- 中文名:張心昱
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:土壤生態學
- 職務:碩士生導師
- 職稱:研究員
研究方向為土壤生態學,重點關注生態系統土壤碳、氮、磷循環及其微生物機制。主要依託中國生態系統研究網路野外觀測平台,結合土壤學、酶學、分子生物學、穩定同位素地球化學分析技術,重點關注凋落物和林下植被管理、氮沉降對南方人工林生態系統土壤碳、氮、磷循環過程的影響及其微生物機制。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目3項,中科院方向性項目1項。合作發表學術論文66篇(SCI收錄23篇),第一或通訊作者發表學術論文41篇( SCI 11篇,CSCD 30篇)。
1 Zhang, X.Y., Xie, J., Yang, F.T., et al. Specific responses of soil microbial residue carbon to long term applications of mineral fertilizer to reddish paddy soils. Pedosphere
2 Zhang, X.Y., Dong, W.Y., Dai, X.Q., et al. Responses of absolute and specific soil enzyme activities to long term additions of organic and mineral fertilizer. Science of the Total Environment
3 Zhang, X.Y., Chen, L.D., Li, Q., et al. Increase in soil nutrients in intensively managed cash-crop agricultural ecosystems in the Guanting Reservoir catchment, Beijing, China. Geoderma
4 Zhang, X.Y., Xu, Z.W., Sun, X.M., et al. Nitrate in shallow groundwater in typical agro- and forest ecosystems in China, 2004-2010. Journal of Environmental Sciences
5 Zhang, X.Y., Meng X.J., Gao L.P., et al. Potential impacts of climate warming on active soil organic carbon contents along natural altitudinal forest transect of Changbai Mountain. Acta Ecologica Sinica
6 Zhang, X.Y., Chen, L.D., Fu B.J, et al. Soil organic carbon changes as influenced by different agricultural land-use and management. Acta Ecologica Sinica
7 Dong, W.Y., Zhang, X.Y*., Liu, X.Y., et al. Responses of soil microbial communities and enzyme activities to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Chinese fir plantations of subtropical China. Biogeosciences
8 Dong, W.Y., Zhang, X.Y*., Dai, X.Q.,et al. Changes in soil microbial community composition in response to fertilization of paddy soils in subtropical China. Applied Soil Ecology
9 Dong, W.Y., Zhang, X.Y*., Wang, H.M., et al. Effect of different fertilization treatments on the soil fertility of paddy soils in the red soil region of southern China
10 Xu, Z.W., Yu, G.R*., Zhang, X.Y., et al. The variations in soil microbial communities, enzyme activities and their relationships with soil organic matter decomposition along the northern slope of Changbai Mountain
11 Xu, Z.W., Zhang, X.Y*., Xie, J., et al. Total nitrogen concentrations in surface water of typical agro- and forest ecosystems in China
12. Ren, Y.F., Xu, Z.W., Zhang, X.Y*., et al. Nitrogen pollution and source identification of urban ecosystem surface water in Beijing. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
13 Xie, J., Zhang X.Y*., Xu Z.W., et al. Total phosphorus concentrations in surface water of typical agro- and forest ecosystems in China, 2004-2010. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
14 Kou, L., Chen, W.W., Zhang, X.Y., et al. Differential responses of needle and branch order-based root decay to nitrogen addition: dominant effects of acid-unhydrolyzable residue and microbial enzymes. Plant Soil
15 Chen, L.D., Qi, X, Zhang, X.Y., et al. Effect of agricultural land use changes on soil nutrient use efficiency in an agricultural area, Beijing, China. Chinese Geographical Science
16 張心昱,孟憲菁,高魯鵬,等.長白山原始森林土壤養分及其對土柱置換實驗回響.自然資源學報
17 張心昱,陳利頂,傅伯傑,等.農田生態系統不同土地利用方式與管理措施對土壤質量的影響. 套用生態學報
18 張心昱,Desmond E. Walling,王秋兵,等. 英國Culm河河漫灘沉積物中磷素時空變化研究. 土壤學報
19楊洋,王繼富,張心昱*,等.凋落物和林下植被對杉木林土壤碳氮水解酶活性的影響. 生態學報
20 樊金娟,李丹丹,張心昱*,等. 北方溫帶森林不同海拔梯度土壤碳礦化速率及酶動力學參數溫度敏感性研究.套用生態學報
21 施瑤,王忠強,張心昱*,等.氮磷添加對內蒙古溫帶典型草原土壤微生物群落結構的影響. 生態學報
22 徐志偉,張心昱*,於貴瑞,等. 中國水體硝酸鹽氮氧雙穩定同位素溯源研究進展. 環境科學
23 徐志偉,張心昱*,任玉芬,等. 北京城市生態系統地表水硝酸鹽污染空間變化及其來源研究.環境科學
24 徐志偉,張心昱*,孫曉敏等. 2004-2009年中國典型陸地生態系統地下水硝態氮評價. 環境科學
25 劉希玉,鄒敬東,徐麗麗,張心昱*等. 不同施肥種類對稻田紅壤碳氮淋失的影響. 環境科學
26 劉希玉,王忠強, 張心昱*,等. 施肥對紅壤水稻土團聚體分布及其碳氮含量影響.生態學報
28 徐麗麗,王秋兵,張心昱*等.不同施肥處理對紅壤丘陵區水稻土養分狀況的影響.自然資源學報
1 國家自然科學基金面上項目: 杉木林土壤微生物分解有機質功能對氮磷的回響機制,2016-2019,項目負責人
2 國家自然科學基金重大項目(中英關鍵帶)課題: 喀斯特關鍵帶岩石-土壤-生物-大氣連續體的碳過程及其控制機制,2016 -2019, 專題負責人
3 國家自然科學基金重大項目:土壤微生物對森林生態系統碳-氮耦合循環的調控機制, 2013-2017, 專題負責人
4 國家973課題:林分結構對生態系統養分平衡影響機制,2012-2016,專題負責人
5 國家自然科學基金面上項目:紅壤丘陵區農業小流域淺層地下水硝酸鹽污染來源動態及產生機理,2012-2015,項目負責人
6 中科院方向性項目:典型生態系統地表水/地下水硝態氮來源的雙同位素示蹤技術研究,2011-2013年,項目負責人
7 國家自然科學基金青年基金:氮沉降對長白山典型溫帶森林土壤碳動態影響實驗研究,2008-2010年,項目負責人