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  • 中文名:張龍
  • 畢業院校:新南威爾斯大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:組織與管理
  • 任職院校:湖南大學
2012.7-2017.2 新南威爾斯大學(QS排名世界第43) 組織與管理 博士(國家公派全額獎學金)
2011.9-2012.7 湖南大學 企業管理 碩士(肄業)
2009.8-2011.8 又松大學SolBridge國際商學院 國際金融 學士(全額獎學金
2007.9-2011.6 湖南大學 工商管理 學士
2019.1-至今 湖南大學 副教授 (Associate Professor)
2017.5-2019.1 湖南大學 助理教授 (Assistant Professor)
2015.7-2016.3 澳大利亞體育學院商學系 主任講師 (Lecturer-In-Charge)
2015.1-2015.12 澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學 助教 (Tutor)
Chinese Management Studies(SSCI)分領域主編;中國人力資源開發(CSSCI擴展板)特刊主編。Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal(FT 50),Journal of Business Ethics(FT 50),Business Ethics: A European Review(SSCI 1區),International Journal of Human Resource Management(SSCI 2區), Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Managerial Psychology, AOM,IACMR等國際高水平學術(SSCI)期刊及會議同行專家評審。美國管理學會(Academy of Management,AOM)、中國管理研究國際學會(The International Association for Chinese Management Research,IACMR)成員。
張龍, 張運生. 高科技企業創新生態系統技術標準許可定價策略//張運生. 高科技企業創新生態系統管理理論及套用[M]. 長沙: 湖南大學出版社, 2010: 121-131
Y. Zhang, Y. Zheng, Long Zhang*, S. Xu, X. Liu, W. Chen. (2019) A meta-analytic review of servant leadership consequences: The moderating roles of cultural factors. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-018-9639-z (SSCI JCR Q2, Impact factor: 2.474, ESI)
Y. Zhang, Long Zhang*, G. Liu, J. Duan*, S. Xu, M. Cheung. (2019) How ethical leadership impacts employee organizational citizenship behavior? Zeitschrift fur Psychologie- Journal of Psychology, 227 (1), 18-30. DOI: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000353 (SSCI JCR Q2, Impact factor: 1.364, ESI)
J. Lee, Long Zhang*, M. Dallas, H. Chin. (2019) Managing relational conflict in Korean social enterprises: The role of participatory HRM practices, diversity climate, and perceived social impact. Business Ethics: A European Review, 28 (1), 19-35. DOI: 10.1111/beer.12204 (SSCI JCR Q1, Impact factor: 3.029, ESI)
Y. Zhang, S. Xu, Long Zhang*, S. Liu. (In press) How Family Support Influences Work Cynicism and Employee Silence: The Moderating Role of Gender. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/1938965518788526 (SSCI JCR Q1, Impact factor: 2.06, ESI)
Long Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Dallas, S. Xu, J. Hu. (2018) How perceived empowerment HR practices influence work engagement in social enterprises – a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (20), 2971-2999. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1479874 (SSCI JCR Q2, Impact factor: 2.425, ESI)
Y. Zhang, Long Zhang*, X. Zhang*, M. Yang, S. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Huang. (2018) Hospital service quality and patient loyalty: the mediation effect of empathy. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 33 (8), 1-24. DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-02-2018-0072 (SSCI JCR Q3, Impact factor: 1.833, ESI)
Y. Zhang, Long Zhang*, H. Lei, Y. Yue, J. Zhu. (2017) Lagged effect of daily surface acting on subsequent day’s fatigue. Service Industries Journal. 36 (15-16), 809-826. DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2016.1272593 (SSCI JCR Q3, Impact factor: 1.258, ESI)
Long Zhang*, Y. Zhang, H. Jiang, M. Yang, Y. Huang, S. Li. (2017) Customer identification in the healthcare industry. International Journal of Market Research. 59 (6), 803-822. DOI: 10.2501/IJMR-2017-054 (SSCI JCR Q4, Impact factor: 0.91, ESI)
J. Feng, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, Long Zhang, X. Han. (2018) Just the Right Amount of Ethics Inspires Creativity: A Cross-Level Investigation of Ethical Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, and Employee Creativity. Journal of Business Ethics. 153:645–658. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-016-3297-1 (SSCI JCR Q1, Impact factor: 2.917, Financial Time 50 (FT 50) , ESI)
曹元坤,張倩,祝振兵*,張龍. 基於紮根理論的團隊追隨研究:內涵與結構. 管理評論, 2019, 31 (11): 159-172.(CSSCI源刊)
張昱城, 張龍. 編者按——讓研究“動”起來: 經驗取樣法在OBHR 研究中的套用. 中國人力資源開發, 2019, 36 (1): 6-7.(CSSCI擴展版)
張昱城, 葛林潔, 張山杉, 張龍*. 經驗研究的新範式——經驗取樣法. 中國人力資源開發, 2019, 36 (1): 8-15.(CSSCI擴展版)
張龍, 張運生. 高科技企業技術標準定價研究. 中國科技論壇, 2010, (8): 66-73.(CSSCI源刊)


1. Long Zhang*, C. Liu, M. Yang, J. Zhu, J. Feng, M.M. Yang. (2018) Team leaders’ emotional intelligence and team performance—a multilevel study. Paper accepted by the 8th International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, 13-17 June 2018, Wuhan, China.
