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  • 中文名:張愛霞
  • 出生日期:1981年8月
  • 畢業院校:西北師範大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:超冷原子分子理論
  • 任職院校:西北師範大學


2002年畢業於西北師範大學物理系。2006.9-2009.6在西北師範大學理論物理研究所攻讀碩士學位並獲理論物理專業碩士學位。2009.9-2012.6 在西北師範大學原子與分子物理研究所攻讀博士學位並獲原子與分子物理專業博士學位。2012.8至今,在西北師範大學物理與電子工程學院任教,並從事超冷原子分子理論研究工作。




2018~2021 主持國家自然科學基金“自旋軌道耦合量子氣體在光晶格中穩定性
2014~2016 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“人工規範場下光晶格中超冷
2017~2019 主持甘肅省自然科學基金“人造規範場下超冷量子氣體隧穿特
性和集體激發研究” (編號17JR5RA076)
2016~2018 主持甘肅省高等學校科研項目“光晶格中超冷原子氣體輸運特性研
究” (編號2016A-005)
5.2013~2015 主持西北師範大學青年教師骨幹項目“光晶格中超冷原子氣體
輸運特性研究” (編號NWNU-LKQN-12-12)
6.2013~2016 參加國家自然科學基金項目“超冷原子氣體在無序晶格中相變
7.2008~2010 參加了國家自然科學基金項目“混合超冷簡併量子氣體中集體
8.2005~2007 參加了國家自然科學基金項目“非平面、高維孤波及其相互作用的
研究” 課題的研究(編號10475066);
9.2010~2011 參加了甘肅省自然科學基金項目“超流費米量子氣體在外場中
的動力學性質” 課題的研究(編號010RJZA012);
10.2006~2007 參加了甘肅省自然科學基金項目“塵埃等離子中非線性波相互
Ju-Kui Xue and Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) , Superfluid Fermi Gas in Optical Lattices: Self-Trapping, Stable, Moving Solitons and Breathers, Phys. Rev. Lett.
Zi-Fa Yu, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), Rong-An Tang, Hong-Ping Xu, Ji-Ming Gao, and Ju-Kui Xue, Spin-orbit-coupling stabilization of a collapsing binary Bose-Einstein condensate. Phys. Rev. A
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, Artificial gauge field induced cyclotron dynamics of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. Europhys. Lett.
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞), Ju-KuiXue, Negative refraction of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices with nonuniform artificial gauge fields. Physics Letters A
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, Coherent matter waves of a dipolar condensate in 2D optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, Sound waves and dynamics of superfluid Fermi gases in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A
Ju-Kui Xue, Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Jie Liu, Self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices: The effect of the lattice dimension. Phys. Rev. A
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, Band structure and stability of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with two and three-atom interactions, Phys. Rev. A
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Xue Ju-Kui, Nonlocal Effects of A Dipolar Condensate in Triple-Well Potentials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Xue Ju-Kui, Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with higher-order interactions, Commun. Theor. Phys.
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, The dynamics and stabilities of Bose-Einstein condensates in deep optical lattices, Phys. Lett. A
ZHANG Ai-Xia(張愛霞), TIAN Shi-Ling, TANG Rong-An, XUE Ju-Kui, Tunnelling Dynamics of Bose–Einstein Condensates in a Five-Well Trap, Chin. Phys. Lett.
Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, The dynamics of bright/dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with time dependent scattering length and external potential. Chin. Phys. Lett.
Ju-Kui Xue, Guan-Qiang Li, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), and Ping Peng , Nonlinear mode coupling and resonant excitations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates Phys. Rev. E
Jian-Jun Wang, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), Ke-Zhi Zhang, Juan Ma, and Ju-Kui Xue, Two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in D-dimensional optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 81,
Zhi Li, Ai-Xia Zhang (張愛霞), Juan Ma, Ju-Kui Xue, Coherent spin-mixing and wave packets dynamics of spin-1 condensates in optical lattices, Phys. Lett. A
Li Zhi, Zhang Ai-Xia(張愛霞), Ma Juan, and Xue Ju-Kui, Energy band structure of spin-1condensates in optical lattices, Chin. Phys. B
Wang Jian-Jun, Zhang Ai-Xia(張愛霞), and Xue Ju-Kui,Impurity-induced localization of Bose Einstein condensates in one-dimensional optical lattices,Chin. Phys. B
Li-Hong Cheng, Rong-An Tang, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞) and Ju-Kui Xue, Nonlinear interaction of intense laser pulse and an inhomog electron-positron-ion plasma,Phys. Rev. E
Yue Jian, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), Cai-Xia He, Xiu-Ying Qi, and Ju-Kui Xue, Dynamics of a nonlocal discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation with defects, Phys. Rev E
Xiao-Dong Bai, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), and Ju-Kui Xue, Transfer of dipolar gas through the discrete localized mode, PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Ji-Guo Wang, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), Rong-An Tang, Ji-Min Gao and Ju-Kui Xue, The quantum coherence of disordered dipolar bosonic gas, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
QI Xiu-Ying, ZHANG Ai-Xia(張愛霞), XUE Ju-Kui, Dynamics of Dark Solitons in Superfluid Fermi Gases, CHIN. PHYS. LETT.
Hong-E Du, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), Rong-An Tang and Ju-Kui Xue, Periodic waves in ultrarelativistic inhomogeneous electron-positron-ion plasma, EPL,
YU Zi-Fa, ZHANG Ai-Xia(張愛霞), XUE Ju-Kui, Coherent Destruction of Tunneling of Dipolar Bosonic Gas, CHIN. PHYS. LETT.
Fang-Qi Hu, Jian-Jun Wang, Zi-Fa Yu, Ai-Xia Zhang(張愛霞), and Ju-Kui Xue, Collective dynamics of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. Phys. Rev. E
Zi-Fa Yu, Fang-Qi Hu, Ai-Xia Zhang, Ju-Kui Xue,Dynamics of neutral atoms in artificial magnetic field. Physics Letters A


獎 (排名第二)




