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  • 中文名:張尊華
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1982年12月
  • 畢業院校武漢理工大學
  • 專業方向:內燃機
  • 職稱:教授
  • 職務:博士生導師



2009. 09 – 2012. 12,武漢理工大學,輪機工程,博士
2007. 09 – 2009. 06,武漢理工大學,輪機工程,碩士
2001. 09 – 2005. 06,武漢理工大學,輪機工程,學士


2020. 10至今,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,教授、博士生導師
2017. 07 – 2020. 09,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,副教授、博士生導師
2016. 09 – 2017. 09,美國普林斯頓大學,機械與航天工程系,訪問學者
2015. 09 – 2017. 06,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,副教授、碩士生導師
2014. 04 – 2015. 08,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,講師、碩士生導師
2013. 04 – 2014. 03,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,講師
2013. 01 – 2013. 03,武漢理工大學,熱能工程系,助教
2005. 07 – 2007. 08,武漢理工大學,輔導員







[1] Yanxiang Long, Gesheng Li, ZunhuaZhang*, Junjie Liang. Application of reformed exhaust gas recirculation onmarine LNG engines for NOxemission control, Fuel, 2021, 291, 120114.(SCI收錄)
[2] Yong Huang, Zunhua Zhang, Wenwen Wei, YanxiangLong, Gesheng Li, Experimental study on characteristics of hydrogenproduction from exhaust gas-fuel reforming in a catalytic fixed-bed reactor. Fuel,2021, 290:120068. (SCI收錄)
[3] 李徐程, 張尊華, 毛立通, 龍焱祥, 朱晨婷, 李格升, 天然氣/柴油雙燃料發動機燃料噴射及著火特性, 內燃機學報, 2021, 39(1): 34-43.(EI收錄)
[4] 張尊華, 邵超凡, 李格升*, 梁俊傑, 柴油-天然氣RCCI發動機燃燒過程數值模擬研究, 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2020, 48(7):59–64.(EI收錄)
[5] Zunhua Zhang, Renmin Wu,Shangsheng Feng*, Yanxiang Long, Gesheng Li*, Numerical investigation of tubularexhaust reformer with thermochemical recuperation for LNG engine, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 146,118743.(SCI收錄)
[6] 李鋒, 張尊華, 梁俊傑, 萬琦, 李格升, 甲烷-正庚烷雙燃料二階段著火的動力學特性, 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2020,52(1): 186–193.(EI收錄)
[7] Zunhua Zhang, Jinying Xiong, Junjie Liang, Hailiang Zhang, GeshengLiEffect of water content on premixed laminar flames of hydrousacetone-n-butanol-ethanol (ABE)-air mixtures: An experimental and numericalstudy, Fuel, 2019, 254, 115625.(SCI收錄)
[8] Hao Zhao, Zunhua Zhang,Yacine Rezgui, Ningbo Zhao, Yiguang Ju, Studies of high pressure 1,3-butadieneflame speeds and high temperature kinetics using hydrogen and oxygen sensitization,Combustionand Flame, 2019, 200: 135–141.(SCI收錄)
[9] Mengni Zhou, Gesheng Li,Junjie Liang, Haiqi Ding, Zunhua Zhang,Effect of ignition energy on the uncertainty in the determination of laminarflame speed using outwardly propagating spherical flames, Proceedings of the CombustionInstitute,2019, 37(2): 1615–1622.(SCI收錄)
[10] Junjie Liang, Zunhua Zhang, Gesheng Li, Qi Wan, Li Xu, Shidong Fan, Experimental and kinetic studies of ignitionprocesses of the methane-n-heptane mixtures, Fuel, 2019, 235: 522–529.(SCI收錄)
[11] Zunhua Zhang, Hao Zhao,Ling Cao, Gesheng Li, Yiguang Ju, Kinetic effects of n-heptane addition on lowand high temperature oxidation of methane in a jet-stirred reactor, Energy& Fuels, 2018, 32(11): 11970–11978.(SCI收錄)
[12] Zunhua Zhang,Pengpeng Jia, Shangsheng Feng, Junjie Liang, Yanxiang Long, Gesheng Li,Numerical simulation of exhaust reforming characteristics in catalyticfixed-bed reactors for a natural gas engine, Chemical Engineering Science,2018, 191: 200–207.(SCI收錄)
