



  • 中文名:張翰卿
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:城市設計等
  • 任職院校:武漢大學城市設計學院


同濟大學Tongji University: 博士(城市規劃與設計)2008 Ph.D.in Urban and Regional Planning, Shanghai
武漢理工大學Wuhan University of Technology:碩士(建築設計及其理論)1998 Master of Engineering(Architecture), Wuhan
武漢大學Wuhan University: 學士(城鎮建設)1993 Bachelor of Engineering( Town Construction), Wuhan
1. 武漢測繪科技大學城市建設學院,中國湖北武漢
School of Urban Studies, Wuhan TechnicalUniversity of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan, Hubei, China
teaching assistant(1993), lecturer(1998),head of the teaching and research section(1998-2000)
2. 武漢大學城市設計學院,中國湖北武漢
School of UrbanDesign, WuhanUniversity,Wuhan, Hubei ,China
associate professor(2010),Secretary of Party Branch(2000-2003,2016-); deputy director of the department of architecture(2015)
3. 北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校城市與區域規劃系,美國
Department of City and Regional Planning,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,U.S.A.
visiting scholar (Nov. 2013-Dec.2014)


Urban Design;Architecture Design; Building Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety; Urban Planning


1. 2017年武漢大學教學成果二等獎(排名第三)
2017 Award for the second prize of teaching achievement of Wuhan University(Ranked third).
2. 2015年“全國高校建築設計教案/作業觀摩與評選”優秀作業(指導教師)
The Outstanding Work of The Selection of Teaching Plans and Student Works for Architecture Design in Architectural School of China 2015 (Teacher)
3. 2009年全國第8屆大學生建築設計優秀作業(指導教師)
2009 8th National Outstanding Architectural Design students work (Teacher)
4. 2005年獲湖北省優秀城市規劃設計二等獎
2005 Award for the second prize of Excellent Urban Planning and Design of Hubei Province .
5. 2005年獲雲南省優秀城市規劃設計鼓勵獎
2005 Award for outstanding urban planning and design to encourage of Yunnan Province . .
6. 2005年獲湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎
Third class award of scientific paper in hubei province,2005, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
7. 2000年獲武漢測繪科技大學優秀黨務工作者
WTUSM Outstanding Party Workers, 2000, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping , Wuhan.
8. 1999年獲武漢測繪科技大學優秀青年教師二等獎
WTUSM Outstanding Young Teachers Awards, 1999, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping , Wuhan.
9. 1996-1997年獲武漢測繪科技大學優秀青年教師二等獎
WTUSM Outstanding Young Teachers Awards, 1996-1997, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping , Wuhan.
10. 1993年獲武漢測繪科技大學優秀本畢業生
WTUSM Outstanding Graduate Awards, 1993, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping , Wuhan.


