博士,1983年生,蘭州交通大學化學與生物工程學院副教授,碩士研究生導師。兼任甘肅省危險化學品從業人員培訓中心常務副主任、甘肅省科學技術普及學會副秘書 長。在國外知名學術期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry、CrystEngComm、Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research(ACS)、Materials Letters、Materials Research Bulletin等刊物上發表SCI論文15餘篇,在國核心心期刊《化學教育》等刊物發表論文8篇,獲得國家發明專利12項、國家實用新型專利8項,出版及參編科普圖書、教材3部。
- 中文名:張春
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:甘肅環縣
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西北師範大學
教 學:
- Superparamagnetic functional C@Fe3O4 nanoflowers: Development and application in acetaminophen delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1(2013)5908-5915.
- Synthesis of hierarchically structured iron oxide in magnetic field and their hydrophobic property. CrystEngComm, 15(2013)6546–6552.
- Facile synthesis of porous carbon@Fe3O4 composites and their applications in wastewater treatment. Materials Letters, 106(2013) 107-110.
- Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Using Controlled Ammonia Vapour Diffusion Under Ultrasonic Irradiation, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(2011)3534-3539.
- Magnetic-Field-Induced synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanorods by a Gas-Liquid Interfacial Process: Microstructure Control and Magnetic Properties, Materials Research Bulletin, 53(2014)116-122 .
- Sonochemistry synthesis of lanthanum ions-doped PAN/MMT nanocomposites and thAN/MMT nanocomposites and their conductivity and thermostability characterization, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26(2014)22-23.
- Preparation of graphene-Fe3O4 nanocomposites using Fe3+ ion containing magnetic ionic liquid, Materials Research Bulletin, 59(2014)223-226.
- Synthesis of Magnetic Ordered Mesoporous Carbons and Its Application as a Drug Carrier, Materials Review, 28(1A) (2014) 46-49.
- Preparation and photocatalytic performance of magnetic TiO2/montmorillonite/Fe3O4 nanocomposites, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53 (2014), 8057-8061.
- Morphology-controllable 3D flower-like TiO2 for UV shielding application[J]. Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 32:172-177.
- 專著與教材: