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  • 中文名:張興旭
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:植物生態化學
  • 任職院校:蘭州大學草地農業科技學院




l 2001.9-2005.7:河西學院生物系,生物科學專業學習,獲理學學士學位。論文題目:水楊酸對鎘脅迫條件下小麥生理生化指標的影響。導師:張芬琴教授。
l 2005.9-2008.7:蘭州大學草地農業科技學院,植物病理學專業學習,獲農學碩士學位。論文題目:內生真菌對醉馬草抗蟲性影響的研究。導師:李春傑教授。
l 2008.9-2012.12:蘭州大學草地農業科技學院,草業科學專業學習,獲農學博士學位。論文題目:醉馬草-內生真菌共生體對脅迫的回響及其次生代謝產物活性的研究。導師:南志標院士。
l 2018.03-2019.03,美國俄克拉荷馬大學(OU),美國微生物學會院士、清華大學環境學院特聘教授周集中環境微生物研究所(IEG),受國家留學基金委員會資助,訪問學者
l 2017.03-2017.07,西安外國語大學,國家公派訪問學者英語學習
l 2015.09-2015.10,澳大利亞La Trobe大學和澳大利亞維多利亞農業生物科學研究中心,參加第9屆國際禾草內生真菌大會並開展合作交流
l 2015.05-今,蘭州大學,草地農業科技學院,副教授
l 2013.01-2015.04,蘭州大學,草地農業科技學院,講師
l 2011.01-2012.12,蘭州大學,草地農業科技學院,優博培育師資
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Fungal Ecology,Journal of Plant Ecology,Science China Life Sciences和 Plant Growth Regulation等SCI國際權威期刊以及《草業科學》和《草業學報》等國家中文核心期刊匿名評審人。


l Xia Chao, Li Nana, Zhang Yawen, Li Chunjie, Zhang Xingxu*, Nan Zhibiao. Role of Epichlo? endophytes in defense responses of cool-season grasses to pathogens: a review. Plant Disease, 2018, Posted online on 22 Jun 2018, First Look online. (SCI 1區綜述)
l Xia Chao, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu*, Nan Zhibiao. Effect of Epichlo? gansuensis endophyte and transgenerational effects on the water use efficiency, nutrient and biomass accumulation of Achnatherum inebrians under soil water deficit. Plant and Soil, 2018, 424:555-571. (SCI 1區)
l Li Nan, Xia Chao, Zhong Rui, Ju Yawen, Nan Zhibiao, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu*. Interactive effects of water stress and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) on the alkaloid production of Achnatherum inebrians, infected by Epichlo? endophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2018, 61, (第一作者碩士研究生)
l Zhong Rui, Xia Chao, Ju Yawen, Li Nana, Zhang Xingxu*, Nan Zhibiao, Christensen Michael J. Effects of Epichlo? gansuensis on root-associated fungal communities of Achnatherum inebrians under different growth conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2018, 31:29-36.(第一作者碩士研究生1年級)
l Wang Jianfeng, Nan Zhibiao*, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu, Tian Pei, Zhang Zhixin, Niu Xueli, Gao Peng, Ma Lixia. Effect of Epichlo? gansuensis endophyte on the nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen use efficiency, and stoichiometry of Achnatherum inebrians under nitrogen limitation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.76
06158. (SCI 1區)
l Zhang Yuping, Zhou Yanfei, Zhang Xingxu, Duan Tingyu, Nan Zhibiao*. Effects of Epichlo? endophyte on antioxidant enzymes activities, photosynthesis and growth of three ecotypes of Elymus dahuricus. Frontiers in Agriculture and Science Engineer, 2018, 5(1):148-158.
l Chen Tao, Nan Zhibiao*, Zhang Xingxu, Hou Fujiang, Christensen Michael J, Baskin Carol. Does dormancy protect seeds against attack by the pathogenic fungus Fusarium tricinctum in a semiarid grassland of Northwest China? Plant and Soil, 2018, 422:155-168. (SCI 1區)
l Song Qiuyan, Yu Haitao, Zhang Xingxu, Nan Zhibiao*, Gao Kun. Dahurelmusin A, a hybrid peptide-polyketide from Elymus dahuricus infected by the Epichlo? bromicola endophyte. Organic Letters, 2017, DOI:10.1021/acs.orglett.6b03568. (SCI 1區)
l Xia Chao, Li Nana, Zhang Xingxu*, Feng Yao, Christensen Michael J, Nan Zhibiao. An Epichlo? endophyte improves photosynthetic ability and dry matter production of its host Achnatherum inebrians infected by Blumeria graminis under various soil water conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2016, 22:26-34.
l Song Qiuyan, Nan Zhibiao*, Gao Kun, Song Hui, Tian Pei, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie, Xu Wenbo, Li Xiuzhang. Antifungal, phytotoxic, and cytotoxic activities of metabolites from Epichlo? bromicola, a fungus obtained from Elymus tangutorum grass. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63(40):8787-8792. (SCI 1區)
l Xia Chao, Zhang Xingxu, Christensen Michael J, Nan Zhibiao*, Li Chunjie. Epichlo? endophyte affects the ability of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) to colonise drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Fungal Ecology, 2015, 16:26-33.
