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張超:男,漢族,成都理工大學能源學院 副教授,碩士生導師。


2022.1-至今 成都理工大學能源學院 副教授
2019.7-2021.12 成都理工大學能源學院 講師
2014.9-2019.7 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 構造地質學 理學博士
2010.9-2014.7 防災科技學院 地質學 理學學士
(1)Zhang Chao, Huang Ronghua,Qin Song, et al. 2021. The high-temperature geothermal resources in theGonghe-Guide area,northeast Tibetan plateau: A comprehensive review.Geothermics, 97:1-14. (SCI收錄)
(2)Zhang Chao, Zhang Linyou,Wang Xiaoguang, et al. 2021. Effects of the spatial heterogeneity in reservoirparameters on the heat extraction performance forecast based on a 3Dthermo-hydro-mechanical coupled model: A case study at the Zhacang geothermalfield in the Guide basin, northeastern Tibetan plateau. Geothermics, 95:1-14.(SCI收錄)
(3)Zhang Chao, Hu Shengbiao, Zhang Shengsheng, et al.2020. Radiogenic heat production variations in the Gonghe basin, northeasternTibetan Plateau: Implications for the origin of high-temperature geothermalresources. Renewable Energy, 148:284-297. (SCI收錄)
(4)Zhang Chao, Jiang Guangzheng, Jia Xiaofeng, et al.2019. Parametric study of the production performance of an enhanced geothermalsystem: A case study at the Qiabuqia geothermal area, northeast Tibetanplateau. Renewable Energy, 132:959-978. (SCI收錄)
(5)Zhang Chao, Jiang Guangzheng, Shi Yizuo, et al.2018. Terrestrial heat flow and crustal thermal structure of the Gonghe-Guidearea, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Geothermics, 72:182-192. (SCI收錄)
(6)Wang Zhuting, Zhang Chao, Jiang Guangzheng.2021. Effect of different exploitation schemes on production performance fromthe carbonate reservoir: A case study in Xiong’an new area. Journal of CleanerProduction, 314:1-15. (SCI收錄)
(7)Wang Zhuting, Jiang Guangzheng, Zhang Chao,Hu Jie, Shi Yizuo, Wang Yibo, Hu Shengbiao. 2018. Thermal regime of thelithosphere and geothermal potential in Xiong'an New Area. Energy Exploration& Exploitation, 0(0):1-24. (SCI收錄)
(8)Liu Qiongying, Zhang Linyou, Zhang Chao, HeLijuan. 2016. Lithospheric thermal structure of the North China Craton and itsgeodynamic implications. Journal of Geodynamics, 102:139-150. (SCI收錄)
(9) GaoPeng, Qiu Qianfeng, Jiang Guangzheng, Zhang Chao, Hu Shengbiao,Lei Yuhong, Wang Xiangzeng. 2018. Present-day geothermal characteristics of theOrdos Basin, western North China Craton: New findings from deep boreholesteady-state temperature measurements. Geophysical Journal International,214(1): 254-264. (SCI收錄)
(10)Jiang Guangzheng, Wang Yi, Shi Yizuo, Zhang Chao,Tang Xiaoyin, Hu Shengbiao. 2016. Estimate of Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Resourcein Daqing Oilfield, Northeast China. Energies, 9(10):1-13. (SCI收錄)
(11)張超,胡聖標, 宋榮彩等,2020. 共和盆地乾熱岩地熱資源的成因機制:來自岩石放射性生熱率的約束. 地球物理學報, 63(7): 2697-2709. (SCI收錄)
(12)張超,張盛生,李勝濤等,2018. 共和盆地恰卜恰地熱區現今地熱特徵. 地球物理學報, 61 (11): 4545-4557. (SCI收錄)
(13)王朱亭,張超,姜光政等,2019. 雄安新區現今溫度場特徵及成因機制. 地球物理學報, 62 (11): 4313-4322. (SCI收錄)
(14)余春梅,張超,楊宇,宋榮彩. 2021. 川西地熱資源綜合梯級利用. 天然氣勘探與開發, 44(3): 102-111.
(2)The characteristics of geothermal field of Qiabuqia townin Gonghe basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, AGU(2017), New Orleans
(2)Renewable Energy、Geothermal Energy、Arabian Journal of Geosciences、Journal of Central South University等期刊審稿人


