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張鵬 :男 出生年月:198509 學歷:博士 武漢大學動力與機械學院講師

2003年-2007年,於清華大學獲核科學與技術專業 學士學位
2007年-2012年,於清華大學獲核能科學與工程專業 博士學位
主要研究方向 :反應堆物理
《反應堆理論與結構》、《核電站系統與設備》、《壓水堆核電廠控制》、《核電站運行》 。
1、 科研項目
2、 代表性論著和教材:
Peer reviewed journal articles:
[1] SHEN Huayun, ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan. Improved linear congruential random number generators [J]. J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 2009, Vol. 49, No. 2, 191-193 (in Chinese)
[2] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, LI Man-cang. Research on Homogenization via Monte Carlo Method and Its Application in Multi-group Monte Carlo Transport Calculation [J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 4, Aug. 2012 (in Chinese)
[3] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, YU Ganglin. A Simplified Supercritical Fast Reactor with Thorium Fuel [J]. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2014
Conference articles:
[1] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan. Preliminary Study on Neutronics Characteristics of SCWR Assembly Partially Fuelled with Th [C]. 2009 International Workshop on Thorium Utilization For Nuclear Energy (TU2009). September, 2009. Baotou, China.
[2] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan. COMPARISONS OF THERMAL SCWR ASSEMBLY DESIGNS BY IN- OR INTER-ASSEMBLY MODERATION [C]. The 2nd Canada-China Joint Workshop on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (CCSC-2010). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 25-28, 2010
[3] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, YU Ganglin. SCWR Assembly Designs with Peripheral Moderator Channels [C]. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010, on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL (2010)
[4] ZHANG Peng, GONG Helin, WANG Kan. Preliminary Study on Neutronics Characteristics of Thorium-based Supercritical Water-cooled Fast Reactor [C]. The 5th Int. Sym. SCWR (ISSCWR-5). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 13-16, 2011
[5] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, YU Ganglin. A multi-group Monte Carlo core analysis method and its application in SCWR design [C]. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, PHYSOR 2012
[6] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, YU Ganglin. Utilization of Different Fuels in SCWR [C]. The 3rd China-Canada Joint Workshop on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (CCSC2012), Xi’an, China, 2012
[7] ZHANG Peng, WANG Kan, YU Ganglin. Utilization of Different Fuel in Supercritical Fast Reactor [C]. The 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (ISSCWR6), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 2013


