


招生方向為植被生態遙感與全球變化, 高光譜遙感與遙感大數據, 作物面積產量遙感監測。


  • 中文名:彭代亮
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學


2020-12~現在, 中國科學院空天信息創新研究院, 研究員
2015-11~2016-05,University of Toronto, 學術訪問
2013-04~2020-11,中國科學院遙感與數字球研究所、中國科學院空天信息創新研究院, 副研究員
2011-10~2011-11,The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia, 學術交流
2010-03~2013-03,中國科學院對地觀測與數字地球科學中心, 助理研究員
2008-10--2009-10 University of Arizona 聯合培養博士
2004-09--2009-12 浙江大學 博士學位


2014.01 – 2017.12 中國科學院青年創新促進會,項目負責人
2016.01 – 2019.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目 “時序遙感數據與生長模型結合的區域人工林地上生物量估算方法研究” 項目負責人
2016.06 – 2020.12 國家重點研發計畫“地球資源環境動態監測技術”子課題“光合有效輻射吸收係數(FPAR)遙感立體協同反演模型方法研究”,子課題負責人
2016.01 – 2018.12 遙感地球所所長青年基金A“尺度效應對區域植被物候遙感估算的影響機理研究” 項目負責人
2019.01 – 2020.12先導專項開放子課題“基於大數據技術的我國東西部生態環境變化機制及未來預測研究”,子課題負責人
2020-09至2023-06, 國家重點研發計畫政府間國際科技創新合作重點專項,“全球大豆主產區種植面積遙感精確測算與產量動態預測技術”,項目負責人


發表學術論文100多篇,其中SCI 60多篇。第一/通訊作者SCI論文30多篇,其中Remote Sensing of Environment、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Global Biogeochemical Cycles、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等中科院SCI期刊分區TOP期刊論文10多篇,主要論文如下:
1 Dailiang Peng, Yan Wang, George Xian, Alfredo R. Huete, Wenjiang Huang, Miaogen Shen,Fumin Wang, Le Yu, Liangyun Liu, Qiaoyun Xie, Lingling Liu, Xiaoyang Zhang. Investigation of land surface phenology detections in shrublands using multiple scale satellite data. RemoteSensing of Environment 252 (2021) 112133.
2Yan Wang, Dailiang Peng, Yu, L., Zhang, Y., Yin, J., Zhou,L., Zheng, S., Wang, F., & Li, C. (2020). Monitoring Crop Growth During thePeriod of the Rapid Spread of COVID-19 in China by Remote Sensing. IEEE Journalof Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 6195-6205
3Xu Y, Yu L, Dailiang Peng,Zhao J, Cheng Y, Liu X, Li W, Meng R, Xu X, Gong P. 2020. Annual 30-m land use/landcover maps of China for 1980–2015 from the integration of AVHRR, MODIS andLandsat data using the BFAST algorithm. Science China Earth Sciences, 63, 1390–1407.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-019-9606-4.
4Miaogen Shen, Jiang N, DailiangPeng, et al. Can changes in autumn phenology facilitate earlier green-update of northern vegetation? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2020, 291,108077
5Zhao, J.; Yu, L.; Xu, Y.;Li, X.; Zhou, Y.; Dailiang Peng; Liu, H.; Huang, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, D.,et al. Exploring difference in land surface temperature between the citycentres and urban expansion areas of China’s major cities. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2020, 41, 8963-8983
6Chen, S.; Liu, L.; He, X.;Liu, Z.; Dailiang Peng. Upscaling from Instantaneous to Daily Fractionof Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) for Satellite Products.Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 2083
7Liu, X., Yu, L., Dong, Q., DailiangPeng, Wu, W., Yu, Q., Cheng, Y., Xu, Y., Huang, X., Zhou,Z., Wang, D., Fang, L., Gong, P. 2020. Cropland heterogeneity changes on theNortheast China Plain in the last three decades (1980s–2010s). Peer J.
8Wang, Y.; Dailiang Peng *; Shen, M.; Xu, X.; Yang,X.; Huang, W.; Yu, L.; Liu, L.; Li, C.; Li, X., et al. Contrasting effects oftemperature and precipitation on vegetation greenness along elevation gradientsof the tibetan plateau. Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 2751.
9Liangyun Liu, Xinjie Liu,Jidai Chen, Shanshan Du, Yan Ma, Xiaojin Qian, Siyuan Chen, Dailiang Peng.Estimating maize GPP using near-infrared radiance of vegetation. Science ofRemote Sensing, 2 (2020) 100009.
