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張國斌,博士,副教授。2008年獲中國海洋大學生物化學與分子生物學學士學位;2015獲中國科學院上海植物生理生態研究所博士學位;2015-2017年中科院上海生命科學研究院生物信息學博士後。2017年9月,在山東農業大學農學院工作。相關工作發表於Plant Cell,Nature communications,Molecular Plant 等期刊。


  • 中文名:張國斌
  • 畢業院校:中科院上海生命科學研究院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授


  1. 玉米遺傳學和功能基因組學
  2. 芒草基因組學


  1. Luo, J.S.*, Huang, J.*, Zeng, D.L.*, Peng, J.S., Zhang, G.B., Ma, H.L., Guan, Y., Yi, H.Y., Fu, Y.L., Han, B., Lin, H.X., Qian, Q., and Gong, J.M. (2018). A defensin-like protein drives cadmium efflux and allocation in rice. Nat Commun 9, 645.
  2. Shuang Yang*,QianqianNing*, Guobin Zhang, Hong Sun, Zhen Wang,Yixue Li. Construction of differential mRNA-lncRNA crosstalknetworks based on ceRNA hypothesis uncover key roles oflncRNAs implicated in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget,2016,7(52): 85728-85740.
  3. ShuanMeng, Jia-Shi Peng, Ya-Ni He, Guo-Bin Zhang, Hong-Ying Yi, Yan-Lei Fu, Ji-Ming Gong. Arabidopsis NRT1.5 Mediates the Suppression of Nitrate Starvation-Induced Leaf Senescence by Modulating Foliar Potassium Level (2016). Molecular Plant, 9(3): 461–4705.
  4. Zhang, G.B., Yi, H.Y., and Gong, J.M. (2014). The Arabidopsis Ethylene/Jasmonic Acid-NRT Signaling Module Coordinates Nitrate Reallocation and the Trade-Off between Growth and Environmental Adaptation. The Plant cell 26(10): 3984-3998.
  5. Bao, Y., Wang, C.T., Jiang, C.M., Pan, J., Zhang, G.B., Liu, H., and Zhang, H.X. (2014). The tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF)-like family protein SEVEN IN ABSENTIA 2 (SINA2) promotes drought tolerance in an ABA-dependent manner in Arabidopsis. New Phytol202: 174-187.
  6. Ding, G., Peng J.S., Zhang, G.B., Yi H.Y., Fu Y.L., Gong, J.M. Regulation of the Phytochelatin Synthase Gene AtPCS2 in Arabidopsis thaliana.ScientiaSinica Vitae, 2013, 43(12): 1112-1118. (In Chinese)
  7. Fu, Y.L., Zhang, G.B., Lv, X.F., Guan, Y., Yi, H.Y., and Gong, J.M. (2013). Arabidopsis Histone Methylase CAU1/PRMT5/SKB1 Acts as an Epigenetic Suppressor of the Calcium Signaling Gene CAS to Mediate Stomatal Closure in Response to Extracellular Calcium. The Plant Cell 25: 2878-2891.