[13] Zunhua Zhang, PengCheng, Jian Tan, Junjie Liang, Yeyuan Li, Gesheng Li, Theuncertainty of laminar burning velocity of premixed H2-air flameinduced by the non-uniform initial temperature field inside the constant-volumecombustion vessel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(45):21049–21059.(SCI收錄)
[14] Yanxiang Long, Gesheng Li, Zunhua Zhang, Junjie Liang,Litong Mao, Yeyuan Li, Effects of reformed exhaust gas recirculation on the HCand CO emissions of a spark-ignition engine fueled with LNG, InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(45): 21070–21078.(SCI收錄)
[15] 張尊華, 曾璇, 梁俊傑, 王昭軍, 李格升, 天然氣成分波動對其預混火焰傳播特性的影響, 化工學報,2018, 69(12): 5209–5219.(EI收錄)
[16] 張尊華, 徐力, 梁俊傑, 李敬瑞, 李格升, 甲烷/乙烷與甲烷/丙烷混合燃料著火特性, 化工學報,2018, 69(5): 2199–2207.(EI收錄)
[17] Zunhua Zhang,Shihao Zhu, Junjie Liang, Le Tian, Gesheng Li, Experimental andkinetic studies of premixed laminar flame of acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE)/air, Fuel,2018, 211: 95–101.(SCI收錄)
[18] Mengni Zhou, Gesheng Li, Zunhua Zhang, Junjie Liang,Linyuan Tian, Effect of ignition energy on the initial propagation ofethanol/air laminar premixed flames: An experimental study, Energy& Fuels, 2017, 31(9): 10023–10031.(SCI收錄)
[19] 張尊華, 李敬瑞, 萬琦, 李格升, 激波管的調試與甲烷著火延遲時間的測量, 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2017, 45(7): 56–60.(EI收錄)
[20] Zunhua Zhang,Pengpeng Jia, Geyu Zhong, Junjie Liang, Gesheng Li, Numerical studyof exhaust reforming characteristics on hydrogen production for a marine enginefueled with LNG, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 241–249.(SCI收錄)
[21] Zunhua Zhang,Qian Xie, Junjie Liang, Gesheng Li, Numerical study of combustioncharacteristics of a natural gas HCCI engine with closed loop exhaust-gas fuelreforming, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 119: 430–437.(SCI收錄)
[22] 謝倩, 張尊華, 梁俊傑, 李格升, LNG廢氣重整再循環發動機系統的模擬,內燃機學報, 2015, 33(4): 325–334.(EI收錄)
[23] 張尊華, 李格升, 梁俊傑, 熊壯, 乙醇-空氣預混層流燃燒速度的試驗研究,華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 41(8): 128–132.(EI收錄)
[24] Gesheng Li, Zunhua Zhang, Fubing You, Zhixiang Pan,Xintang Zhang, Jian Dong, Xiaohong Gao, A novel strategy for hydrous-ethanolutilization: Demonstration of a spark-ignition engine fueled with hydrogen-richfuel from an onboard ethanol/steam reformer, International Journal of HydrogenEnergy, 2013, 38(14): 5936–5948.(SCI收錄)
[25] 張尊華, 李格升, 沈宇, 李龍歡, 楊銳, 高孝洪, 含水乙醇-空氣預混層流燃燒特性的試驗, 內燃機學報,2013, 31(1): 59–64.(EI收錄)
[26] Gesheng Li, Zunhua Zhang, Junjie Liang, Fan Dong, Yeyuan Li, Xiaohong Gao,Effects of hydrogen addition on the premixed laminar-flames of ethanol-airgaseous mixtures: An experimental study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2012, 37(5): 4490–4501.(SCI收錄)
[27] Zunhua Zhang,Gesheng Li, Lin Ouyang, Zhixiang Pan, Fubing You, Xiaohong Gao, Experimentaldetermination of laminar burning velocities and markstein lengths for 75%hydrous-ethanol, hydrogen and air gaseous mixtures, InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(20): 13194–13206.(SCI收錄)