10 焦雪敏,張赫林,徐富寶,王岩,彭代亮,李村軍,范海生,徐希艷,黃運新. 青藏高原1982-2015FPAR時空變化分析. 遙感技術與套用 . 2020, (4): 950-961 . DOI: 10.11873/j.issn.1004-0323.2020.4.0950
11 DailiangPeng, Helin Zhang, Liangyun Liu, Wenjiang Huang, Alfredo R. Huete, XiaoyangZhang, Fumin Wang, Le Yu, Qiaoyun Xie, Cheng Wang, Shezhou Luo, Cunjun Li andBing Zhang. Estimatingthe Aboveground Biomass for Planted Forests Based on Stand Age andEnvironmental Variables. Remote Sens. 2019, 11(19), 2270;
12 Yidi Xu ,Le Yu*, Duole Feng,Dailiang Peng*,congcong Li, Xiaomeng Huang, HuiLu&Peng Gong. Comparisons of three recent moderate resolution African landcover datasets: CGLS-LC100, ESA-S2-LC20, and FROM-GLC-Africa30[J].International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40(16), 6185-6202.
13 Yidi Xu, Le Yu*, Zhigang Cai , Jiyao zhao, Dailiang Peng*, congcong Li, Hui Lu,Chaoqing Yu& Peng Gong. Exploring intra-annual variation in croplandclassification accuracy using monthly, seasonal, and yearly sample set. InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40(23): 8748-8763
14 Qiaoyun xie, Jadu Dash, Alfredo Huete, Aihui Jiang,Gaofei Yin, Yanling Ding, Dailiang Peng*,Christopher C. Hall, Luke Brown, Yue Shi, Huichun Ye, Yingying Dong, WenjiangHuang. Retrieval of crop biophysical parameters from Sentinel-2 remote sensingimagery,International Journal of Applied Earth Observationsand Geoinformation. 2019,80:187-195.
15 Xinjie Liu, Luis Guanter, Liangyun Liu, AlexanderDamm, Zbyne k Malenovsky, Uwe Rascher, DailiangPeng, Shanshan Dua, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry. Downscaling ofsolar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from 1 canopy level to photosystem levelusing a random forest model. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2019. 231,110772.
16 Shezhou Luo,Cheng Wang,Xiaohuan Xi,Sheng Nie,Xieyu Fan,Hanyue Chen,Xuebo Yang,Dailiang Peng,Yi Lin, and Guoqing Zhou.Combining hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR pseudo-waveform for predicting cropLAI, canopy height and above-ground biomass. Ecological Indicators. 2019. 102,801-812.
17 張赫林, 彭代亮, 張肖, 范海生,徐富寶,葉回春,王大成. 基於植被指數季節變化曲線的年總初級生產力估算. 遙感技術與套用, 2019(2):303-312.
18 Dailiang Peng, Chaoyang Wu,Xiaoyang Zhang, Le Yu, Alfredo R. Huete, Fumin Wang, Shezhou Luo, Xinjie Liu,Helin Zhang. Scaling up springphenology derived from remote sensing images.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018. 256–257:207–219.
19 Dailiang Peng, Helin Zhang,Le Yu, Mingquan Wu, Fumin Wang, Wenjiang Huang, Liangyun Liu, Rui Sun, CunjunLi, Dacheng Wang & Fubao Xu (2018) Assessing spectral indices to estimatethe fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the vegetationcanopy, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:22, 8022-8040.
20 Xiaoyue Wang, Chaoyang Wu*,Dailiang Peng*, Alemu Gonsamo, ZhengjiaLiu. 2018. Snow cover phenology affects alpine vegetation growth dynamics onthe Tibetan Plateau: Satellite observed evidence, impacts of different biomes,and climate drivers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018. 256–257:61–74
21 Qiaoyun Xie, Jadu Dash, Wenjiang Huang*, Dailiang Peng*, Qiming Qin, HughMortimer, Raffaele Casa, Stefano Pignatti, Giovanni Laneve, Simone Pascucci,Yingying Dong, Huichun Ye. Vegetation indices combining the red and red-edgespectral information for leaf area index retrieval. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in AppliedEarth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018. 1939-1404.
22 Xu, Y., Yu, L.*, DailiangPeng *, Cai, X., Cheng, Y., Zhao, J., Zhao, Y., Feng, D., Hackman, K.,Huang, X., Lu, H., Yu, C., Gong, P. Exploring the temporal density of Landsatobservations for cropland mapping: experiments from Egypt, Ethiopia and SouthAfrica. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2018, Accepted. 39(21): 7328-7349.
23 Xiaoxuan Liu, Le Yu*, Wei Li, Dailiang Peng*, Liheng Zhong, et al., Comparison of country-levelcropland areas between ESA-CCI land cover maps and FAOSTAT data InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing. 2018. 39(20): 6631-6645.