Refereed Articles 發表 論文
1. 張翰卿 安海波,2017,耐災理念導向的城市空間結構最佳化方法《城鄉規劃》, (3) :76-85.
Zhang, H, 2015. Optimization Methods for Urban Spatial Structure Based on the Concept of Disaster Resilience. Journal of Urban and Rural Planning , (3) :76-85.
2. 張翰卿 陳莉莉,2016,城市規劃視角下的戰術城市主義研究《城市規劃學刊》, (5) :35-41.
Zhang, H. & Chen, L. 2016. Researches on Tactical Urbanism from Urban Planning Perspective. Journal of Urban Planning Forum, (5): 35-41.
3. 張翰卿,2011年,安全城市規劃的理論框架探討《規劃師》,(8) :5-9.
Zhang, H, 2011. Theoretical Framework for Safer City Planning. Journal of Planners, (8) :5-9.
4. 張翰卿 戴慎志, 2008年,對城市安全問題的再認識《北京規劃建設》,(4) :7-10.
Zhang, H. & DAI, S. 2008. Issues of urban safety Recognition. Journal of Beijing Planning Review, (4) :7-10.
5. 張翰卿 戴慎志, 2007年,美國的城市綜合防災規劃及其啟示《國際城市規劃》, 22(4) :58-64.
Zhang, H. & DAI, S. 2007. Urban Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Plan in America and Its Enlightenment. Journal of Urban Planning International, 22(4) :58-64..
6. 張翰卿 戴慎志, 2005年,安全城市規劃研究綜述《城市規劃學刊》, (2) :38-44.
Zhang, H. & DAI, S. 2005. Literature Review of Safety Research in Urban Planning. Journal of Urban Planning Forum, (2): 38-44.
7. 張翰卿 戴慎志, 2005年,美國城市公共空間的發展歷史《規劃師》, (2) :111-114.
Zhang, H. & DAI, S. 2005. The Brief History of Urban Public Space in America. Journal of Planners, (2) :111-114..
8. 張翰卿, 2002年,城市中心區遊憩功能的開發《武漢大學學報(工學版)》, 35(5) :58-62. (EI)
Zhang, H, 2002. Development of downtown’s recreational function. Engineering Journal of Wuhan University, 35(5) :58-62. (EI)
9. 張翰卿, 2001年,高校社會化的空間策略《城市規劃》, 25(7) :57-60.
Zhang, H, 2001. The Space Strategy of The Socialization of The Higher Learning Institute. Journal of Urban Planning Review, 25(7):57-60.
1. 張翰卿. 2013.城市地下空間開發與綜合管線建設管理,湖北省委黨校年輕幹部成長工程城鄉建設規劃類培訓班,2013年5月27日,中國武漢。
Zhang, H, 2013. Urban Underground Space Development and Pipeline Construction Management, The Youth and the Middle-aged Class of Hubei Provincial Party School, May 27, 2013 Wuhan, China.
2.張翰卿,戴慎志. 2006.國內外城市綜合防災規劃比較研究及經驗借鑑,2006中國城市規劃年會,2006年9月21-23日,中國廣州。
Zhang, H. & DAI, S. 2006. Comparative Study on Foreign and DomesticUrban Comprehensive DisasterI Prevention Plan and Its Enlightenment, 2006National Planning Conference,September 21-23, 2006. Guangzhou, China.
1.基於耐災理念的雄安新區綜合防災規劃策略研究, 國家自然科學基金項目 (編號:71741037), 國家自然科學基金委,¥150,000. 2017-2018.(項目負責人
Study on comprehensive disaster prevention planning strategy in the Xiongan New Area based on disaster resilience, Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 71741037,National Natural Science Foundation of China. ¥150,000. 2017-2018.(Principal investigator)
2.客運專線車站地區土地開發現狀及應對策略研究, 中鐵第四勘察設計院集團有限公司,¥250,000. 2016-2016.(主要完成人)
Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Land Development in Railway Station Area on Passenger Dedicated Lines,China Railway Siyuan Survey And Design Group Co.,LTD.. ¥250,000. 2016-2016.(Key members)
3.村鎮區域綜合防災減災信息系統研究及示範, “十二五”國家科技支撐計畫 (編號:2014BAL05B07),科技部,. 2014-2017.(參加人)
Research and Demonstration on the Rural Area Comprehensive Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Information System, Supported by National "Twelfth Five-Year" Plan for Science & Technology Support, Grant No. 2014BAL05B07,Ministry of Science and Technology.. 2014-2017.(members)
4.西藏自治區城鄉建設防災減災十二五規劃,西藏自治區建設廳,¥200,000. 2011-2013.(主要完成人)
Tibet "Twelfth Five-Year" Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plan in Urban and Rural Construction,department of construction of the Tibet autonomous region. ¥200,000. 2011-2013.(Key members)
5.安全城市規劃理論和設計方法研究, 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金項目 (編號:20050247039),教育部,¥70,000. 2006-2008.(主要完成人)
Research on the Planning Theory and Method of Safer City, Supported by the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, Grant No. 20050247039,Ministry of Education. ¥70,000. 2006-2008.(Key members)
1. 鶴壁市總體城市設計(89平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2017,採用方案。項目負責人。
Comprehensive Urban Design of Hebi City(89 Square kilometer),Hebi City, Henan, 2017, adopted. Principal Planner.
2. 鶴壁市淇濱大道(高速公路口-興鶴大街段)沿街地塊控規階段城市設計(2.8平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2017,採用方案。項目負責人。
