張靖儀,男,1963年出生,理學博士,教授,院長。畢業於北京師範大學物理系。從1986年開始,一直從事引力與相對論天體物理方面的研究工作。主持國家自然科學基金2項和省自然科學基金項目1項。作為主要參加者參加過3項國家自然科學基金項目和1項國家973項目的研究工作。 2002年以來在黑洞輻射和黑洞信息丟失問題上的一系列研究工作,受到國內外同行的關注。在《Journal of High Energy Physics》、《Nuclear Physics B》、《Physics Letters B》、《Physical Review D》、《Modern Physics Letters A》、 《Chinese Physics Letters》等國際、國內著名刊物發表論文60多篇,其中42篇被SCI收錄。論文SCI引用超過1000篇次,單篇最高SCI他引180餘次,有4篇文章被SCI引用次數超100次;有2篇論文被諾貝爾獎得主F. Wilczek引用。2008年獲得Thomson Reuters “中國卓越研究獎”。2010作為主要完成人獲得教育部自然科學獎二等獎。2011年獲得廣州市科技獎一等獎。2012年,獲得中國物理學會2012年度“最有影響論文獎”一等獎。
- 中文名:張靖儀
- 職業:教授
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:廣州大學物理與電子工程學院院長
長期從事廣義相對論、以及黑洞物理學的研究工作,擔任物理專業本科生《力學》和研究生《廣義相對論》等教學工作。在國際國內重要刊物發表SCI學術論文60餘篇。所發表的學術論文總被SCI文獻引用1800多次。總計有6篇第一作者論文被SCI文獻引用次數超100次,單篇最高被引用277次。有2篇論文被諾貝爾獎得主F. Wilczek引用。曾主持國家自然科學基金面上項目3項,省自然科學基金一項;曾獲教育部自然科學二等獎,廣州市科學技術獎一等獎。特別是曾作為第一完成人,獲國際獎“Thomson Reuters Research Fronts Award 2008”,以及中國物理學會2012年度“最有影響論文獎”一等獎。2014-2019年,連續6年進入Elsevier“中國高被引學者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜單”。
1. 高階近似下黑洞熱力學問題研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(2019-2022)
2. 黑洞輻射正則系綜模型及相關問題研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(2013-2016)
- 全息糾纏熵的量子修正及其套用,國家自然科學基金青年項目(2019-2020)
- 奇性困難與時間本質,國家自然科學基金青年項目(2005-2006)
- 廣義不確定原理與黑洞熱力學,國家自然科學基金面上項目(2004-2006)
1. Tan, Hongwei; Yang, Jinbo; Zhang, Jingyi*; The global monopole spacetime and its topological charge,CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 27 期: 3 文獻號: 1674-1056(2018)27:3<030401:TGMSAI>2.0.TX;2-C 出版年: MAR 2018
2. Tan, Hong-Wei; Yang, Jinbo; He, Tangmei; Zhang, Jingyi*,A Modified Thermodynamics Method to Generate Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations,Communications in Theoretical Physics, Volume: 67, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-46 , Published: JAN 1 2017
3. Yang, Jinbo; He, Tangmei; Zhang, Jingyi*,Simple Harmonic Oscillator Canonical Ensemble Model for Tunneling Radiation of Black Hole,Entropy, 2016,18,415 Published: 23 November 2016
4. Yang, Jinbo; He, Tangmei; Zhang, Jingyi*,Rindler-like Horizon in Spherically Symmetric Spacetime,International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Volume: 55, Issue:7,Pages: 3220-3225 Published: JUL 2016
5. Yan, Shi; He, Tang-Mei; Zhang, Jing-Yi*,Corrected Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Lifespan of Schwarzschild-de-sitter Black Hole,Communications in Theoretical Physics, Volume: 65, Issue: 6, Pages: 731-734 , Published: JUN 1 2016
6. Chen, Sina; Zhang, Jingyi*,The Concrete Quantum Tunneling Spectrum of Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes,International Journal of Theoretical Physics,Volume:55, Issue:3,Pages: 1652 -1657, Published: MAR 2016
7. He, Tangmei; Zhang, Jingyi; Yang, Jinbo; et al.,Lifespan of rotating black hole in the frame of generalized uncertainty principle, Modern Physics Letters A, Volume: 31, Issue:3, Article Number: 1650008, Published: JAN 30 2016
8. Chen Si-Na; Zhang Jing-Yi*. Concrete quantum tunneling spectrum of Schwarzschild black holes, Chinese Physics B,卷: 24,期: 2,文獻號: 020401, 出版年: FEB 2015
