mediated by Aspartic Protease (ASP-1). PLoS Pathog, 12(1):e1005389. (5-Year IF: 7.758)
- Peng DH, Pang CY, Wu H, Huang Q, Zheng JS, Sun M*. (2015) TheexpressionandcrystallizationofCry65AarequiretwoC-termini,revealinganovelevolutionarystrategyof Bacillusthuringiensis Cryproteins. Sci Rep, 5: 8291. (5-Year IF: 5.525)
- Ruan LF, Crickmore N, Peng DH, Sun M*. (2015) Are nematodes a missing link in the confounded ecology of the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis? Trends Microbiol, 23(6):341-346. (5-Year IF: 9.309)
- Zhang FJ#, Peng DH#, Ye XB, Yu ZQ, Hu ZF, Ruan LF, Sun M*. (2012) In vitro uptake of 140 kDa Bacillus thuringiensis nematicidal crystal proteins by the second stage juvenile of Meloidogyne hapla. PLoS One, 7:e38534. (5-Year IF: 3.535)
- Peng DH, Wang FS, Li NS, Zhang ZY, Song R. Zhu ZM, Ruan LF, Sun M*. (2011) Single cysteine substitution in Bacillus thuringiensis Cry7Ba1 improves the crystal solubility and produces toxicity to Plutella xylostella larvae. Environ Microbiol, 13:2820-2831. (5-Year IF: 6.288)
- Peng DH, Chai LJ, Wang FS, Zhang FJ, Ruan LF, Sun M*. (2011) Synergistic activity between Bacillus thuringiensis Cry6Aa and Cry55Aa toxins against Meloidogyne incognita. Microb Biotechnol, 4(6):794-798. (5-Year IF: 3.927)
- Peng DH, Qiu DW, Ruan LF, Zhou CF, Sun M*. (2011) Protein elicitor PemG1 from Magnaporthe grisea induces SAR in plants through the salicylic acid and Ca-related signaling pathways. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 24:1239-1246. (5-Year IF:4.328)
- Zhong CY#, Peng DH#, Ye WX, Chai LJ, Qi JL, Yu ZN, Ruan LF, Sun M*. (2011) Determination of plasmid copy number reveals the total plasmid DNA amount is greater than the chromosome DNA amount in Bacillus thuringiensis YBT-1520.PLoS One, 6:e16025. (5-Year IF: 3.535)
- Peng DH#, Xu XH#, Ye WX, Yu ZN, Sun M*. (2010) Helicoverpa armigera cadherin fragment enhances Cry1Acinsecticidal activity by facilitating toxin-oligomer formation. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 85:1033-1040. (5-Year IF:3.882)
- Peng DH, Xu XH, Ruan LF, Yu ZN, Sun M*. (2010) Enhancing Cry1Actoxicity by expression of the Helicoverpa armigera cadherin fragment in Bacillus thuringiensis. Res Microbiol, 161:383-389. (5-Year IF:2.772)
- Peng DH, Luo Y, Guo SX, Zeng H, Ju SY, Yu ZN, Sun M*. (2009) Elaboration of an electroporation protocol for larger plasmids and wild-type strains in Bacillus thuringiensis.J Appl Microbiol, 106:1849-1858. (5-Year IF:2.637)
- Peng DH, Zhou CF, Chen SW, Ruan LF, Yu ZN, Sun M*. (2008) Toxicological safety assessment of genetically modified Bacillus thuringiensis with additional N-Acyl homoserine lactonase gene. Environ Toxicol Chem, 27: 173-180. (5-Year IF:3.017)
- Peng DH, Chen SW, Ruan LF, Li L, Yu ZN, Sun M*. (2007) Safety assessment of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis with VIP insecticidal protein gene by feeding studies. Food Chem Toxicol, 45, 1179-1185. (5-Year IF:3.44)