24 MingquanWu, DailiangPeng*, YuchuQin, ZhengNiu, ChenghaiYang, WangLi, PengyuHao andChunyangZhang. An index of non-sampling error in area frame sampling based onremote sensing data. Peer J. 2018.
25 Yue Shi, Wenjiang Huang, Yingying Dong, Dailiang Peng, Qiong Zheng, Theinfluence of landscape's dynamics on the Oriental Migratory Locust habitatchange based on the time-series satellite data. Journal of EnvironmentalManagement 218 (2018) 280-290.
26 Yue Shi , Wenjiang Huang , Huichun Ye, Chao Ruan,Naichen Xing, Yun Geng, Yingying Dong and DailiangPeng. Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis Based on Normalized Two-Stage Vegetation Indices for MappingDamage from Rice Diseases Using PlanetScope Datasets. Sensors 2018, 18, 1901.
27 Luo Shezhou; Chen Jing M.; Wang Cheng; Gonsamo Alemu;Xi Xiaohuan; Lin Yi; Qian, Mingjie; DailiangPeng; Nie Sheng; Qin Haiming. Comparative performances of airborne LiDARheight and intensity data for leaf area index estimation. IEEE Journal ofSelected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018, 11(1):300-310.
28 Shenglei Wang, Junsheng Li, Bing Zhang, Evangelos Spyrakos, Andrew N.Tyler, Qian Shen, Fangfang Zhang, Tiit Kuster, Moritz K. Lehmann, Yanhong Wu, Dailiang Peng. Trophic state assessmentof global inland waters using a MODIS-derived Forel-Ule index. Remote Sensingof Environment, 2018, 217: 444-460.
29 黃林生,阮 超,黃文江,師 越,彭代亮,丁文娟. 基於GF-1遙感影像和relief-mRMR-GASVM模型的小麥白粉病監測. 農業工程學報. 2018. 34(15)167-175.
30 周靜平, 李存軍, 胡海棠, 陶歡, 彭代亮, 謝春春, 葛艷. 森林植被遙感監測影像最佳解析度選擇. 浙江農林大學學報. 2018.35(4):716-723.
31 DailiangPeng, Xiaoyang Zhang, Bing Zhang, Liangyun Liu, Xinjie Liu, Alfredo R.Huete, Wenjiang Huang, Siyuan Wang, Shezhou Luo, Xiao Zhang and Helin Zhang.Scaling effects on spring phenology detections from MODIS data at multiplespatial resolutions over the contiguous United States. ISPRS Journal ofPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 132, 185-198.
32 Dailiang Peng,Xiaoyang Zhang, Chaoyang Wu, Wenjiang Huang, Alemu Gonsamo,Alfredo R. Huete,Kamel Didan, Bin Tan, Xinjie Liu, Bing Zhang. Intercomparison and evaluation ofspring phenology products using National Phenology Network and AmeriFluxobservations in the contiguous United States. Agricultural and ForestMeteorology, 2017, 242, 33-46.
33 DailiangPeng, Bing Zhang, Chaoyang Wu, Alfredo R. Huete, Alemu Gonsamo, LipingLei,Guillermo E. Ponce-Campos, Xinjie Liu, Yanhong Wu. Country-level netprimary production distribution and response to drought and land cover change. Scienceof the Total Environment. 2017,574: 65–77. 4.61
34 DailiangPeng, Chaoyang Wu, Cunjun Li, Xiaoyang Zhang, Zhengjia Liu, Huichun Ye,Shezhou Luo, Xinjie Liu, Yong Hu, Bin Fang. Spring green-up phenology productsderived from MODIS NDVI and EVI: Intercomparison, interpretation and validationusing National Phenology Network and AmeriFlux observations. EcologicalIndicators. 2017. 77: 323-336.
35 Chaoyang Wu, DailiangPeng*, Kamel Soudani, Lukas Siebicke,Christopher M. Gough,M. Altaf Arain, Gil Bohrer, Peter M. Lafleur, Matthias Peichl,Alemu Gonsamo,Shiguang Xu, Bin Fang, Quansheng Ge. Land surface phenology derived fromnormalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at global FLUXNET sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017 233,171–182.
36 Zhengjia Liu, Chaoyang Wu*, Dailiang Peng*, Sisi Wang, Alemu Gonsamo, Bin Fang, Wenping Yuan.Improved modeling of gross primary production from a better representation ofphotosynthetic components in vegetation canopy. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology.2017,233:222-234.
37 Shezhou Luo, Cheng Wang, Xiaohuan Xi, Feifei Pan, Dailiang Peng, Jie Zou,Sheng Nie,Haiming Qin. (2017). Fusion of airborne LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery foraboveground and belowground forest biomass estimation. Ecological Indicators73,378–387.
