已經發表 230 多篇科研論文,其中刊物論文100 多篇,多數為國際發表。至2011年9月為止,文章被SCI 檢索50 多篇,EI 檢索140 多篇。所發表的文章被他人引用至少500多次。
在國際、國內會議、企業、大學做過160 余次演講,其中多次為主辦方邀請。是過程冶金類國際刊物 Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B . 和Iron and Steel Technology 審稿委員會委員(Key Reader)。受邀先後為26 個國際刊物審理稿件。多次組織主持國際會議,如美國礦物、金屬與材料協會(TMS)年度國際會議、美國鋼鐵協會(AIST)年度國際會議、國際太陽能會議、材料科學與技術國際會議、國際資源回收會議等等。
承擔和參與了60 多項國際研究課題,課題來源:美國自然科學基金、美國能源部、美國國防部、美國模鑄冶金學會、挪威學術理事會、歐盟研究基金、德國研究理事會、日本學術振興會、和一些世界著名的鋼鐵企業(例如紐柯鋼鐵、寶鋼)、鋁業公司(例如海德魯鋁業、美國鋁業)、光伏用矽企業等等。
1.Ying Ren, Lifeng Zhang, Shusen Li. “Transient Inclusions Evolution during Calcium Modification in Linepipe Steels,” ISIJ International, Vol.54, No.12, pp.2772-2779
2.Ying Ren, Lifeng Zhang, Wen Yang, Haojian Duan. Formation Mechanism and Thermodynamics of Mg–Al–Ti–O Complex Inclusions in Mg-Al-Ti-Deoxidized Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.45B, No.6, 2014, pp.2057-2071
3.Shengqian Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Anping Dong, Jianwei Gao, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah. “Application of Electromagnetic (EM) Separation Technology to Metal Refining Processes: A Review,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.45B, 2014, No.6, pp. 2153-2185
4.Shengqian Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Yue Tian, Yanlong Li, Haitao Ling. “Separation of Non-metallic Inclusions from Molten Steel Using High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.45B, No.5, 2014, pp.1915-1935
5.Lifeng Zhang, Xiaogang Yang, Shusen Li, Ming Li, Wei Ma. “Control of Transverse Corner Cracks on Low Carbon Steel Slabs,” JOM, Vol.66, No.9, 2014, pp.1711-1720
6.Ying Ren, Yufeng Wang, Shusen Li, Lifeng Zhang, Xiangjun Zuo, Simon N. Lekakh, Kent D. Peaslee. “Detection of Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel Continuous Casting Billets,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.45B, No.4, 2014, pp.1291-1303
7.Haitao Ling, Lifeng Zhang. “Numerical Simulation of the Growth and Removal of Inclusions in the Molten Steel of a Two-Strand Tundish,” JOM, Vol.65, No.9, 2013, pp.1155-1163
8.Wen Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Xinhua Wang, Ying Ren, Xuefeng Liu, Qinglin Shan. “Characteristics of Inclusions in Low Carbon Al-Killed Steel during Ladle Furnace Refining and Calcium Treatment,” ISIJ International, Vol.53, No. 8, pp. 1401–1410
9.Jiling Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Shufeng Yang, Yongfeng Chen, Jingyu Li, Alexander Wachsman. “Interaction between Molten Steel, Alumina Lining Refractory and Slag Phase,” Journal of Manufucturing Science and Production, Vol.13, No.1-2, pp.133-143
10.Wen Yang, Xinhua Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Wanjun Wang. “Characteristics of Alumina-Based Inclusions in Low Carbon Al-Killed Steel under No-Stirring Condition,” Steel Research International, Vol.84, No.9, 2013, pp.878-891
11.Wen Yang, Xinhua Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Qinglin Shan, Xuefeng Liu, “Cleanliness of Low Carbon Aluminum-Killed Steels during Secondary Refining Processes,” Steel Research International, Vol.84, No.5, 2013, pp. 473-489