2. Y. Zhang, S. Xu, Long Zhang*, M. Yang, M.M. Yang, J. Feng. (2018) Big Data Approach and Human Resource Management Research: An Integrative Review and New Directions for Future Research. Paper presented in the 8th International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, 13-17 June 2018, Wuhan, China.
3. Y. Zhang, S. Xu, Long Zhang*, J. Duan. (2018) How ethical leadership impacts employee organizational citizenship behavior? A meta-analytic review of competing mediating mechanisms based on two stage meta-analytic structural equations modeling (TSSEM). Paper presented in the Research Synthesis 2018, 10-12 June 2018, Trier, Germany.
4. 張山杉,張龍*,張昱城. (2017) 大數據視角下地方治理創新及智慧政府建設. 湖南省技術經濟與管理現代化研究會2017年年會.(年會論文一等獎)
5. 王麗君,張昱城,李晶,曹傑,張龍. (2017) 辱虐管理與離職傾向間關係——組織匹配、家庭匹配的中介作用. (2017). 《中國人力資源開發》雜誌2017年度學術會議.
6. J. Lee, Long Zhang*, M. Dallas, H. Chin. (2017) Managing tensions in social enterprises: the role of high performance work systems in the Korean context. Paper accepted by the Asia Academy of Management Conference, 19-21 June 2017 in Fukuoka, Japan.
7. C. Lin, Long Zhang*, R. Litchfield. (2016) Think different? Consequences of seeing oneself as different for creativity and ostracism. Paper presented in the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 5-9 August 2016, Anaheim, California, USA
8. Y. Zhang, Long Zhang*, C. Liu, J. Zhu. (2016) The mediation roles of team-cohesion and person-team fit: Multilevel processes in explaining team performance. Paper presented in the 2nd Academy of Management HR Division International Conference (HRIC), 20-22 February 2016, Sydney, Australia.
9. Long Zhang, I. Hampson, L. O'Donnell. (2016) Departing Beyond The Orthodoxy—An Integrative Review And Future Research Avenues Of Human Capital Resources Theory. Paper presented in the 18th International Conference on Human Resource Management, 18-19 January 2016, London, UK.
10. Y. Zhang, S. Xu, J. Jin, M. Ford, J. Feng, Long Zhang. (2016). Consequences of Positive Work-Family/Family-Work Interface: A Meta-Analytical. Paper presented in the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 5-9 August 2016, Anaheim, California, USA.
11. 陳萬思, 楊朦晰, 張昱城, 張龍, 方園. (2016). 科創團隊成員組織變革認知對其績效的影響:心理所有權的中介作用與領導-成員關係的調節作用. 第 5屆中國人力資源管理論壇.


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目:“知識型員工突破性創造力及其“雙刃劍”效應:大數據與經驗取樣法的多層次縱向研究”
[2] 湖南省自然科學基金青年項目:“創新型團隊中成員雙元創造力形成機理及其跨層次調節機制”
[3] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目:“人力資源管理對於員工工作參與、組織承諾及離職傾向的動態影響機制——定性與定量綜合分析法


