- 中文名:張躍強
- 出生地:河北保定
- 出生日期:1982年
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
目前主持國家自然科學基金1項,中國博士後基金1項。曾參與科技部973項目“主要糧食作物高產栽培與資源高效利用的基礎研究”和HarvestPlus國際合作項目“Zinc fertilization increases grain yield and grain Zn concentration”等研究課題。
Zhang Y-Q, Wen M-X, Li X-P, Shi X-J. 2014. Long-term fertilisation causes excess supply and loss of phosphorus in purple paddy soil. Jounal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94(6): 1175-1183. Zhang Y-Q, Wen M-X, Zhang L-M, Shi X-J. 2014. Agronomic and microbial responses to long-term straw return in purple paddy soil. Journal of Pure and applied microbiology 8(3):1939-1946.Zhang Y-Q, Pang L-L, Yan P, Liu D-Y, Zhang W, Yost R, et al. 2013. Zinc fertilizer placement affects zinc content in maize plant. Plant and Soil 372:81–92.Zhang Y-Q, Yazici MA, Gokmen OO, Cakmak I, Zhang F-S, Zou C-Q. 2013. Comparison of Winter Wheat Genotypes Differing in Zinc Efficiency and Origin: The Zinc Uptake and Enzyme Activity. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44(19): 2875-2883.Zhang Y-Q, Deng Y, Chen R-Y, Cui Z-L, Chen X-P, Russell Y, Zhang F-S, Zou C-Q. 2012. The zinc reduction in wheat grain upon increased phosphorus supply and its mitigation by foliar zinc application. Plant and Soil 361(1-2): 143-152.Zhang Y-Q, Sun Y-X, Ye Y-L, Karim M R, Xue Y-F, Yan P, Meng Q-F, Cui Z-L, Cakmak I, Zhang F-S, Zou C-Q. 2012. Zinc biofortification of wheat through fertilizer applications in different locations of China. Field Crops Research 125, 1-7. Zhang Y-Q, Shi R-L, Karim MR, Zhang F-S, Zou C-Q. 2010. Iron and zinc concentrations in grain and flour of winter wheat as affected by foliar application. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58, 12268-12274.