




  • 中文名:彭佳傑
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:計算機科學與技術-計算機套用技術
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


哈爾濱工業大學計算機科學與技術專業博士,哈佛大學博士後,美國國家能源部-密西根州立大學植物研究實驗室(PRL)聯合培養博士。主要從事數據挖掘、人工智慧、生物信息學、大數據算法學以及海量知識工程等方向的研究。擔任中國計算機學會生物信息專業組委員;Biological ontologies and knowledge bases workshop 主席;《BMC Bioinformatics》《Frontiers in Genetics》《Journal of Biomedical Semantics》雜誌客座編委;《Plos One》學術編輯;IJCAI、 BIBM、ECAI、GIW、InCoB、KEOD等國際會議program committee;擔任TPAMI、Bioinformatics、Plos Genetics、BMC Bioinformatics、TCBB、Plos One、Frontier in Computer Science等國際知名期刊審稿人。


  1. Machine learning: Deep Learning, Explainable AI, Network Analysis
  2. Computational Biology and Medicine: Single Cell Biology, Network Biology, Biomedical Ontology


本科生課程 《人工智慧》 《人工智慧與生物大數據分析交叉前沿》
研究生課程 《計算生物學》


學術活動 Professional Activities
2020/04/21 "Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Transfer" is accepted by IJCAI 2020
2020/03/06 "Identifying drug-target interactions based on Graph Convolutional Network and Deep Neural Network" is accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics
2020/02/26 DeepMNE-CNN is accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics
2020/02/10 “Reduction in TOM1 expression exacerbates Alzheimer’s disease” is accepted by PNAS.
2020/02/07 團隊與華西醫院合作的論文被《ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY》(外科腫瘤學年鑑)錄用《Classification and Prognosis Prediction from Histopathological Images of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by a Fully Automated Pipeline Based on Machine Learning》
2020/02/07 恭喜魯桂林同學論文被《Curr Pharm Des》錄用 《A Survey of Network Representation Learning Methods for Link Prediction in Biological Network》
2019/11/25 恭喜魯桂林同學論文被BMC Bioinformatics錄用《TS-GOEA: a web tool for tissue-specific gene set enrichment analysis based on gene ontology》
2019/09/17 恭喜薛寒生同學在 The Australian National University 開始新旅程. GOOD LUCK~
2019/08/09 恭喜薛寒生同學論文被CIKM錄用 《Integrating Multi-Network Topology via Deep Semi-supervised Node Embedding》
2019/07/14 恭喜盧俊雅同學論文被Bioinformatics錄用 《Identifying Emerging Phenomenon in Long Temporal Phenotyping Experiments》
2019/06/23 恭喜王曉昱同學論文被BMC Bioinformatics錄用《Combining gene ontology with deep neural networks to enhance the clustering of single cell RNA-Seq data》
2019/4/3 恭喜惠薇薇和李倩倩同學論文被Bioinformatics錄用 《A learning-based framework for miRNA-disease association identification using neural networks》
2019/3/12 恭喜管嬌嬌同學論文被Frontiers in Genetics 錄用 《Predicting Parkinson's disease genes based on node2vec and autoencoder》
2019/3/11 恭喜俊雅和薇薇同學順利通過碩士畢業答辯!Congrats!
2019/1/17 王曉昱同學參加APBC2019並作報告
2019/1/1 恭喜惠薇薇同學獲得研究生國家獎學金
2018/12/1 恭喜薛寒生同學論文被AAAI錄用
2018/4/12 惠薇薇同學的工作在BMC Bioinformatics期刊發表:《Measuring phenotype-phenotype similarity through the interactome》
2018/3/25 軒碩同學的工作在BMC Systems Biology期刊發表:《Improving the measurement of semantic similarity by combining gene ontology and co-functional network: a random walk based approach》
2018/3/11 恭喜倩倩順利通過碩士生畢業答辯!
[38] Jiajie Peng, Tianyi Zhao. Reduction in TOM1 expression exacerbates Alzheimer’s disease. PNAS, 2020
[37] Tianpei Yang, Jianye Hao, Zhaopeng Meng, Zongzhang Zhang, Weixun Wang, Yujing Hu, Yingfeng Cheng, Changjie Fan, Zhaodong Wang, Jiajie Peng. Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Transfer. IJCAI, 2020
[36] Jiajie Peng, Hansheng Xue, Zhongyu Wei, Idil Tuncali, Jianye Hao, Xuequn Shang. Integrating multi-network topology for gene function prediction using deep neural networks. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020
