2010.7-2014.12, 西北農林科技大學,食品科學與工程學院,講師
(5) 西北農林科技大學基本科研業務費(2014YB021),2014-2016,10萬元,主持
1. Xiaorui Wang, Chengni Jin, Yujie Zhong, Xuan Li, Jiahui Han, Wei Xue, Peng Wu, Xiaodong Xia*, Xiaoli Peng*, Glutathione reduction of patulin-evoked cytotoxicity in HEK293 cells by the prevention of oxidative damage and the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 7775-7783 (SCI, IF=3.412,通訊作者)
2.Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Xiaorui Wang, Xuan Li, Jiahui Han, Wei Xue, Peng W, Xiaodong Xia* and Xiaoli Peng*, Protective effects of apigenin against 3-MCPD-induced renal injury in rat, Chemico-biological interaction, 2018, accept (SCI, IF=3.296,通訊作者)
3. Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Xiaorui Wang, Xuan Li, Jiahui Han, Wei Xue, Peng Wu, Xiaodong Xia, Xiaoli Peng, The effect ofapigeninon 3- chloro-1,2-propanediol inducedrenal injuryandmitochondrialfission and fusion in rats,2018, 5, 15 (EI,通訊作者)
4. Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Jing Gan, Xiaorui Wang, Zhenqiang Shi, Xiaodong Xia, Xiaoli Peng, Apigenin attenuates patulin-induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells by modulation ROS-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase signal pathway, Toxicon, 2017, 137: 106-113 (SCI, IF=2.352,通訊作者)
5.Xiaoli Peng, Jing Gan, Qian Wang, Zhenqiang Shi, Xiaodong Xia*, 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) induces apoptosis via mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system impairment and the caspase cascade pathway, Toxicology, 2016,372:1-11 (SCI,IF=3.817, 第一作者)
6.Baigang Zhang, Xiaoli Peng*, Guanghui Li, Xiaodong Xia*, Oxidative stress is involved in Patulin induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells, Toxicon, 2015, 94: 1-7.(SCI,IF=2.581,通訊作者)
7. Xiaoli Peng,Jingpeng Yang, Pengle Cui, Yu Fu, Qiang Zhang, Xiaodong Xia, Influence of allicin on quality and volatile compounds of fresh-cut stem lettuce during cold storage, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2015, 60 (1): 300-307. (SCI,IF=2.468, 第一作者)
8. Xiaoli Peng, Ren L, Rong Zou, Jun Chen, Qiang Z, Pengle Cui, Fuli Chen, Yu Fu, Jingpeng Yang, Xiaodong Xia*. Allicin inhibits microbial growth and oxidative browning of fresh-cut lettuce (Lactuca sativa) during refrigerated storage.
Food and Bioprocess Technology,2014,7:1597-1605. (SCI,IF=3.126, 第一作者)
9.Yan Wang#,Xiao-Li Peng#,Wentao Xu,YunBo Luo,Kunlun Huang*. Transcript and protein profiling analysis of OTA-induced cell death reveals the regulation of the toxicity response process in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63 (5): 2171-2187. (SCI,IF=5.794,共同第一作者)
10.Xiao-Li Peng, Wen-Tao Xu, Kun-Lun Huang, Yun-Bo Luo*, Mycotoxin ochratoxin A-induced cell death and changes in oxidative metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Report,2010, 29: 153-161.(SCI,IF=2.301, 第一作者)
11. Wen-Tao Xu, Xiao-Li Peng, Yun-Bo Luo, Kun-Lun Huang*, Physiological and biochemical responses of grapefruit seed extract dip on ‘Redglobe’ grape. LWT-Food Science and technology, 2009, 42:471-476.(SCI,IF=2.114,共同第一作者)
12. 甘婧,張百剛,師振強,鐘玉傑,王曉瑞,晉程妮,夏效東,彭曉麗,基因表達譜技術分析棒麴黴毒素腎細胞毒性的機制,現代食品科技,2017, 33, 6:38-44
2.Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Xiaorui Wang, Xuan Li, Jiahui Han, Wei Xue, Peng W, Xiaodong Xia* and Xiaoli Peng*, Protective effects of apigenin against 3-MCPD-induced renal injury in rat, Chemico-biological interaction, 2018, accept (SCI, IF=3.296,通訊作者)
3. Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Xiaorui Wang, Xuan Li, Jiahui Han, Wei Xue, Peng Wu, Xiaodong Xia, Xiaoli Peng, The effect ofapigeninon 3- chloro-1,2-propanediol inducedrenal injuryandmitochondrialfission and fusion in rats,2018, 5, 15 (EI,通訊作者)
4. Yujie Zhong, Chengni Jin, Jing Gan, Xiaorui Wang, Zhenqiang Shi, Xiaodong Xia, Xiaoli Peng, Apigenin attenuates patulin-induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells by modulation ROS-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase signal pathway, Toxicon, 2017, 137: 106-113 (SCI, IF=2.352,通訊作者)
5.Xiaoli Peng, Jing Gan, Qian Wang, Zhenqiang Shi, Xiaodong Xia*, 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) induces apoptosis via mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system impairment and the caspase cascade pathway, Toxicology, 2016,372:1-11 (SCI,IF=3.817, 第一作者)
6.Baigang Zhang, Xiaoli Peng*, Guanghui Li, Xiaodong Xia*, Oxidative stress is involved in Patulin induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells, Toxicon, 2015, 94: 1-7.(SCI,IF=2.581,通訊作者)
7. Xiaoli Peng,Jingpeng Yang, Pengle Cui, Yu Fu, Qiang Zhang, Xiaodong Xia, Influence of allicin on quality and volatile compounds of fresh-cut stem lettuce during cold storage, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2015, 60 (1): 300-307. (SCI,IF=2.468, 第一作者)
8. Xiaoli Peng, Ren L, Rong Zou, Jun Chen, Qiang Z, Pengle Cui, Fuli Chen, Yu Fu, Jingpeng Yang, Xiaodong Xia*. Allicin inhibits microbial growth and oxidative browning of fresh-cut lettuce (Lactuca sativa) during refrigerated storage.
Food and Bioprocess Technology,2014,7:1597-1605. (SCI,IF=3.126, 第一作者)
9.Yan Wang#,Xiao-Li Peng#,Wentao Xu,YunBo Luo,Kunlun Huang*. Transcript and protein profiling analysis of OTA-induced cell death reveals the regulation of the toxicity response process in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63 (5): 2171-2187. (SCI,IF=5.794,共同第一作者)
10.Xiao-Li Peng, Wen-Tao Xu, Kun-Lun Huang, Yun-Bo Luo*, Mycotoxin ochratoxin A-induced cell death and changes in oxidative metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Report,2010, 29: 153-161.(SCI,IF=2.301, 第一作者)
11. Wen-Tao Xu, Xiao-Li Peng, Yun-Bo Luo, Kun-Lun Huang*, Physiological and biochemical responses of grapefruit seed extract dip on ‘Redglobe’ grape. LWT-Food Science and technology, 2009, 42:471-476.(SCI,IF=2.114,共同第一作者)
12. 甘婧,張百剛,師振強,鐘玉傑,王曉瑞,晉程妮,夏效東,彭曉麗,基因表達譜技術分析棒麴黴毒素腎細胞毒性的機制,現代食品科技,2017, 33, 6:38-44