38 Shezhou Luo, Cheng Wang, Xiaohuan Xi, Feifei Pan,Mingjie Qian, Dailiang Peng, ShengNie, Haiming Qin, Yi Lin. Retrieving aboveground biomass of wetland Phragmitesaustralis, (common reed) using a combination of airborne discrete-return LiDARand hyperspectral data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation& Geoinformation.2017:107–117.
39 WeipingKong, Wenjiang Huang*, Jiangui Liu, Pengfei Chen, Qiming Qin, Huichun Ye, Dailiang Peng, Yingying Dong, A. HughMortimere. Estimation of canopy carotenoid content ofwinter wheat using multi-angle hyperspectral data. Advancesin Space Research. 2017,60(9),1988-2000.
40 張赫林, 彭代亮, 鄧睿, 王大成, 韓永歡. 2017. 基於Landsat時間序列數據的祁連山區域土地利用變化研究. 北京工業大學學報,43(5): 10-21.
41 王智穎,吳艷紅,常軍,張鑫,彭代亮. 2017. 青藏高原湖冰物候的時空變化及其影響因素. 北京工業大學學報,43(5): 701-709.
42 Zhanqing Cai, DailiangPeng,Jingyi Wen, Zhi Gong, Tiantian Wang Yuekai Hu, Yuxi Wu, Junfeng Xu,Rainy season change inSanjiangyuan, China area based on the meteorological stations data. IOP Conf.Series: Earth and Environmental Science74 (2017) 012016 do i :10.1088/1755-1315/74/1/0120.
43 Zhi Gong, DailiangPeng, Jingyi Wen, Zhanqing Cai, Tiantian Wang,Yuekai Hu, Yaxin Ma, JunfengXu. Research on trend of warm-humid climate in Central Asia. IOP Conf. Series:Earth and Environmental Science 74 (2017) 012017 do i:10.1088/1755-1315/74/1/012017.
44 王二麗,李存軍,周靜平,彭代亮,胡海棠,董熙. 基於多時相遙感影像的北京平原人工林樹種分類. 北京工業大學學報. 2017, 43(5):710-718.
45 DailiangPeng, Yong Hu, Zhengwang Li. (2016). Spectral reflectance and vegetationindex changes in deciduous forest foliage following tree removal: potential fordeforestation monitoring. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 83(2):330-337.
46 DailiangPeng, Chaoyang Wu, Bing Zhang, Alfredo Huete, Xiaoyang Zhang,Rui Sun,Liping Lei, Wenjing Huang, Liangyun Liu, Xinjie Liu, Jun Li, Shezhou Luo, BinFang. The Influences of Drought and Land-Cover Conversion on Inter-AnnualVariation of NPP in the Three-North Shelterbelt Program Zone of China Based onMODIS Data. PLoS ONE. 2016.11(6):e0158173.
47 YuxiaLiu, ChaoyangWu*, Dailiang Peng*,Shiguang Xu, Alemu Gonsamo, Rachhpal S. Jassal,M. Altaf Arain, Linlin Lu, BinFang, Jing M. Chen. Improved modeling of land surface phenology using MODISland surface reflectance and temperature at evergreen needleleaf forests ofcentral North America. Remote Sensing of Environment.2016, 176: 152–162.
48 Chaoyang Wu, Xuehui Hou, Dailiang Peng, Alemu Gonsamo, Shiguang Xu. Land surface phenologyof China’s temperate ecosystems over1999–2013: Spatial–temporal patterns,interaction effects, covariation with climate and implications forproductivity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2016, 216:177–187.
49 Shezhou Luo, Jing M. Chen, Cheng Wang, Xiaohuan Xi,Hongcheng Zeng, Dailiang Peng, andDong Li. Effects of LiDAR point density, sampling size and height threshold onestimation accuracy of crop biophysical parameters. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2016, 24(11):11578-11593.Junsheng Li, Shenglei Wang,Yanhong Wu, Bing Zhang, Xiaoling Chen,Fangfang Zhang, Qian Shen, Dailiang Peng,and Liqiao Tian. MODIS observations ofwater color of the largest 10 lakes in China between 2000 and 2012,International Journal of Digital Earth. 2016. 9(8), 788–805.
1. 彭代亮,張赫林,張肖,徐富寶,葉回春,王大成一種基於EVI2季節變化曲線的年GPP估算方法及系統, 201810076612.7
2. 張兵,張文娟,陳正超,彭代亮,申茜,徐豐,檢測遙感道路圖像精度的方法及裝置,2013107129288
4.黃文江,謝巧雲,彭代亮,張兵,劉良雲,申茜,孫剛,一種遙感反演精度檢測方法及裝置, 201210343165.X
5.黃文江,劉良雲,楊貴軍,孫剛,申茜,彭代亮,張清,一種植被空間分布狀態測量方法及裝置, 201210339810.0