[35] Jiajie Peng, Junya Lu, Donghee Hoh, Ayesha Dina, Xuequn Shang, David Kramer, Jin Chen. Identifying Emerging Phenomenon in Long Temporal Phenotyping Experiments. Bioinformatics, 2020
[34] Tianyi Zhao, Yang Hu, Tianyi Zang and Jiajie Peng. Identifying drug-target interactions based on Graph Convolutional Network and Deep Neural Network. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020
[33] Haotian Liao, Tianyuan Xiong, Jiajie Peng, Lin Xu, Mingheng Liao, Zhen Zhang, Zhenru Wu, Kefei Yuan, Yong Zeng. Classification and Prognosis Prediction from Histopathological Images of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by a Fully Automated Pipeline Based on Machine Learning. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2020
[32] J Peng, W Hui, Q Li, B Chen, J Hao, Q Jiang, X Shang, Z Wei. A learning-based framework for miRNA-disease association identification using neural networks. Bioinformatics, 2019
[31] J Peng, X Wang, X Shang. Combining gene ontology with deep neural networks to enhance the clustering of single cell RNA-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics, 2019
[30] Peng, J., Lu, G., Xue, H., Wang, T., & Shang, X. TS-GOEA: a web tool for tissue-specific gene set enrichment analysis based on gene ontology. BMC bioinformatics, 2019
[29] H Xue, J Peng, J Li, X Shang. Integrating Multi-Network Topology via Deep Semi-supervised Node Embedding. CIKM, 2019
[28] J Peng, L Zhu, Y Wang, J Chen. Mining Relationships among Multiple Entities in Biological Networks. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 2019
[27] H Xue, J Peng, X Shang. Towards Gene Function Prediction via Multi-Networks Representation Learning. AAAI, 2019
[26] H Xue, J Peng, X Shang. Predicting disease-related phenotypes using an integrated phenotype similarity measurement based on HPO. BMC Systems Biology, 2019
[25] J Peng, J Guan, X Shang. Predicting Parkinson's disease genes based on node2vec and autoencoder. Frontiers in genetics, 2019
[24] Jiajie Peng, Weiwei Hui, Xuequn Shang. Measuring phenotype-phenotype similarity through the interactome. BMC Bioinformatics, 2018. (中科院二區 ,IF=2.30)
[23] Jiajie Peng, Xuanshuo Zhang, Weiwei Hui, Junya Lu, Qianqian Li, Shuhui Liu and Xuequn Shang. Improving the measurement of semantic similarity by combining gene ontology and co-functional network: a random walk based approach. BMC Systems Biology, 2018. (中科院二區,IF=2.30)
[22] Liang Cheng, Yue Jiang, Hong Ju, Jie Sun, Jiajie Peng, Meng Zhou, Yang Hu. InfAcrOnt: calculating cross-ontology term similarities using information flow by a random walk . BMC Genomics , 2018. (中科院二區 ,IF=3.73)
[21] Jiajie Peng, Kun Bai, Xuequn Shang, Guohua Wang, Hansheng Xue, Shuilin Jin, Liang Cheng, Yadong Wang, and Jin Chen. Predicting disease-related genes using integrated biomedical networks . BMC Genomics, 2017. (中科院二區 ,IF=3.73)
[20] Jiajie Peng, Honggang Wang, Junya Lu, Weiwei Hui, Yadong Wang, Xuequn Shang. Identifying term relations cross different gene ontology categories . BMC Bioinformatics, 2017. (中科院二區 ,IF=3.80)
[19] Jiajie Peng, Qianqian Li, Xuequn Shang. Measuring phenotype-phenotype similarity through the interactome , Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2017 IEEE International Conference on.(CCF B類會議)
[18] Jiajie Peng, Junya Lu, Xuequn Shang. Identifying consistent disease subnetworks using DNet. Methods, 2017. (中科院二區 ,IF=3.80)
[17] Jiajie Peng, Hansheng Xue, et al. A novel method to measure the semantic similarity of HPO terms. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics , 2017. (IF=0.62)
[16] Jiajie Peng, Qianqian Li, Xuequn Shang. Investigations on factors influencing HPO-based semantic similarity calculation, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2017.(IF=1.85)
[15] Jiajie Peng, Tao Wang, Jixuan Wang, Yadong Wang, Jin Chen. Extend Gene Ontology based on gene network data. Bioinformatics, (2016) 32 (8): 1185-1194.(中科院一區 ,IF=4.98)
[14] Jiajie Peng, Hongxiang Li, Yongzhuang Liu, Liran Juan, Qinghua Jiang, Yadong Wang and Jin Chen. InteGO2: a web tool for measuring and visualizing gene semantic similarities using Gene Ontology. BMC Genomics, (2016) 17 (5)(中科院二區 ,IF=3.99)
[13] Jiajie Peng, Hansheng Xue, Yukai Shao, Xuequn Shang, Yadong Wang, and Jin Chen, Measuring Phenotype Semantic Similarity using Human Phenotype Ontology. BIBM 2016 (CCF B類會議)
[12] Jiajie Peng, Tao Wang, Jianping Hu, Yadong Wang, Jin Chen. Constructing Networks of Organelle Functional Modules in Arabidopsis. Current Genomics, (2016) 17 (5), 427-438 (SCI收錄,IF=2.34)
[11] Jiajie Peng, Sahra Uygun, Taehyong Kim,Yadong Wang, Seung Y. Rhee, Jin Chen. Measuring Genome-specific Semantic Similarities Using Gene Ontology and Gene Co-Function Networks [J]. BMC Bioinformatics, 2015,16: 44. (中科院二區 ,IF=2.58)
[10] Qinghua Jiang, Jixuan Wang, Xiaoliang Wu, Rui Ma, Shuilin Jin, Zhijie Han, Renjie Tan, Jiajie Peng, Guiyou Liu, Yu Li, Yadong Wang. LncRNA2Target: a database for differentially expressed genes after lncRNA knockdown or overexpression. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015. 43:D193-D196.(中科院一區 ,IF=9.11)
[9] Jiajie Peng, Hongxiang Li, Qinghua Jiang, Yadong Wang and Jin Chen. An Integrative Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarities using Gene Ontology [J]. BMC Systems Biology, 2014,8: S8. (中科院二區 ,IF=2.44)
[8] Jiajie Peng, Yadong Wang, and Jin Chen. Towards integrative gene functional similarity measurement. BMC bioinformatics, 2014, 15: S5 (中科院二區 ,IF=2.58)
[7] Jiajie Peng, Jin Chen, Yadong Wang. Identifying cross-category relations in gene ontology and constructing genome-specific term association networks. BMC bioinformatics, 2013, 14: S15(中科院二區 ,IF=2.58)
[6] Jiajie Peng, Hongxiang Li, Yongzhuang Liu, Liran Juan, Qinghua Jiang, Yadong Wang and Jin Chen. InteGO2: A web tool for measuring and visualizing gene semantic similarities using Gene Ontology[C]. BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS (ISBRA 2015), 2015, 9096: 431-432.
[5] Jiajie Peng, Hongxiang Li, Yadong Wang and Jin Chen. A web tool for measuring gene semantic similarities by combining Gene Ontology and gene co-function networks[C]. proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology (ACM BCB), 2015:678-679(DOI號為10.1145/2808719.2816835)
[4] Yongzhuang Liu, Jian Liu, Jianguo Lu, Jiajie Peng, Liran Juan, Xiaolin Zhu, Bingshan Li, Yadong Wang. Joint detection of copy number variations in the parent-offspring trio. Bioinformatics,(中科院一區 ,IF=4.98)
[3] Qinghua Jiang, Rui Ma, Jixuan Wang, Xiaoliang Wu, Shuilin Jin, Jiajie Peng, Renjie Tan, Tianjiao Zhang, Yu Li, Yadong Wang. LncRNA2Function: a comprehensive resource for functional investigation of human lncRNAs based on RNA-seq data. BMC genomics, 2015. 16(S3):S2.(中科院二區 ,IF=3.99)
[2] Liang Cheng, Jie Li, Peng Ju, Jiajie Peng, and Yadong Wang. SemFunSim: A New Method for Measuring Disease Similarity by Integrating Semantic and Gene Functional Association. PloS one, 2014, 9(6): e99415(中科院三區 ,IF=3.23)
[1] Shuilin Jin, Renjie Tan, Qinghua Jiang, Li Xu, Jiajie Peng, Yong Wang, Yadong Wang. A Generalized Topological Entropy for Analyzing the Complexity of DNA Sequences. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(2): e88519 (中科院三區 ,IF=3.23)


