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  • 中文名:張寶賢
  • 職業:博士
  • 畢業院校: 北方交通大學 
  • 研究方向:感測網、物聯網、無線網路


博士 北方交通大學 1997-2000 通信與信息系統
碩士 北方交通大學 1994-1997 通信與信息系統
本科 北方交通大學 1990-1994 無線通信
2005.12-至今 中科院研究生院計算與通信工程學院 教授, 博導,百人計畫
2002-2005 加拿大渥太華大學信息技術與工程學院 Research Scientist
2001-2002 加拿大女皇大學電子與計算機工程系 Postdoctoral Fellow




10、支持多感測網套用的中間件平台開發,國家重大科技專項,2010-2012, 課題主持人
9、 感測網與蜂窩網結合技術及示範驗證,國家重大科技專項,2009-2011,課題主持人
8、 感測器網路總體研究及仿真平台,國家重大科技專項, 2008-2010
7、 感測器網路關鍵技術(協同架構與作業系統),國家重大科技專項,2009-2011
6、 帶狀感測網技術研究,中科院知識創新工程重要方向課題,2008-2009,課題負責人
5、 無線網路可擴展網路編碼關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金,2008-2010,課題主持人
4、 無線感測網動態分簇算法, 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金, 2009-2011, 課題主持人
3、 無線自組織網路抗毀路由技術, 國家863課題,2007-2008, 項目主持人
2、 無線多媒體感測網QoS技術研究,中科院知識創新工程重要方向性課題,課題主持人
1、 無線感測網理論和關鍵技術研究, 中科院百人計畫項目, 2006-2011, 項目主持人




· 電子學會物聯網專家委員會 委員
· 機械工業出版社《物聯網叢書》專家委員會 委員
· 中科院研究生院學位委員會 委員
· 電子學會 高級會員
· IEEE通信學會 會員
· Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks – Special issue on Advances in Ad Hoc Networks (2011)
· IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications – Special issue on Network Coding for Wireless Networks (2009)
· ACM Mobile Networks and Applications – Special issue on Recent advances in Wireless Networks (2009)
· Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing – Special Issue on Underwater WSN (2008)
國際學術會議執行委員會(Executive Member)
· Co-Chair, International Workshop on Internet of Things, Beijing, China, Aug. 2010
· Co-Chair, Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Networks Symposium - IWCMC’09, Germany, 2009
· Co-Chair, Advances in Internet Symposium, ICST ChinaCom’08, Hangzhou, Aug. 25-27,2008
· Publicity Co-Chair, ICST/IEEE AccessNets’07, Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 22-24, 2007
國際學術會議程式委員會(Technical Program Committee member)
· IEEE國際通信大會(ICC) 2007-2012
· IEEE全球電信大會(Globecom) 2006-2010
· IEEE無線通信與網路大會(WCNC) 2008-2010


