2001.7~2005.7: 石家莊鐵道大學 ,土木工程(茅以升班),學士
2005.9~2010.6: 中科院力學所,工程力學,博士
2013.12 -,副研究員,中科院力學所
2010.- 2013.12,助理研究員,中科院力學所
Zhang X. H., Liu L. L., Zhou J. B., et al. A model for the elastic modulus of hydrate-bearing sediments. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
Zhang X.H., Lu X. B., Shi Y. H., Xia Z. Study on the mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing silty clay. Marine and Petroleum Geology
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B. Initiation and expansion of layered fracture in sediments due to thermal-induced hydrate dissociation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Xiao M. Gas outburst with sediments because of tetrahydrofuran hydrate dissociation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Shi Y. H., Xia Z. Centrifuge experimental study on instability of seabed stratum caused by gas hydrate dissociation, Ocean Engineering
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Zheng Z. M., Zhang L. M. Heat-induced evolution of phase transformations in tetrahydrofuran hydrate-bearing sediment. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Zhang L. M., Wang S. Y., Li Q. P. Experimental study on the mechanical properties of methane-hydrate-bearing sediment. Acta Mechanica Sinica
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Li Q. P.. Formation of layered fracture and outburst during gas hydrate dissociation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Li Q. P., Yao H. Y. Thermally induced evolution of phase transformations in gas hydrate sediment. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
Liu L. L., Lu X. B., Zhang X. H. A theoretical model for predicting the spatial distribution of gas hydrate dissociation under the combination of depressurization and heating without the discontinuous interface assumption. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Lu X. B., Zhang X. H., Lu L. Formation of layered fracture and outburst in stratums. Environmental Earth Sciences
Wang P. K., Zhang X. H., Zhu Y. H. et al. Effect of permafrost properties on gas hydrate petroleum system in the Qilian Mountains, Qinghai, Northwest China. Environmental Science-Processes & impacts
Deng S. G., Liu W. F., Liu Q. J., Leng Z. P., Li T., Liu H. X., Gu H. J., Xu C. F., Zhang X. H., Lu X. B. Research on oil displacement mechanism in conglomerate using CT scanning method. Petroleum Exploration and Development
Lu X. B., Ye T. L., Zhang, X. H., Cui P., Hu, K. H. Experimental and numerical analysis on the responses of slope under rainfall. Natural Hazards
Lu X. B., Cui P., Hu K. H., Zhang X. H. Initiation and development of water film by seepage. Journal of Mountain Science
Zhang X. H., Lu X. B., Shi Y. H., Xia Z. Axial Symmetrical Thermal Conduction and Phase Transformations in THF Hydrate-Bearing Sediments. Proceedings of the Tenth (2013) ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, Greece
Zhang X. H., Liu Q. J., Lu X. B. Comparisons of static, quasi-static and dynamic 3D porous media scale network models for two-phase immiscible flow in porous media. 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, 530-533, Shanghai
Lu X. B., Zhang X. H., Hu K. H. Centrifugal experiment study on stratum instability and failure process due to gas hydrate dissociation. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Wu F Q & Qi S W, CRC Press, Talor & Francis Group
國家自然科學青年基金: 水合物分解地層分層實驗研究, 2011-2014
國家自然科學基金: 水合物沉積物本構關係研究, 2013-2017
國家127工程專題A: 水合物開採, 2011-2020
國家127工程專題B: 環境評價, 2014-2020
院儀器設備創新項目: 水合物開採裝置控溫系統研製, 2012-2013
國家專項子課題: 緻密油流體賦存狀態及開採過程中應力效應分析, 2016-2020
中石油重大科技攻關計畫課題: 孔隙-裂隙網路模型與微觀滲流研究, 2013-2016
擔任SCI期刊Rem: Revista Escola de Minas副主編;
擔任Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering, Materials and Structures, Journal of Testing Evaluation, Ocean Engineering, China Ocean Engineering, 工程力學, 計算物理, 套用力學學報等雜誌審稿人。