張天新,工學博士,北京大學副教授,中國城市規劃學會(CACP)會員,中國風景園林學會(CSLA)會員,中國ICOMOS會員,中國地理學會會員,日本建築學會(AIJ)會員,《城市規劃》雜誌特約審稿專家,國外城市規劃學術委員會委員,《北京規劃建設》特約編輯、"葉山品鑑"專欄作者,日本北海道大學文化資源管理研究會(Web-Journal of Tourism and Cultural Studies)國際學術委員、審查委員,加拿大McGill University、Concordia University訪問學者。
Tianxin Zhang, Takayoshi Yamamura. Management Framework Respecting Spiritual Values and Biodiversity—A Case Study of the World Heritage Site of Lijiang Old Town, International Conference: World Heritage and Tourism: Managing for the Global and the Local[C]. Quebec, Canada, 2010,June 2-4.
Zhang Tianxin, Pierre Gauthier, Yamamura Takayoshi. Urban Morphology, Heritage Preservation and the Control of Transformations, ISUF International Conference[C]. Guangzhou, 2009 Sept 4-7.
Zhang Tianxin. Conservation of Western Style Heritages in the Eastern Context[J]. Safeguarded Cultural Heritage (Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "SAUVEUR"), Vol.2-Posters, Czech Republic. Semily. 2007: 980-981.
Zhang Tianxin, Yamamura Takayoshi, Fujiki Yusuke. Conserving the Comprehensive Image of Natural Settings for World Heritage Sites: A Case of the Yulongxueshan Snow Mountain as the Landmark for the Old Town of Lijiang[M]//Proceedings of ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Vol.1, World Publishing Corporation, Xi'an, 2005: 231-237. (ISBN 7-5062-7372-1).