主講《無線網路技術》(學位課), 60學時,兩次被評為優良課程
主講《Internet關鍵技術》討論課, 40 學時
主講《無線感測器網路討論課》, 40 學時


[J23] Lei Li*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢),, Xiaojun Shen, Jun Zheng, Zheng Yao, “A Study on the Weak Barrier Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 71-721, Feb. 2011.
[J22] Hanlin Deng*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢),, and Jun Zheng, “Rate-Constrained Uniform Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IET Communications, accepted.
[J21] Han Bao*, Baoxin Zhang(張寶賢), Cheng Li, Zheng Yao, “Mobile Anchor Assisted PSO-based Localization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, accepted.
[J20] Fengrong Li*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Jun Zheng, “Geographical Hole-Bypassing Forwarding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IET COMMUNICATIONS, accepted.
[J19] Hanlin Deng*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Cheng Li, Kui Huang, Haitao Liu, MAX-MIN Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Mechanism and Modeling, Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, in press.
[J18] Yan Yan*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Jun Zheng, and Jian Ma, “Hierarchical Location Service for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 899-911, July 2010.
[J17] Yan Yan*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Jun Zheng, Jian Ma, “CORE: A coding-aware opportunistic routing mechanism for wireless mesh networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 17, no. 3, June 2010.
[J16] 田克*,張寶賢,馬建, 姚鄭. 無線多跳網路中的機會路由綜述.《軟體學報》,2010年10月.
[J15] 姚道遠*, 張寶賢, 劉海濤. 保障監測時延的無線感測器網路感知調度算法.《電子與信息學報》,vol. 32, no. 7, 2010年7月,pp. 1591-1596.
[J14] Haitao Liu, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), H. Mouftah, Xiaojun Shen, and Jian Ma, “Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Present and Future Directions,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 103-109, Dec. 2009.
[J13] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, H. T.; Zhao, Zhuang; Ma, Jian; “Localized power-aware alternate routing for wireless ad hoc networks,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 7, July 2009, pp. 882-893.
[J12] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Xue, Guoliang; “Broadcast, Multicast, and Geocast,” Wireless Sensor Networks: A Networking Perspective, chapter 5, Jun Zheng and Abbas Jamalipour (eds.), pp. 145-172, IEEE/Wiley Press, July 2009. (book chapter)
[J11] Haitao Liu, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), J. Zheng, H. T. Mouftah. An energy-efficient localized topology control algorithm for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1205 – 1220, Nov. 2008.
[J10] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Zheng Jun; Mouftah, H. T.; “Fast routing algorithms for lightpath establishment in wavelength-routed optical networks,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, no. 13, pp. 1744-1751, July 2008.
[J9] 樊秀梅,單志廣,張寶賢,陳輝,“容遲網路的體系結構和關鍵技術”,《電子學報》,vol. 36, no. 1,pp. 161-170, 2008年1月.
[J8] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Zhao, Zhuang; Mouftah, H. T.; “Fast Bandwidth-Constrained QoS Routing via Bidirectional Search”, IET Communications (UK), vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 784-788, Aug. 2007.
[J7] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Zheng, Jun; Mouftah, Hussein T.; “A scalable multicast routing protocol for building shortest path trees,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 993-1009, Aug. 2007.
[J6] Zheng, Jun; Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Towards automated provisioning of advance reservation service in the next generation optical Internet”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 68-74, Dec. 2006.
[J5] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Fast bandwidth-constrained shortest path routing algorithm,” IEE Proceedings-Communications, vol. 153, no. 5, pp. 671-674, Oct. 2006.
[J4] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Energy-aware on-demand routing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks”, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 481-494, Jul. 2006.
[J3] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Destination-driven shortest path tree algorithms,” Journal of High Speed Networks, vol. 15, no.2, pp. 123 – 130, Apr. 2006.
[J2] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “QoS routing for wireless ad hoc networks: Problems, algorithms, and protocols,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 110-107, Oct. 2005. (本文曾入選IEEE通信學會10大最受歡迎文章)
[J1] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Providing multicast through recursive unicast,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 115121, Jan. 2005.
國際學術會議文章 (第一作者標星號者為本人指導的學生或博士後)
[C14] Lei Shi*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Kui Huang, Jian Ma, “An Efficient Data-Driven Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks”, accepted to present at IEEE ICC 2011 - Adhoc, sensor and mesh networking symposium.
[C13]Yishuai Chen*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Changjia Chen, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of P2P Live Streaming Systems under Flash Crowds”, accepted to present at IEEE ICC 2011 - Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium.
[C12] Ke Tian*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Kui Huang, Jian Ma, “Data Gathering Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks,” in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2010– Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium.
[C11] Yan Yan*, Zhuang Zhao, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Hussein Mouftah, and Jian Ma, “Mechanism for Coding-Aware Opportunistic Retransmission in Wireless Networks”, accepted to be published in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’09 - Ad Hoc Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium.
[C10] Yan Yan*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Zhuang Zhao, Xiaojun Shen, Jian Ma, “Mechanism for maximizing area-centric coding gains for wireless multihop networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE 2009 International Conference in Communications(ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
[C9] Ke Tian*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Hussein Mouftah, Zhuang Zhao, Jian Ma, “Destination-driven on-demand multicast routing protocol for wireless ad hoc networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2009 International Conference in Communications(ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
[C8] Yan Yan*, Zhuang Zhao, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), H. T. Mouftah, and Jian Ma, Rate-Adaptive Coding-Aware Multiple Path Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE 2008 Global Conference in Communications(GLOBECOM 2008), pp. 543-547, Dec. 2008..
[C7] Hanlin Deng*, Jie Shen, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Jun Zheng, Jian Ma, and Haitao Liu, “Performance Analysis for Optimal Hybrid Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2008 Global Conference in Communications (GLOBECOM 2008), pp. 203-207, Dec. 2008.
[C6] Yan Yan*, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Hussein T. Mouftah, and Jian Ma, “Practical Coding-Aware Opportunistic Routing Mechanism for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2008 International Conference in Communications (ICC 2008), pp. 2871-2876, May 2008.
[C5] Quan Yu, Baoxian Zhang(張寶賢), Chao Liu, and H. T. Mouftah, “Energy-efficient geographical forwarding mechanism for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2008 Wireless Communications and Networks Conference (WCNC 2008), pp. 2468-2473, Mar. 2008.
[C4] Yan Yan*; Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, H. T.; Ma, Jian; “Hierarchical location service for large scale wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2007 International Conference in Communications (ICC 2007), pp. 1222-1226, Nov. 2007.
[C3] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Zhao, Zhuang; Ma, Jian; Mouftah, H. T.; “Energy-efficient localized topology control algorithm,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2007 Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’07), New York, USA, pp. 1-6, May 31-June 1, 2007.
[C2] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Mouftah, H. T.; “Efficient grid-based routing in wireless multi-hop networks,” In Proceedings of IEEE 2005 International Symposium in Computer Communications (ISCC 2005), pp. 367-372, June 2005.
[C1] Zhang, Baoxian(張寶賢); Zheng Jun; Mouftah, Hussein T.; “Adaptive lightpath routing in wavelength-routed networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE 2005 International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005), pp. 1819-1823, May 2005.
[P7] 張寶賢,物聯網套用與展望,2010中國物聯網大會,2010年6月29日,北京
[P6] 張寶賢,物聯網套用與展望,北京航空航天大學,2010年6月4日
[P5] 張寶賢,感知中國與物聯網,北京市人民政府研究室,2010年4月2日.
[P4] 張寶賢,無線感測器網路研究進展,浙江大學,2009年8月31日,杭州
[P3] 張寶賢,Smart space services for mass consumers,諾基亞研究中心,北京,2009年7月14日
[P2] 張寶賢,無線感測網中的網路編碼技術,上海無線通信中心,2009年6月19日
[P1] 張寶賢,無線感測器網路進展綜述,工業與信息化部重大專項推進會,2008年9月20日,北京


