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張慶,男,1988年出生,博士副教授碩士生導師。2016年6月畢業於中國農業大學草學系,同年7月進入華南農業大學林學與風景園林學院任職,主講畜牧學等課程。主要從事飼料資源開發、加工貯藏與利用,發酵微生物調控,青貯添加劑方面的研究。擔任 Bioresource Technology, Journal of Dairy Science, Microbial Biotechnology, Plos One, 草地學報等雜誌審稿人。中國草學會會員、美國微生物學會會員。


  • 中文名:張慶 
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1988年8月15日
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 主要成就:華南農業大學林學與風景園林學院副教授 








1. 青貯辣木葉水解單寧降解乳酸菌篩選及作用機理研究(國家自然科學基金青年基金項目)
2. 辣木葉青貯技術的研究(廣東省農業標準化專項資金)
3. 植酸降解乳酸菌篩選及其在辣木葉青貯飼料中作用機理的研究(華南農業大學群體微生物研究中心開放課題)


1.Fermentation quality and microbial community of alfalfa and stylo silage mixed with Moringa oleifera leaves. Bioresource Technology 2019, 284: 240-247. 通訊作者.
2.Bacterial diversity and fermentation quality of Moringa oleifera leaves silage prepared with lactic acid bacteria inoculants and stored at different temperatures. Bioresource Technology 2019, 284: 349-358. 通訊作者.
3.The bacterial community and fermentation quality of mulberry (Morus alba) leaf silage with or without Lactobacillus casei and sucrose. Bioresource Technology 2019, 293: 122059. 通訊作者.
4.Effects of mixing Neolamarckia cadamba leaves on fermentation quality, microbial community of high moisture alfalfa and stylo silage. Microbial Biotechnology 2019, 12: 869–878. 通訊作者.
5.Dynamics of bacterial community and fermentation quality during ensiling of wilted and unwilted Moringa oleifera leaf silage with or without lactic acid bacterial inoculants. mSphere 2019, 4: 00341-19. 通訊作者.
6.Effect of cellulase and Lactobacillus casei on ensiling characteristics, chemical composition, antioxidant activity, and digestibility of mulberry leaf silage. Journal of Dairy Science 2019, 102: 9919-9931. 通訊作者.
7.Gallic acid influencing fermentation quality, nitrogen distribution and bacterial community of high-moisture mulberry leaves and stylo silage. Bioresource Technology 2020, 122255. 通訊作者.
8.Improving fermentation, protein preservation and antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera leaves silage with gallic acid and tannin acid. Bioresource Technology 2020, 122390. 通訊作者.
9.Dynamics of proteolysis, protease activity and bacterial community of Neolamarckia cadamba leaves silage and the effects of formic acid and Lactobacillus farciminis. Bioresource Technology 2020, 122127. 通訊作者.
10.Improving the quality of rice straw silage with Moringa oleifera leaves and propionic acid: Fermentation, nutrition, aerobic stability and microbial communities. Bioresource Technology 2020, 299: 122579. 通訊作者.
11. Zhang Q, Li XJ, Zhao MM, Yu Z. (2014) Isolating and evaluating lactic acid bacteria strains for effectiveness of Leymus chinensis silage fermentation. Letter in Applied Microbiology 59: 391–397.
12. Zhang Q., Li X., Zhao M., Yu Z. (2016) Lactic acid bacteria strains for enhancing the fermentation quality and aerobic stability ofLeymus chinensissilage. Grass and Forage Science71: 472-481.
13. Zhang Q., Yu Z., Yang H., Na R.S. (2015) The effects of stage of growth and additives with or without cellulase on fermentation and in vitro degradation characteristics of Leymus chinensis silage. Grass and Forage Science 71: 595-606.
14. Zhang Q., Wu B.L., Nishino N., Wang X.G., Yu Z. (2016) Fermentation and microbial population dynamics during the ensiling of native grass and subsequent exposure to air. Animal Science Journal 87: 389-397.
15. Zhang Q., YuZ., Wang X.G. (2015)Isolating and evaluating lactic acid bacteria strains with or without sucrose for effectiveness of silage fermentation. Grassland Science 61: 167-176.
16. Zhang Q., Yu Z., Wang X.G., Na R.S. (2016) Effects of chlorpyrifos andchlorantraniliprole on fermentation quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage inoculated with or without Lactobacillus plantarumLP. Animal Science Journaldoi:10.1111/asj.12637.
17. Zhang Q., Yang H., Yu Z. (2017) Effects of sucrose, formic acid and lactic acid bacteria inoculanton quality, in vitro rumen digestibility and fermentabilityof drooping wild ryegrass (Elymus nutans Griseb.) silage. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences26: 26–32.
18. Zhang Q., Yu Z. (2017) Characterization, identification and application of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Leymus chinensis silage. Grassland Science63: 111–117.
19. Zhang Q., Yu Z., Na R.S. (2017) Effects of different additives on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of Leymus chinensissilage. Grass and Forage Science(Accept)
20. Zhang Q., Zhao M., Wang X.G., Yu Z.,Na R.S. (2017) Ensiling alfalfa with whole crop corn improves the silage quality and in vitro digestibility of the silage mixures. Grassland Science (Accept)
21. 張慶,玉柱,田吉鵬. (2013)羊草晾曬過程中淋雨後進行青貯的研究.草地學報,1,196-201.
22. 張慶,張萬軍,田吉鵬等. (2014)乳酸菌青貯技術研究進展.草業科學,31,328-333.
23. 張慶,鐘夢瑩,玉柱等. (2013)紫花苜蓿青貯飼料為主的混合發酵飼料的研究.中國奶牛,20,5-8.
24. 張慶,王顯國,玉柱.(2015)乳酸菌添加劑和含水量對紫花苜蓿青貯的影響.中國奶牛,18,37-40.


玉柱;張慶;張英俊.(2016) 一種植物乳桿菌及其在天然牧草青貯中的套用(CN105524867A).
玉柱;張慶;張英俊;楊富裕. (2016) 一種植物乳桿菌及其在暖季型牧草青貯中的套用(CN105567594A).