9. Jingyi Zhang. Canonical Ensemble Model for Black Hole Radiation, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 卷: 35 期: 3 特刊: SI 頁: 573-575 出版年: SEP 2014
10. He Tang-Mei; Yang Jin-Bo; Zhang Jing-Yi*. Corrected Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Lifespan of a Black Hole, Chinese Physics Letters, 卷: 31 期: 8 文獻號: 080401 出版年: AUG 2014
11. Jingyi Zhang. Canonical Ensemble Model for the Black Hole Quantum Tunneling Radiation, Chinese Physics Letters, 卷: 30 期: 7 文獻號: 070401 出版年: JUL 2013
12. Bai-sheng Liu, Jingyi Zhang*. Discussion on Event Horizon and Quantum Ergosphere of Dynamic de Sitter Black Holes, Modern Physics Letters A, 27(2012)1250010.
13. Bai-sheng Liu, Jingyi Zhang*. Discussion on the event horizon and quantum ergosphere of dynamic rotating black holes in a tunneling framework, Chinese Physics B, 21(2012)070402
14. Jingyi Zhang, Zheng Zhao, “Discussion on Event Horizon and Quantum Ergosphere of Evaporating Black Holes in a Tunnelling Framework”, Physical Review D, 83(2011),064028
15. Jingyi Zhang, “Black Hole Entropy Calculation in a Modified Thin Film Model”, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 32(2011) , 323–325
16. Bai-Sheng Liu,Jingyi Zhang*,“Entropy Correction for Cosmological Horizon of Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Holes”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 55(2011)804-806.
17. Jingyi Zhang,“Entropy correction of BTZ black holes in a tunneling framework” Sci China-phys Mech Astron,53(2010)p1427-1433
18. Jingyi Zhang,“Rediscussion on Black Hole Angular Momentum” International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49(2010)p224-231
19. Yiwen Han, Jingyi Zhang, “Hawking temperature and thermodynamics geometry of the 3D charged-dilaton black holes” Physics Letters B, 692(2010),p74-77,
20. Hu, Ya-Peng; Zhang, Jing-Yi; Zhao, Zheng. A NOTE ON THE HAWKING RADIATION CALCULATED BY THE QUASICLASSICAL TUNNELING METHOD. Modern Physics Letters A 卷: 25 期: 4 頁: 295-308 出版年: FEB 10 2010
21. Jingyi Zhang, “Black hole entropy, log correction and inverse area correction” Physics Letters B, 675(2009),p14-17,(SCI, IF: 5.08)
22. Liang Zhou, Jingyi Zhang*,“Tunneling Radiation of Charged and Magnetized Particles from the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter Black Holes with Magnetic Charges” International Journal of Theoretical Physics 48(2009)p3213-3219
23. Tang-Mei He, Jingyi Zhang, “Tunneling Radiation from a Static Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessence” Communications in Theoretical Physics, 52(2009)619-621
24. Jingyi Zhang, “Black hole quantum tunnelling and black hole entropy correction” Physics Letters B, 668(2008),p353-356,
25. Liang Zhou, Jingyi Zhang*,“Massive Particles’ de Sitter Tunneling in (3+1)-Dimensional de Sitter Spacetimes” Communications in Theoretical Physics, 50(2008)1258-1260
26. Jingyi Zhang, Jun-Hui Fan, “Tunnelling Effect of Charged and Magnetized Particles from the Kerr-Newman-Kasuya black hole,” Physics Letters B, 648(2007),p133-138
27. Jingyi Zhang, “Tunnelling Effect of Charged and Magnetized Particles from the Reissner-Nordstr Black Hole with Magnetic Charges” Modern Physics Letters A, 22(2007),p1821-1828.