12.Shueng Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Jingshe Li, Kent Peaslee. “Formation and Modification of MgO∙ Al2O3-Based Inclusions in Alloy Steels,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.43B, No.4, 2012, pp. 731-750
13.Lifeng Zhang, Jianwei Gao, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah, David G. Robertson, “Removal of Iron from Aluminum: A Review,” Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol.33, No.2, 2012, pp.99-157
14.Lifeng Zhang, Xuewei Lv, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah, Chenguang Bai, “Mathematical Modeling on the Removal of Impurity Elements from Molten Aluminum,” Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol.33, No.1, 2012, pp.1-54
15.Yufeng Wang, Lifeng Zhang. “Simulation of the Fluid Flow-Related Phenomena in the Electrolyte of an Aluminum Electrolysis Cell,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.42B, No.5, 2011, pp.1051-1064
16.Yufeng Wang, Lifeng Zhang. “Fluid Flow Related Transport Phenomena in Steel Slab Continuous Casting Strands under Electromagnetic Brake,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.42B, No.6, 2011, pp.1319-1351
17.Alex Luyima, Shi Honglan, Lifeng Zhang. “Leaching Studies for Metals Recovery from Waste Printed Wiring Boards,” JOM, Vol.63, No.8, 2011, pp. 38-41
18.Alex Luyima, Lifeng Zhang, Lucas Damoah. “Kinetic Analysis of the Thermal Degradation of Printed Wiring Boards,” JOM, Vol.63, No.8, 2011, pp. 33-37
19.Lifeng Zhang, Xuewei Lv, Alex T. Torgerson, Mujun Long. “Removal of Impurity Elements from Molten Aluminum: A Review,” Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol.32, No.3, 2011, pp. 150-228
20.L. N. W. Damoah, Lifeng Zhang, “AlF3 Reactive Al2O3 Foam Filter for the Removal of Dissolved Impurities from Molten Aluminum: Preliminary Results,” Acta Materialia, Vol.59, No.3, 2011, pp. 896-913
21.Anping Dong, Lifeng Zhang and Lucas N. W. Damoah, “Beneficial and Technological Analysis for the Recycling of Solar Grade Silicon Wastes,” JOM, Vol.63, No.1, 2011, pp.23-27
22.Mujun Long, Lifeng Zhang. “A Simple Model to Calculate Dendrite Growth Rate during Steel Continuous Casting Process,” ISIJ International, Vol.50, No.12, 2010, pp.1792-1796
23.Yufeng Wang, Lifeng Zhang, “Study on Transient Fluid Flow Phenomena during Continuous Casting: Part I – Cast Start,” ISIJ International, Vol.50, No.12, 2010, pp.1777-1782
24.Yufeng Wang, Lifeng Zhang, “Study on Transient Fluid Flow Phenomena during Continuous Casting: Part II – Cast Speed Change, Temperature Fluctuation, and Steel Grade Mixing,” ISIJ International, Vol.50, No.12, 2010, pp.1783-1791
25.L. N. W. Damoah, Lifeng Zhang, “Inclusion Removal from Aluminum through Filtration,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.41B, No.4, 2010, pp.886-907
26.Mujun Long, Lifeng Zhang, Xiangjun Zuo, “Kinetic Modeling on Nozzle Clogging during Steel Billet Continuous Casting,” ISIJ International, Vol.50, No.5, 2010, pp. 712–720
27.Shufeng Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Jingshe Li, Kent Peaslee, “Structure Optimization of Horizontal Continuous Casting Tundishes Using Mathematical Modeling and Water Modeling,” ISIJ International, Vol.49, No.10, 2009, pp.1551-1560