l Zhou Lianyu, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Christensen Michael J, Nan Zhibiao. Antifungal activity and phytochemical investigation of the asexual endophyte of Epichlo? sp from Festuca sinensis. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, 58(8):821-826.
l Zhang Xingxu, Xia Chao, Li Chunjie, Nan Zhibiao*. Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the volatile oil from Epichlo? gansuensis, endophyte-infected and non-infected Achnatherum inebrians. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, 58(8):512-514.
l Zhou Lianyu, Li Chunjie*, Zhang Xingxu, Johnson Richard, Bao Gengsheng, Yao Xiang, Chai Qing. Effects of cold shocked Epichlo? infected Festuca sinensis on ergot alkaloid accumulation. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 14:99-104.
l Zhang Xingxu, Xia Chao, Nan Zhibiao*. Effects of symbiotic Epichlo? gansuensis endophyte on drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) growth and seed production. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015, 58(2):1-7.
l Zhang Xingxu, Nan Zhibiao*, Li Chunjie, Gao Kun. Cytotoxic effect of ergot alkaloids in Achnatherum inebrians infected by the Neotyphodium gansuense endophyte. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62(30):7419-7422. (SCI1區)
l Zhang Xingxu, Wu Yanpei, Nan Zhibiao. Antifungal activity of petroleum ether extracts from Achnatherum inebrians infected with Neotyphodium gansuense. Science China Life Sciences, 2014, 57(12):1234-1235.
l Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao, Matthew Cory. Neotyphodium endophyte increases Achnatherum inebrians (drunken horse grass) resistance to herbivores and seed predators. Weed Research, 2012, 52(1):70-78.
l Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Elymus dahuricus infected with the Neotyphodium endophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(9): 793-799.
l Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of salt and drought stress on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2011, 39: 471-476.
l Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cutting frequency and height on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Science China Life Sciences, 2011, 54(6): 567-571.
l Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on growth and anti-oxidative systems in Achnatherum inebrians symbiotic with Neotyphodium gansuense. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 175: 703-709. (SCI 1區)
l Zhang Xingxu, Fan Xiaomei, Li Chunjie*, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination, seedling growth and antioxidative enzymes in Achnatherum inebrians plants infected with a Neotyphodium endophyte. Plant Growth Regulation, 2010, 60(2):91-97.
l Chen Na, Yang Yanzhuo, Yang Xiaoli, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie*. Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci for Achnatherum inebrians (Poaceae). Conservation Genetics, 2008, 9(4):961-963.
l 一種升降式簡報牲畜秤。黃椏鋒,蔡明,張子軍,張興旭,程簫。授權公告號:CN 204422037 U。實用新型專利
l 一種田間實驗區設定裝置及其設定實驗區的方法。黃椏鋒,張志新,張興旭,高小莉。授權公告號:CN 105638057 A。國家發明專利。
l 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫):重要牧草、鄉土草抗逆優質高產的生物學基礎之內生真菌提高禾草抗逆性的研究(課題編號:2014CB138702,2014-2018,350萬元),學術骨幹,子課題負責人,由項目負責人南志標院士分配10%課題經費。
l 國家自然科學基金面上項目:內生真菌提高醉馬草抗旱性的機理研究,國家自然科學基金委員會,(31772665,2018-2021,61萬元),主持。
l 蘭州大學祁連山研究院項目:祁連山醉馬草草地的改良研究,蘭州大學資源環境學院祁連山研究院開放課題,(2018-2019,10萬元),主持。
l 國家自然科學基金青年項目“醉馬草內生真菌共生體次生代謝產物的活性研究(31402132, 2015-2017年)”。主持。
l 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金面上項目“醉馬草主要次生代謝產物及其生物活性研究(LZUJBKY-2014-75, 2014-2015年)”。主持。
l 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金優秀研究生創新項目“醉馬草內生真菌共生體生物鹼多樣性及其對草食動物的毒性研究(LZUJBKY-2009-156, 2010-2011年)”。主持。
l 教育部博士研究生學術新人獎專項基金“醉馬草內生真菌共生體次生代謝產物及其生物學活性的研究(2011-2012年)”。主持。
l 國家973計畫課題“牧草、鄉土草抗生物逆境機理及遺傳與選育的基礎研究(2007CB108902, 2007-2012年)”。南志標院士主持,學術骨幹。
l 國家自然科學基金項目“醉馬草內生真菌多樣性及其對家畜的影響(30771531,2008-2010年)”。李春傑教授主持,學術骨幹。
l 中國/加拿大合作項目“中國醉馬草生物鹼的空間分布研究(2007-2008)”。李春傑教授主持,學術骨幹。