28. Jingyi Zhang, Jun-Hui Fan, “Fermion Entropy of Nonuniformly Rectilinearly Accelerating Black Hole with Electric and Magnetic Charges” Physica A, 379(2007), p90-100
29. Jingyi Zhang, Jun-Hui Fan, “Hawking radiation via tunnelling from general stationary axisymmetric black holes” Chinese Physics, 16(2007), p3879-3884
30. Tang-Mei He, Jingyi Zhang, “Tunnelling Radiation of Charged and Magnetized Massive Particles from BTZ Black Holes,” Chinese Physics Letters, 24(2007)3336.
31. Yapeng Hu, Jingyi Zhang, Zheng Zhao, Massive Uncharged and Charged Particles' Tunneling from the Horowitz-Strominger Dilaton Black Hole, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 16(2007)847-856(SCI)
32. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Charged particles’ tunneling form the Kerr-Newman black hole” Physics Letters B, 638(2006), p110-113.
33. Jingyi Zhang,Yapeng Huo, Zheng Zhao, “Information Loss in Black Hole Evaporation” Modern Physics Letters A,21(2006),1865-1868.
34. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao,“New coordinates for the evaporating Vaidya black hole” Chinese Physics Letters, 23(2006)1099-1102.
35. Chenzhou Liu,Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Charged particles’ tunneling form a dilation black hole” Physics Letters B, 639(2006), p670-674.
36. Yapeng Hu, Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Massive particles’ Hawking radiation via tunneling from the G.H Dilaton black hole,” Modern Physics Letters A 21(2006) 2143- 2149.
37. Ren Jun,Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Tunneling effect and Hawking radiation from a Vaidya black hole,” Chinese Physics Letters, 23(2006)2019
38. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao,“Hawking radiation of charged particle via tunneling from the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole,” Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP10 (2005) Art No. 055.
39. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Massive particle’s black hole tunneling and de sitter tunneling,” Nuclear Physics B, 725(2005),p173-180.
40. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “New coordinates for Kerr-Newman black hole radiation,” Physics Letters B, 618(2005), p14-22.
41. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Hawking radiation via tunneling from Kerr black holes,” Modern Physics Letters A, 20(2005), p1673-1681.
42. Jingyi Zhang,Zheng Zhao, “Hawking radiation of Dirac particles in a nonuniformly rectilinearly accelerating black hole,” General Relativity and Gravitation, 35(2003) 595-603.
43. Jingyi Zhang,“Hawking radiation of Dirac particles on Rindler horizon to a uniformly accelerating observer,” Communications in Theoretical Physics, 40(2003)244-246
[1] 項目:“緻密天體的理論與觀測研究”獲教育部高等學校自然科學獎二等獎;獲獎時間:2010年。獲獎人:樊軍輝,張靖儀,張江水,王洪光,劉怡
[2] 論文“New coordinates for Kerr-Newman black hole radiation” 獲Thomson Reuters Research Fronts Award 2008; 獲獎時間:2008年。獲獎人:張靖儀,趙崢.
[3] 項目:“緻密天體的理論與觀測研究”獲廣州市科學技術獎一等獎;獲獎時間:2008年。獲獎人:樊軍輝,張靖儀,劉怡,張江水,王洪光,林瑞光,袁聿海.
[4] 最有影響論文獎一等獎,中國物理學會,2012.9.22,獲獎人:張靖儀