
張志斌,男, 副研究員,畢業於海軍大連艦艇學院計算機專業,本科。


  • 中文名:張志斌
  • 性別:男
  • 研究方向:網路測量和網路安全
  • 職稱:副研究員


姓名 張志斌
性別 男
職稱 副研究員






1. Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, Ting He, Alex X. Liu, Li Guo, and Binxing Fang. A Task-Based Model for the Lifespan of Peer-to-Peer Swarms. in Proceedings of the International Conferences on Networking (Networking), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012. To Appear.
1. Yipeng Wang, Zhibin Zhang, and Li Guo. Using Entropy to Classify Traffic More Deeply. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS). July. 2011.
2. Yipeng Wang, Zhibin Zhang, Danfeng Yao, Buyun Qu, and Li Guo. Inferring Protocol State Machine from Network Traces: A Probabilistic Method. In Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Jun. 2011.
3. Yipeng Wang, Zhibin Zhang, and Li Guo. Traffic Classification Beyond Application Level: Identifying Content Types from Network Traces. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC). March, 2011.
4. Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, Yipeng Wang, Li Guo and Binxing Fang. Performance Evaluation of Xunlei Peer-to-Peer Network: A Measurement Study. In Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) Workshop EDCN. Las Vegas, Nevada USA. January 2011.
5. Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Binxing Fang, Revisiting the Swarm Evolution: A Long‐Term Perspective, In the proceedings of 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), June 28-July 1, 2011 Corfu, Greece
6. Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Understanding Long-term Evolution and Lifespan in Peer-to-Peer Systems, NAS 2011, July 28-30, 2011, Dalian, China
7. Yipeng Wang, Xingjian Li, Jiao Meng, Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, and Li Guo,Biprominer: Automatic Mining of Binary Protocol Features. In the proceedings of 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT-11).
8. Yong Zhao, Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Binxing Fang, XunleiProbe: A Sensitive and Accurate Probing on a Large-Scale P2SP System. In the proceedings of 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT-11).
9. 沙灜,張志斌,譚建龍,郭莉,一種針對Bencode編碼實現的BitTorrent系統攻擊方法,第一屆中國網路攻防與系統安全會議
1. Yipeng Wang, Zhibin Zhang, and Li Guo. Inferring Protocol State Machine from Real-World Trace.In Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Sep. 2010.
2. Yipeng Wang, Liyan Wang, Xingjian Li, Zhibin Zhang, and Li Guo. Automatic Mining of Distinguishers with Unknown Protocol Format. In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems Guilin, China October, 2010.
3. Jing Cai, Zhibin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xinbo Song, ”Rethinking the Building Block: A Profiling Methodology for UDP Flows,” GCC
4. Jing Cai, Zhibin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xinbo Song, ”An Adaptive Timeout Strategy for UDP Flows Using SVMs,” PDCAT
5. Jing Cai, Zhibin Zhang, Xinbo Song, ”An Analysis Of UDP Traffic Classification,” in the Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), 2010
6. Jing Cai, Zhibin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xinbo Song, ”An Adaptive Timeout Strategy for Profiling UDP Flows,” ICNC,
7. Ying Sha, Zhibin Zhang, Jianlong Tan, The Influence of active measurement on Unstructured Peer-to-peer Network, International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems
1. 趙詠,姚秋林,張志斌,郭莉,方濱興,"TPCAD:一種文本類多協定特徵自動發現方法",通信學報,2009年10月,第30卷第10A期,28~35頁
2. Tingwen Liu, Yong Sun, Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Load Balancing for Flow-Based Parallel Processing Systems in CMP Architecture, in Proc. GLOBECOM
3. Ying SHA, Zhibin ZHANG, Jianlong Tan, Measuring the Influence of Active Measurement on Unstructure Peer-to-Peer Network, workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments, the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
1. Gu Fengna, Zhang Zhibin, Wang Lihong, A Trace-Driven Simulation Study of Load Balancing on Distributed NIDS, In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS)
2. 2.Yong Sun, Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Shui Bai, Jianlong Tan, A Effective Algorithm for Counting Active Flows Based on Loop Bloom Filter, In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) 2008, pages
1. Zhibin Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Li Guo, Binxing Fang, LASF: A Flow Scheduling Policy In Stateful Packet Inspection Systems, the proceedings of ISCC
2. Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, Binxing Fang, and Xiaojun Chen, Parallelizing Protocol Processing on SMT Processor Efficiently: A FSM Decomposition Approach, the proceedings of IPCCC
1. 張志斌,郭莉,方濱興,陳小軍,一種基於自動機分解的網路協定並行處理策略,《計算機學報》
2. Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo, On Cache Contention of Parallel Protocol Processing in SMT, In the proceedings of 8th IEEE Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)
1. Zhibin Zhang, Li Guo Binxing, Fang, Using Packet Scheduling to Enhance I-Cache Behavior, Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region






1. 國家信息安全計畫
2. 國家信息安全計畫
3. 973重點
4. 信息內容安全技術國家工程實驗室建設項目
5. 國家信息安全計畫
6. 安全中心項目
7. 科學院(重要方向)
8. 安全中心奧運安保項目




