- 中文名:張胤唯
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:南開大學
- 職業:教師
- 學歷:區域金融博士
- 研究方向:公司治理區域金融,金融危機管理
台灣亞洲證券承銷部專案科長、襄理 :一年半
BRITEK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD sales representative:一年半(台、德)
I have 1.5 years work in BRITEK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD as sales representative and the first one year work inGermanyand the last half year in Taipei. Then I enter Asian Security Corporation in the underwriting department as project supervisor for more than one and half year. I then have fourteen years work experience in Yu-Da University of Science and Technology (Department of Accounting and Finance) as Lecturer and form years of 2013. I have promoted to assistant professor. Among this fourteen years work in Yu-Da University of Science and Technology I got Ph.D degree in Economics in Nankai University and Ph.D in Finance in Central University. My major field is regional finance and corporate Now I am a worker in International College of “Xiamen University”. According to these working experience I now have long-term objective, that is , try to issue higher quality of academic Journal in Regional Finance、 Corporate Governance and Financial Crisis in top international Journal also to work as a Consultant for western countries, Taiwan & China mainland’s financial industry to promote its image, productivity and business expansion in the global market. Enter a pure academic university and focus on research in corporate finance and financial crisis.
1.Founding family Ownership on Myopic R&D Investment Behavior. Journal of Account Auditing and Finance, third round resubmitted. Corresponding author.
2.全球金融海嘯下股市及匯市遞延效果之探討, 研討會
3. Industry Reputation and CEO Horizon Problems. 台北大學企業管理學報九十八期.
4. 華人家族企業傳承問題,中外教育合作 2015.
5. Exploring the Relationships among Career Needs, Commitments, and Health for Survivors in Downsizing -Using Career Adaptability as a Moderator. Educational Administration Quarterly(SSCI) 2015 Full consideration Publish in EAQ.
6. Industry Reputation and Family Ownership on CEO Horizon Problems, Applied Economics(SSCI)2015, Full Consideration Publish in APE.
7. How Does Market Value When Manager Manipulating Real Activities under Net Operating Asset? (2014) 最佳論文獎。
8.中國房產住房商品化分析, 中國房地產研究年刊, 2014年第九期
9. 股權結構與創新活動的短視行為, 東吳大學會計學報, Nov, 2013
10. Do Reputation Mitigate CEO Horizon Problems? 國際學術研討會
11. 流動性過剩對房地產的影響與對策, 中國房地產研究期刊第七期, 2012
12. 兩岸金融市場與國民福祉的探究兩岸經濟與管理季刊第二期2012
13. 美元,美元多少罪惡假汝之名以行, 國際學術研討會,2011
14. 人民幣成為區域性錨貨幣的可行性分析, 研討會
15. 人民幣國際化與美元未來的發展, 研討會
16. 房市泡沫化的成因與治理對策, 中國房地產研究期刊第五期,2009.
1、兩岸金融事務論述, 新陸書局與台灣金融商品協會, ISBN:978-986-6333-45-3,2011。
2、兩岸金融合作與交流深化的制度創新研究ECFA的論述, 指南書局,ISBN:978-986-6085-27-7, 2012。
3. 全台灣大專院校教師赴公民機構營研習項目/生技產業國際行銷認證與經營實務研習共同主持人間
4. 產學合作案(一)公司治理。廣亞文教基金會。
5. 產學合作案(二)金融機構資金充裕度對一般產業的影想。廣亞文教基金會。
2、Dean List in Loyola University of Chicago Master in Finance program.
2.天津南開大學博碩士台灣協進會 理事。
3.台灣金融商品協會 會務顧問。
4.Reviewer of Journal of Applied Financial Economic(SSCI)