28.Lifeng Zhang, Arjan Ciftja, “Recycling of Solar Cell Silicon Scraps through Filtration, Part I: Experimental Investigation,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.92, No.11, 2008, pp.1450-1461
29.Lifeng Zhang, Yufeng Wang, Xiangjun Zuo. “Flow Transport and Inclusion Motion in Steel Continuous Casting Mold under SEN Clogging Condition,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.39B, No.4, 2008, pp.534-550
30.Jirang Cui, Lifeng Zhang, “Metallurgical recovery of metals from electronic waste: A review,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.159, No.2-3, 2008, pp.228-256
31.Lifeng Zhang, Subo Yang, Kaike Cai, Jiying Li, Xiaoguang Wan, Brian G. Thomas. “Investigation on the Fluid Flow and Steel Cleanliness in the Continuous Casting Strand,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.38B, No.1, 2007, pp.63-83
32.Lifeng Zhang, Bret Rietow, Brian G. Thomas, Ken Erkin. “Large Inclusions in Plain-Carbon Steel Ingots Cast by Bottom Teeming,” ISIJ International, Vol.46, No.5, 2006, 670-679
33.Lifeng Zhang, Brian G. Thomas, “State of the Art in the Control of Inclusions during Steel Ingot Casting,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.37B, No.5, 2006, 733-761
34.Lifeng Zhang, Jun Aoki, Brian G. Thomas. “Inclusion Removal by Bubble Flotation in a Continuous Casting Mold,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.37B, No.3, 2006, pp.361-379
35.Lifeng Zhang, Brian G. Thomas. “State of the Art in Evaluation and Control of Steel Cleanliness,” ISIJ International, 2003, Vol.43, No.3, pp. 271-291
36.Lifeng Zhang, Wolfgang Pluschkell. “Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Inclusions during Liquid Steel Deoxidation,” Iron & Steelmaking, Vol. 30, No.2, 2003, pp.106-110
37.Lifeng Zhang, Shoji Taniguchi. “Water Model Experiment of Inclusion Removal by Bubble Flotation under Turbulent Condition,” Ironmaking & Steelmaking, Vol.29, No.5, 2002, pp.326-336
38.Brian G. Thomas, Lifeng Zhang. “Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow in Continuous Casting: a Review,” ISIJ International, Vol.41, No.10, 2001, pp.1181-1193
39.Lifeng Zhang, Shoji Taniguchi, Cai Kaike. “Fluid Flow and Inclusion Removal in Continuous Casting Tundishes,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.31B, No.2, 2000, pp.253-266
40.Lifeng Zhang, Shoji Taniguchi. “Fundamental of Inclusion Removal from Liquid Steel by bubble flotation,” International Materials Review, Vol.45, No.2, 2000, pp.59-82
本科課程:Transport Phenomena in Metallurgy;鋼鐵冶金學煉鋼部分
2011 年國家外專局“千人計畫引智配套工程”資助獲得者;
2010 年美國密蘇里科技大學傑出科研獎;
2010 年美國鋼鐵年會最佳論文獎(Jerry Silver Award for Best Paper);
2009 年美國鋼鐵協會連續鑄鋼最佳論文獎;
2007 年美國材料學會(TMS)青年領袖獎(Young Leader);
2001 年美國鋼鐵年會學會最佳論文獎。
美國礦業金屬及材料協會(TMS)過程技術與模型委員會主任(Chair of the Processing Technology and Modeling Committee) (2011年-2014年)
Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B、Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A的審稿委員會主任委員(Key Reader)
ISIJInternational的顧問委員會委員(國際編委)(Advisory Board member)
Metallurgical Research & Technology(原名:Revue de Métallurgie)的編委
Ironmaking and Steelmaking的編委(Member of Editorial Board)
美國礦物、金屬與材料協會(TMS)過程技術與模型委員會主任的職務。中國自然科學基金 2007 年、2010 年參會國際評審(Panelist);
2009 年中國教育部長江學者計畫國際函評評審;
美國自然科學基金會2009 年、2010 年、2011 年參會評審(Panelist)。