例如:The rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed quartet looked so charming in their light summer attire, clinging to the roadside bank like pigeons on a roof-slope, that he stopped a moment to regard them before coming close. (Hardy 129;Ch.23)
例如:Which he had before known but darkly – the seasons in their moods mornings and evening, night and noon, winds in their different tempers, trees waters, mists, shades and silences and the voices of inanimate things. (Hardy 107; Ch.18)
例如:Nightfall, which in the frost of winters comes as a fiend and in the warmth of summer as a lover, come as a tranquilizer on this March day. (Hardy 317; Ch.50)
例如: All round was open loneliness and black solitude, over which a stiff breeze blew. (Hardy 359;Ch.58)張谷若有效地再現的原文所要表達的意境,將之譯為:“周圍一切,只是一片空曠的荒寒,一團漆黑的僻靜,一股勁風,在上面吹動”。“open loneliness” 和“black solitude” 張谷若將之分別譯為“一片空曠的荒寒”和“一團漆黑的僻靜”這不僅表達了淒涼的意境,同時還向譯語讀者呈現出一幅憂傷淒清的畫面。 “stiff breeze blew”被譯為“一股勁風,在上面吹動”。這一意象與描寫的景象形成了鮮明的對比,襯託了悲慘而憂傷的氣氛,預示並象徵不幸的事情即將發生。
第二,張恩裕先生說要想學好英語,必須學會利用工具書和詞典。學好英語,總得用破幾本詞典。他說不僅要學會利用英漢詞典和漢英詞典,更要學會利用原文詞典,就是英英詞典。他介紹了我前所未聞的Roget’s Thesaurus,那是英國人Peter Mark Roget按照語義意念分類編纂的“找字詞典”(word finder)。我後來到王府井東安市場的舊書店花五角錢買到一部袖珍本,用了一輩子。我在漢譯英和用英語寫作時,主要就是使用這本詞典。老一輩學者中有些人由於時代的局限性,從來沒有留過學,沒有出過國,甚至一輩子沒有機會同英美人交談過。他們學好英語的一個重要方法,就是勤查詞典。