2008年短片《DIX》,影片長度約7分鐘,全篇寥寥數句對白,講述了一個強迫症患者求助治療的過程,企圖探索強迫症患者黑暗、非理性的精神世界。該片榮獲2009年克拉科夫國際短片電影節銀龍獎,2009年裡斯本國際獨立電影節最佳短片獎。導演和編劇為:Jules Janaud,Fabrice Le Nezet,François Roisin。
馬克(伊恩·福爾 Ian Faure 飾)是一個英俊帥氣、挺拔陽光的年輕人,可是誰也不知道他的心中承受著怎樣的痛苦。他是一名強迫症患者,每當外出時他總會不由自主去數人行道上的地磚,從一數到十,到第十步時,馬克便會陷入萬劫不復的恐怖臆想之中。那一刻,整個世界變成了巨大的絞肉機,冰冷無情地將他撕成碎片。這些血腥的臆想令馬克痛苦不堪,他只得向心理醫生(Alain Choquet 飾)求助。醫生引導他正視眼前似乎難以逾越的障礙,鼓起勇氣以粉身碎骨的代價去克服對第十步的恐懼。馬克最終能否戰勝自己呢? 本片為第65屆威尼斯電影節獲獎短片(以上中文內容轉自豆瓣)。劇照1
The Mill’s award winning directing collective, Bif, has won the Jury Award at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival for their short film, ‘Dix’. The work is a mixture of live action and CG. ‘Dix’ is a darkly comic short film featuring a man called Mark, and shows the complexities of psychological and obsessive behaviour. Marc always counts to ten as he steps on paving stones.He needs the paving stones in order to be able to get about, as he is terrified of walking on lines. In order to get over his phobia he follows a treatment to confront the inner fears which lie behind his obsessive-compulsive disorder.............Bif are Jules Janaud, Fabrice Le Nezet and Francois Roisin. ‘Dix’ is part of The Mill’s ongoing initiative to produce in-house short films and continuing commitment to develop talent within their growing animation team.