Hang Xu, Jingfeng Xiao*, ZhiqiangZhang*, Scott V. Ollinger, 2020. Canopy photosynthetic capacity drives contrastingage dynamics of resource use efficiencies between mature temperateevergreen anddeciduous forests. Global Change Biology. 26, 6156–6167.
Mengxun Zhu, HansJ. De Boeck, Hang Xu, Zuosinan Chen, Jiang Lv, Zhiqiang Zhang*,2020.Seasonal variations in the response of soil respiration torainfall events in ariparian poplar plantation. Science of the Total Environment. 747(10), 141222.
ShengpingWang, Tim McVicar, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Thomas Brunnere, PeterStrauss, 2020. Globally partitioning the simultaneous impacts ofclimate-induced andhuman-induced changes on catchment streamflow: A review andmeta-analysis. Journal of Hydrology. 590(6): 125387.
Hang Xu, Jingfeng Xiao, & Zhiqiang Zhang*, 2020. Heatwaveeffectson gross primary production of northern mid-latitude ecosystems. Environmental ResearchLetters. 15(7): 074027.
Lixin Chen*, Zuosinan Chen,Guodong Jia, Jie Zhou, Jiachen Zhao, ZhiqiangZhang*, 2020. Influencesof forest cover on soil freeze-thaw dynamics andgreenhouse gas emissionsthrough the regulation of snow regimes: A comparisonstudy of the farmland andforest plantation, Science of the Total Environment.726(15): 138403.
Hang Xu, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Jingfeng Xiao, Jiquan Chen, Mengxun Zhu, WenxuCao, Zuosinan Chen, 2020. Environmental and Canopy Stomatal Control onEcosystem Water Use Efficiency in a Riparian Poplar Plantation. AgriculturalandForest Meteorology. 287(15): 107953.
Jinnan Ji, Zhun Mao, WenbinQu, Zhiqiang Zhang*, 2020.Energy-based fibre bundle model algorithms to predict soil reinforcementbyroots. Plant and Soil. 446: 307–329.
Zuosinan Chen, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Ge Sun, Lixin Chen, 2020.Biophysical controls on nocturnal sap flow in plantationforests in a semi-aridregion of northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 284: 107904.
Lu Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Lixin Chen, Steven McNulty. 2019. An investigationon the leaf accumulation-removal efficiency of atmosphericparticulate matterfor five urban plant species under different rainfallregimes. AtmosphericEnvironment. 208(1): 123-132.
Hang Xu, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Jiquan Chen, Jingfeng Xiao, Mengxun Zhu, ManchunKang, Wenxu Cao. 2018. Regulations of cloudiness on energy partitioning and wateruse strategy in a riparian poplar plantation. Agricultural and ForestMeteorology. 262(15): 135-146.