獲得國家“萬人計畫”科技創新領軍人才、GFKJZY青年科學基金資助、首批長江學者獎勵計畫青年學者、首批中組部青年拔尖人才支持計畫、首批優秀青年科學基金資助、第十四屆中國青年科技獎、科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫、全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎、霍英東青年教師基金資助、霍英東青年教師二等獎等多項學術榮譽。承擔國家重點研發計畫重點專項、國家自然科學基金、國防基礎科研等科研項目共40餘項。發展了水下爆炸等大尺度氣泡動力學理論模型與實驗方法,拓展了瞬態流固耦合模型與計算方法,建立了近場水下爆炸衝擊毀傷模型與計算方法,並已套用到了艦船抗爆抗衝擊、航行體出入水、深海資源勘探等相關領域,為解決重點型號研製任務提供了重要支撐。科研成果獲得國家技術發明二等獎1項、國家科學技術進步二等獎1項、省部級一等獎2項、二等獎4項。申請發明專利20餘項,出版書籍3部,在《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》、《Physical Review Fluids》、《Physics of Fluids》、《Journal of Computational Physics》、CMAME、《Computational Mechanics》等國際學術期刊上發表SCI論文100餘篇,近五年被引2000餘次,ESI高被引論文5篇。近五年在國際學術會議做大會、主題和邀請報告10餘次。擔任中國造船工程學會船舶力學學術委員會副主任;中國交通運輸協會第五屆青年科技委副主任;中國力學學會第八屆計算力學委員會無格線與粒子類方法專業組成員;國家自然科學基金委評審會評審;《中國工程物理研究院流體物理研究所》客座教授;SCI期刊《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》副主編,《Applied Ocean Research》、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》等多個SCI期刊的編委。張老師在辦公室
[1] P.P. Wang, A.M. Zhang, F.R. Ming, P.N. Sun, H. Cheng. A novel non-reflecting boundary condition for fluid dynamics solved by smoothed particle hydrodynamics.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 860:81-114.
[2] P. Cui, A.M. Zhang, S.P. Wang, B.C. Khoo. Ice Breaking by a Collapsing Bubble. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 841:287-309.
[3] C Li, SP Wang, AM Zhang, Y Liu. Dynamic behavior of two neighboring nanobubbles induced by various gas-liquid-solid interactions. Physical Review Fluids, 2018, 3(12):123604
[4] S. Li, A.M. Zhang, S. Wang, R. Han.Transient interaction between a particle and an attached bubble with an application to cavitation in silt-laden flow. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30 (8):082111.
[5] S Li, AM Zhang, R Han. Counter-jet formation of an expanding bubble near a curved elastic boundary. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30 (12):121703.
[6] R. Han, A.M. Zhang, S. Li, Z. Zong. Experimental and numerical study of the effects of a wall on the coalescence and collapse of bubble pairs. Physics of Fluids, 30 (4): 042107.
[7] S. P. Wang, Q. X. Wang, D. M. Leppinen, A. M. Zhang, Y. L. Liu. Acoustic bubble dynamics in a microvessel surrounded by elastic material. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30: 012104.
[8] Y.X. Peng, A.M. Zhang, F.R. Ming, S.F. Li. A beam formulation based on RKPM for the dynamic analysis of stiffened shell structures. Computational Mechanics, 2018:1-14.
[9] Y.X. Peng, A.M. Zhang, F.R. Ming. A thick shell model based on reproducing kernel particle method and its application in geometrically nonlinear analysis. Computational Mechanics, 2018, 62(2): 309-321.
[10] P.N. Sun, A.Colagrossi,S.Marrone,A.M.Zhang. Multi-resolution Delta-plus-SPH with tensile instability control:Towards high Reynolds number flows. Computer Physics Communications, 2018, 224:63-80.
