山東省農業良種工程,2019LZGC001,優質強筋小麥突破性新品種選育/優質小麥高效輕簡栽培技術及種子加工檢測技術研究/優質專用小麥營養強化技術研發, 2019/08-2022/08,30萬元,子課題主持
1.張小村; 孔令讓; 杜旭燁; 一種小麥高分子量谷蛋白亞基1Dx5的LAMP快速檢測方法, 2019-07-16, 中國, ZL201610566379.1.
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Wang, Xin, Xiaocun Zhang, Hanxue Hou, Xin Ma, Silong Sun, Hongwei Wang, and Lingrang Kong. "Metabolomics and Gene Expression Analysis Reveal the Accumulation Patterns of Phenylpropanoids and Flavonoids in Different Colored-Grain Wheats (Triticum Aestivum L.)." Food Research International 138 (2020).
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張小村, 孔凡美, 姜小燕, 譚佳, 劉慶. "不同品種甘薯與小麥配粉對粉質及饅頭品質的影響." 中國糧油學報 (2020): 89-95.
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Zhu, Bin, Dong-Ao Huo, Xiao-Xiao Hong, Juan Guo, Tao Peng, Jie Liu, Xiao-Long Huang, et al. "The Salvia Miltiorrhiza Nac Transcription Factor Smnac1 Enhances Zinc Content in Transgenic Arabidopsis." Gene 688 (Mar 10 2019): 54-61.(通訊作者)
Du, Xuye, Huinan Wang, Jiefang He, Bin Zhu, Juan Guo, Wenqian Hou, Qingbei Weng, and Xiaocun Zhang. "Identification of Nicotianamine Synthase Genes in Triticum Monococcum and Their Expression under Different Fe and Zn Concentrations." Gene 672 (Sep 25 2018): 1-7. (通訊作者)
Du, Xuye, Xin Ma, Jingzhi Min, Xiaocun Zhang, and Zhenzhen Jia. "Development of a Wheat-Aegilops Searsii Substitution Line with Positively Affecting Chinese Steamed Bread Quality." Breed Sci 68, no. 2 (Mar 2018): 289-93.(通訊作者)
Zhang, Xiaocun, Yanwu Fu, Yiru Xu, and Ying Guo. "Quantitative Trait Loci for Sensory and Textural Properties of Chinese White Noodles from a Population of Recombinant Inbred Lines of Winter Wheat.". Crop and Pasture Science 69, no. 4 (2018): 347-53. (通訊作者)
Du, Xuye, and Xiaocun Zhang. "Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Two Novel High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes in Aegilops Markgrafii." J Genet 96, no. 4 (Sep 2017): 563-70. (通訊作者)
Wang, Pei, Huinan Wang, Qing Liu, Xia Tian, Yanxi Shi, and Xiaocun Zhang. "Qtl Mapping of Selenium Content Using a Ril Population in Wheat." PLoS One 12, no. 9 (2017): e0184351.(通訊作者)
Yin, Huayan, Xuye Du, Biao Wang, Xin Ma, Cunyao Bo, Anfei Li, Xiaocun Zhang, and Lingrang Kong. "Detection of High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes for 1dx2 and 1dx5 Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay." [In English]. Molecular Breeding 37, no. 8 (Aug 2017): 97.(通訊作者)
Du, Xuye, Heng Tang, Min Li, Xin Ma, Huayan Yin, Hongwei Wang, Xiaocun Zhang, et al. "Molecular Characterization of the Ige-Binding Epitopes in the Fast Omega-Gliadins of Triticeae in Relation to Wheat-Dependent, Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis." Gene 591, no. 1 (Oct 10 2016): 27-33.(通訊作者)
王沛, 張小村, 孔凡美, 史衍璽, 董海洲. "小麥籽粒硒在麵粉及其饅頭加工過程中的變化研究." 生物技術進展 6, no. 6 (2016): 422-27.(通訊作者)
張小村, 程楠, 黃崑崙, 許文濤. "食品中硼砂快速檢測試紙條的改進與套用." 食品科技 41, no. 12 (2016): 277-82.
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Zhang, Xiaocun, Fanmei Kong, Fengbo Xue, Jinglan Zhao, Anfei Li, and Lingrang Kong. "Genetic Variation of Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Aegilops Tauschii and Amphidiploids." Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11, no. 3&4 (2013): 1291-300.
Zhao, Jing-lan, Hong-wei Wang, Xiao-cun Zhang, Xu-ye Du, An-fei Li, and Ling-rang Kong. "Association Analysis of Grain Traits with Ssr Markers between Aegilops Tauschii and Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)." [In English]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14, no. 10 (2015): 1936-48.
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