- 中文名:張夢傑
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:基因表達調控
- 職務:碩士生導師
主要分兩部分:基因表達調控和組織幹細胞發育分化的模式生物研究。最先開始研究細胞凋亡抑制蛋白家族成員survivin 基因表達調控,該基因在大多數腫瘤細胞中高表達,而在正常組織或者細胞中表達很低,通過對其基因表達調控機制研究,旨在為靶向survivin的腫瘤基因治療提供一定的理論和臨床套用基礎。譜的鑑定(2010CB945501)。
Zhang Mengjie, He Meilan, Liao Yacheng, Sun Ming, Li Fengzhi. Transcription factor AP-2 inhibits survivin expression. 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 2009(EI)
張夢傑,楊雲龍,孫明,等. 激活蛋白-2對Hela細胞中survivin的抑制作用.2008,8(8)
M. Zhang, J. Yang, F.Li. Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Controls of Survivin in Cancer Cells: Novel Approaches for Cancer Treatment. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res., 25(3), 2006
張夢傑,任慶廣,陳永青等.陰溝腸桿菌(Enterbacter Cloacae)糖蛋白活性組分抑瘤效應的研究 復旦學報(自然科學版)2002,41(4)
Chen P, Li A, Zhang M, He M, Chen Z, Wu X, Zhao C, Wang S, Liang L. Protective effects of a new metalloporphyrin on paraquat-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in N27 cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin.2008,40(2): 125-32
He ML, Li A, Xu CS, Wang SL, Zhang MJ, Gu H, Yang YQ, Tao HH. Mechanisms of antiprostate cancer by gum mastic: NF-kappaB signal as target. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 28(3): 446-452,2007.
Ang Li, Mei-lan He, Hui Wang, Bin Qiao, Ping Chen, Hua Gu, Mengjie Zhang, Shengxiang He. All-trans retinoic acid negatively regulates cytotoxic activities of nature killer cell line 92. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 352(1): 42-47,2007
Spaulding, B., Pan, D., Ghadersohi, A., Nielsen, G., Jensen, S., Gellert, F., Ling, X., Zhang, M., Black, A., and Li, F. Characterization of the 12C4 survivin monoclonal antibody and insight into the expression of survivin in human adult tissues. Histopathology, 49(6): 622-633, 2006.
同濟大學教改項目(2004.9~2006.9) 現代化教學手段與方法在 《微生物學》課程教學中的套用
國家留學基金管理委員會“高校基礎課任課教師出國研修項目” (2004.7~2006.7)