畢業院校:河北醫學院北京豐臺長峰醫院血管瘤外科主任、血管瘤外科學科帶頭人、北京中聯長峰國際血管瘤研究院研究員,曾在285 醫院擔任普外科主任達15 年
- 中文名:張銀喜
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
從事臨床工作35 年,主要從事肝癌、肝硬化、門靜脈高壓症等普通外科疾病的診療研究,以及肝臟腫瘤( 原發性肝癌、繼發性肝癌、肝腺瘤、肝血管瘤等)、血管瘤微創治療( 射頻、微波消融) 研究。採用手術切除、放射介入治療、消融治療以及抗腫瘤藥物治療等綜合治療手段,累計對數千例包括肝尾狀葉巨大肝癌等肝臟腫瘤患者和血管瘤患者實施治療,均取得了良好的治療效果,深受廣大患者敬重和愛戴。在各類醫學雜誌發表論文數十篇。
Zhang Yinxi, Associate Chief Physician Graduate From: Hebei Medicine University. He was the director of hemangioma surgery in Beijing Fengtai Changfeng Hospital, the subject leader of hemangioma surgery and the researcher of Beijing Zhonglian Changfeng International hemangioma research institute. He has acted as a director of general surgery department for 15 years.
He has devoted himself to doing clinical working for 35 years and his major was to diagnose and treat and study about general surgery diseases such as hepatic carcinoma, hepatic sclerosis, portal vein hypertension and so on. and he was also engaged in studying liver tumors(primary hepatic carcinoma, secondary hepatic carcinoma, hepatic adenoma, hepatic hemangioma and so on) and hemangioma minimal invasion therepy(radio frequency and microwave ablation).He uses the comprehensive therapy methods such as surgical resection, interventional radiotherapy, ablation therapy and antineoplastic therapy and so on. Thousands of liver tumors including caudate lobe of liver huge hepatic carcinoma and hemangioma patients were implemented by those therapies. They all got the good therapeutic effect. He was a highly respected and beloved doctor and published tens of papers in all kinds of medical magazine.