[11] N.N. Liu, W.B. Wu, A.M. Zhang, Y.L. Liu. Experimental and numerical investigation on bubble dynamics near a free surface and a circular opening of plate. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (10):107102.
[12] H. Cheng, A.M. Zhang, F.R. Ming. Study on coupled dynamics of ship and flooding water based on experimental and SPH methods. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (10):107101.
[13] S. Zhang, A.M. Zhang, S.P. Wang, J. Cui. Dynamic characteristics of large scale spark bubbles close to different boundaries. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (9):092107.
[14] S. Li, A.M. Zhang, R. Han, Y.Q. Liu. Experimental and numerical study on bubble-sphere interaction near a rigid wall. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (9):092102.
[15] A.M. Zhang, W.B. Wu, Y.L. Liu, Q.X. Wang. Nonlinear interaction between underwater explosion bubble and structure based on fully coupled model.Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (6):082111.
[16] Y.L. Liu, Q.X. Wang, S.P. Wang, A.M. Zhang. The motion of a 3D toroidal bubble and its interaction with a free surface near an inclined boundary. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28 (12):122101.
[17] N.N. Liu, P. Cui, S.F. Ren, A.M. Zhang. Study on the interactions between two identical oscillation bubbles and a free surface in a tank. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (5):052104.
[18] L.T. Liu, X.L. Yao, A.M. Zhang, Y.Y. Chen. Numerical analysis of the jet stage of bubble near a solid wall using a front tracking method. Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29: 012105.
[19] P.N. Sun, A. Colagrossi, S. Marrone, A.M. Zhang. The δplus-SPH model: Simple procedures for a further improvement of the SPH scheme.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 315(1):25-49.
[20] P. Cui, A. M. Zhang, S. P. Wang. Small-charge underwater explosion bubble experiments under various boundary conditions. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28:117103.
[21] R. Han, S. Li, A. M. Zhang, Q. X. Wang. Modelling for three dimensional coalescence of two bubbles. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28: 062104.
[22] S.Zhang, S.P.Wang, A.M.Zhang.Experimental study on the interaction between bubble and free surface using a high-voltage spark generator. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28:032109.
[23] P.N. Sun, A. Colagrossi, S. Marrone, A.M. Zhang. Detection of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the SPH framework. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 305(15):849-868.
[24] Y. L. Liu, S. P. Wang, and A. M. Zhang. Interaction between bubble and air-backed plate with circular hole.Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28: 062105.
[25] S. Li, R. Han, A.M. Zhang. Nonlinear interaction between a gas bubble and a suspended sphere. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016, 65: 333-354.
[26] P.Cui, Q.X.Wang, S.P.Wang, A.M.Zhang. Experimental study on interaction and coalescence of synchronized multiple bubbles. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28:012103.
[27] A.M.Zhang, P.Cui, J.Cui, and Q.X.Wang.Experimental study on bubble dynamics subject to buoyancy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 776: 137-160.
[28] A.M.Zhang, Y.L.Liu.Improved three-dimensional bubble dynamics model based on boundary element method.Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 294: 208-223.
[29] A.M.Zhang, S.Li, J.Cui.Study on splitting of a toroidal bubble near a rigid boundary. Physics of Fluids, 2015, 27: 062102.
[30] A.M.Zhang, P.N.Sun, F.R.Ming.An SPH modeling of bubble rising and coalescing in three dimensions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 294:189-209.
[31] B.Y. Ni, A.M.Zhang, G.X. Wu. Simulation of complete water exit of a fully-submerged body. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, 58:79-98.
[32] A.M. Zhang, B.Y. Ni. Three-dimensional boundary integral simulations of motion and deformation of a bubble with viscous effects.Computers & Fluids, 2014, 92(20):22-33.
[33] A.M. Zhang, W.S. Yang, H. Chao, F.R. Ming. Numerical Simulation of Column Charge Underwater Explosion Based on SPH and BEM Combination. Computers and Fluids, 2013, 71:169-178.