Urban Design for the Qibin Street of the Hebi(2.8 Square kilometer),Hebi City, Henan, 2017, adopted. Principal Planner.
3. 南豐古城片區重要地段城市設計(1.8平方公里),南豐,江西,2015,採用方案。項目負責人。
Urban Design for the key area of the Nanfeng Ancient Town(2.1 Square kilometer),Nanfeng County, Jiangxi, 2015, adopted. Principal Planner.
4. 景德鎮市五中體育館建築方案設計(4000平方米),景德鎮,江西,2014,採用方案。項目負責人。
Architectural design for gym of the Jingdezhen fifth middle school(4000 Square meter),Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi, 2014, adopted. Principal Architect..
5. 涼城縣102省道沿線新農村建設規劃(5個村),涼城,內蒙古,2014,採用方案。項目負責人。
Construction Planning for the new countryside along the provincial highway No. 102 in Liangcheng County(5 villages),Liangcheng County, Inner Mongolia, 2014, adopted. Principal Planner...
6. 奉化市江口街道村莊建設規劃(3個村),奉化,浙江,2013,採用方案。項目負責人。
Construction Planning for the countryside of Jiangkou sub-district Office(3 villages),Fenghua City, Zhejiang, 2013, adopted. Principal Planner..
7. 涼城縣岱海溫泉小鎮規劃設計(13平方公里),涼城,內蒙古,2013,採用方案。項目負責人。
Planning for the Daihai spa town of Liangcheng County(13 Square kilometer),Liangcheng County, Inner Mongolia, 2013, adopted. Principal Planner..
8. 鶴壁新區南部片區重點地區城市設計(2.1平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2012,採用方案。項目負責人。
Urban Design for the key area of the south part of the Hebi new district(2.1 Square kilometer),Hebi City, Henan, 2012, adopted. Principal Planner.
9. 漢口北無紡布產業鏈基地方案設計(251畝),武漢,湖北,2012,採用方案。項目負責人。
Concept Planning for Non-woven industry chain base in the north of Hankou (251 acres),Wuhan City, Hubei, 2012, adopted. Principal Planner..
10. 重慶開縣工業園區臨港移民生態園控制性詳細規劃(7平方公里),開縣,重慶,2012,採用方案。項目負責人。
Regulatory Plan for industrial park of the Kai County(7 Square kilometer),Kai County, Chongqing, 2012, adopted. Principal Planner..
11. 鶴壁市鉅橋商貿物流園區及職教園區東南片區城市設計(1.5平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2012,中標方案。項目負責人。
Urban Design for the Trading Logistics Park and the Southeast Part of Vocational education park(1.5 Square kilometer),Hebi City, Henan, 2012, adopted. Principal Planner..
12. 武漢白雲生態養老城概念規劃(336畝),武漢,湖北,2011,採用方案。項目負責人。
Concept Planning for Baiyun Ecological Pension City (336 acres),Wuhan City, Hubei, 2011, adopted. Principal Planner..
13. 鶴壁市淇河西岸生態園整體概念規劃(2500畝),鶴壁,河南,2011,採用方案。項目負責人。
Concept Planning for West Bank Ecological Park of Qi River (2500 acres),Hebi City, Henan, 2011, adopted. Principal Planner..
14. 鶴壁市綜合功能服務區修建性詳細規劃(1.1平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2010,實施方案。項目負責人。
Site Plan for The Comprehensive Functional Service Area (1.1 Square kilometer). Hebi City, Henan, 2010, implemented. Principal Planner..
15. 江西樂平三中校園規劃(10公頃),樂平,江西,2010年,採用方案。項目負責人。
Campus Planning and Design for The Third School of Leping (10 Ha.). Leping City, Jiangxi, 2010, adopted. Principal Planner..
16. 中鶴集團現代農業試驗區居民生活安置區概念規劃(6平方公里),濬縣,河南,2010年,採用方案。項目負責人。
Concept Planning for Living Resettlement Areas of Zhonghe Group (6 Square kilometers),Xun County, Henan, 2010, adopted. Principal Planner.
17. 鶴壁市寶山循環經濟產業集聚區總體發展規劃(17平方公里),鶴壁,河南,2009,實施方案。項目負責人。
Development Plan for Baoshan Concentration areas of circular economy(17 Square kilometers),Hebi City, Henan, 2009, implemented. Principal Planner..
18. 河南省濬縣縣城總體規劃(人口20萬),濬縣,河南,2009,採用方案。項目負責人。
Comprehensive Planning for the County of Xun (with a population of 200,000), Xun County, Henan, 2010, adopted. Principal Planner.
19. 南昌高新區尤口鎮區控規(3平方公里),南昌,江西,2005,實施方案。項目負責人。
Regulatory Plan for The Xiukou Town(3 Square kilometers), Nanchang City, Jiangxi, 2005, implemented. Principal Planner.
2006-present, Member of the engineering planning Academic Commission of Urban Planning Society of China


Courses Taught講授的課程
本科課程(Undergraduate Courses):
建築設計基礎Basis of Architecture Design
城市設計Urban Design
建築防災Disaster Prevention in Architecture Design
建築設計Architectural Design
中外建築史Chinese and Foreign Architectural History
研究生課程(Graduate Courses):
現代城市設計 the Modern Urban Design
城市建築學 the Architecture of the City
建築防災與城市安全 Building Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety


