


  • 中文名:張善民
  • 出生地:陝西省西安市
  • 出生日期:1945年6月
  • 性別:男


張善民1986年在華東師範大學取得碩士學位。1989年出國留學,曾先後在M. Mehring(德國斯圖加特大學),R. R. Enrst(諾貝爾獎獲得者,瑞士蘇黎世高等工業大學),E. O. Stejskal(美國北卡州立大學)等實驗室工作與學習,1993年獲北卡州立大學博士學位。之後在美國德州大學醫學院任Assistant教授及核磁共振中心主任,先後在世界重要雜誌發表40多篇有影響的論文,其中在Physical Review Letter上的“Polarization Echoes in NMR”一文(Shanmin Zhang, B. H. Meier, R. R. Ernst)被引用70多次。2004年受Graham A. Webb教授(英國皇家化學協會成員)的邀請,在核磁共振年度進展(Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy)一書中撰寫了題為Phase Incremented Pulses in NMR with Applications一文。




Zhang S. Phase incremented pulses in NMR with applications, Annual Reports on NMR.V. 53, Chapter One, 1-64, 2004. Invited by Professor G. A. Webb, Royal Society of Chemistry, England
1. Shanmin Zhang, Auto-offsetting and -referencing in biomolecular NMR experiments, Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, 2, 3, 208-214, 2011.
2. Wenfang Shu, Shanmin Zhang, Relaxation compensated and intensity recovered dynamics of cross polarization in the frame of reciprocity relation, Chemical Physics Letters, 511, 424-426, 2011.
3. Min Xu,Min Xu,Qun Chen,Shanmin Zhang, Investigation on Extremely Dilute Solution of PIE by PFG-NMR,Colloid Polymer Science,288, 85-89, 2010.
4. Dawei Lu, Jing Zhu, Ping Zou, Xinhua Peng, Yihua Yu, Shanmin Zhang, Qun Chen, and Jiangfeng Du, Experimental Implementation of a Quantum Random-Walk Search Algorithm Using Strongly Dipolar Coupled Spins, Physical Review A, 81,2,2010.
5. J.Shu, P.Li, Q.Chen, Shanmin Zhang, Quantititaive Measurement of Polymer Compositions by NMR Spectroscopy: Targeting Polymers with Marked Difference in Phase Mobility, Macromolecules, 43, 8993-8996, 2010.
6. Jie Shu, Qun Chen, Shanmin Zhang, Quantification of cross polarization with relaxation compensated reciprocity relation in NMR,Chemical Physics Letters 462, 125-128; 2008.
7. Shanmin Zhang, Pivotal Steps Towards Quantification of Molecular Diffusion Coefficients by NMR, 8, 635-642; 2007.
8. Zhang, S. Quantitative Measurement of Molecular Diffusion Coefficients by NMR Spectroscopy, J. Am. Cehm. Soc. 128: 4974-4975: 2006.
9. Zhang, Z. Li, S., Zhang, S. Gorenstein, D. Triterpenoid saponins from the fruits of Aesculus pavia, Phytochemistry, 67: 784-794: 2006.
10. Zhang, ZZ; Li, SY; Shanmin Zhang, Six new triterpenoid Saponins from the root and stem bark of Cephalanthus occidentalis, PLANTA MEDICA 71 4 355-361 2005
11. Zhang, S. Near neighbor approximation in nuclear magnetic resonance. J. Chem. Phys. 120(2):1886-1891; 2004.
12. Y. Lee, D. E. Volk, V. Thiviyanathan, Q. Kleerekoper, A. X. Gribenko, S. Zhang, D. G. Gorenstein, Makhatadze, G. I. and Luxon, B. A.NMR structure of the Apo-S100 protein.J. Biomol. NMR29, 399, (2004).
13. Zhang, Z., Li, S., Zhang, S.,C. Liang, Gorenstein, D. G. and Beasley, R. S.New camptothecin and ellagic acidanalogues from the root bark of Camptotheca acuminate.Planta. Med.70, 1-6 (2004).
14. Zhang, S., Yang, X. and Gorenstein, D.G.Suppression of linearly responsive residual water. Concepts Magn. Reson. 14(2):102-111; 2002.
15. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D. G.Coherent excitation with phase-incremented pulses.J. Magn. Reson. 154:73-79; 2002.
16. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Design of Bloch-Siegert phase-shift self-compensated pulses for HCN triple-resonance experiments. Chem. Phys. Lett. 362:278-284; 2002.
17. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Synchronized adiabatic decoupling.J. Magn. Reson. 147(1):110-115; 2000.
18. Volk, D.E., House, P.G., Varatharasa, T., Luxon, B.A., Zhang, S., Lloyd, R.S. and Gorenstein, D.G. Structural similarities between MutT and the C-terminal domain of MutY.Biochemistry, 39(25): 7331-7336; 2000.
19. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Adiabatic decoupling sidebands.J. Magn. Reson. 144(2):316-321; 2000.
20. Zhang, S., Yang, X. and Gorenstein, D.G.Enhanced suppression of residual water in a “270” WET sequence. J. Magn. Reson. 143(2):382-386; 2000.
21. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.“BEST” homonuclear adiabatic decoupling for 13C- and 15N-double- labeled proteins. J. Magn. Reson. 138(2):281-287; 1999.
22. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Multiple effective fields created by a periodic irradiation of radio frequency field in NMR.Chem. Phys. Lett. 303:587-592; 1999.
23. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Bloch-Siegert shift compensated and cyclic irradiation sidebands eliminated double-adiabatic homonuclear decoupling for 13C- and 15N-double-labeledproteins.J. Magn. Reson. 132(1):81-87; 1998.
24. Zhang, S., Wu, J. and Gorenstein, D.G.“Double-WURST” decoupling for 15N- and 13C-double-labled proteins in a high magnetic field.J. Magn. Reson. A123(2):181-187; 1996.
25. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Theory of frequency-shifted excitation by phase-incremented pulses in nuclear magnetic resonance.J. Chem. Phys. 105(14):5659-5664; 1996.
26. Zhang, S., Gorenstein, D.G.Suppression of radiation damping during acquisition by pulsed field gradients. J. Magn. Reson. A118(2):291-294; 1996.
27. Joseph, R., Zhang, S. and Ford, W.T.Structure and dynamics of a colloidal silica-poly(methyl methacrylate) composite by 13C and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy.Macromolecules 29(4):1305-1312; 1996.
28. Zhang, S., Testing the spin-temperature hypothesis for a homo- and heteronuclear dipolar-coupled system. J. Magn. Reson. A117(1):115-117; 1995.
29. Zhang, S., Czekaj, C.L. and Ford, W.T.Enhancement of polarization transfer under high-speed MAS using a quasi-adiabatic cross polarization sequence.J. Magn. Reson. A111(1):87-92; 1994.
30. Zhang, S., Xu, P., Sørensen, O.W. and Ernst, R.R.Absence of conservation laws and the reciprocity relation in polarization transfer experiments.Concepts Magn. Reson. 6:275-292; 1994.
31. Zhang, S., Quasi-adiabatic polarization transfer in solid state NMR.J. Magn. Reson. A110(1):73-76;1994.
32. Shin, I.D., Zhang, S. and Stejskal, E.O.Rapid measurement of 13C-detected proton T1 in homogeneous systems.J. Magn. Reson. A109(2):192-197; 1994.
33. Zhang, S., Meier, B.H. and Ernst, R.R.Mismatch-compensated cross polarization:W-MOIST, an improved pulse scheme.J. Magn. Reson. A108(1):30-37; 1994.
34. Zhang, S., Stejskal, E.O., Fornes, R.E. and Wu, X.Mismatching cross polarization in the rotating frame. J. Magn. Reson. A104(2):177-179; 1993.
35. Zhang, S., Meier, B.H., Appelt, S., Mehring, M. and Ernst, R.R.Transient oscillations in phase-switched cross-polarization experiments.J. Magn. Reson. A101(1):60-66; 1993.
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37. Zhang, S., Meier, B.H. and Ernst, R.R.Local monitoring of proton spin diffusion in static and rotating samples via spy detection.Solid State NMR 1:313-320; 1992.
38. Zhang, S., Mehring, M.A method of resolving superposed homogeneously broadened NMR lines of different T2.Chem. Phys. Lett. 176(1):70-74; 1991.
39. Zhang, S., Wu, X. and Mehring, M.Elimination of ringing effects in multiple-pulse sequences. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990, 173(5-6):481-494; 1990.
40. Zhang, S., Wu, X. and Mehring, M.Successive polarization under mismatched Hartmann-Hahn condition. Chem. Phys. Lett. 166(1):92-94; 1990.
41. Zhang, S., Wu, X., Zhang, H. and Wu, X.Quantitative measurement of rare spins in solid state cross polarization NMR.Chem. Phys. Lett. 165(6):465-468; 1990.
42. Zhang, S., Mehring, M.Measurement of effective pulse flip angle of distorted pulses.Chem. Phys. Lett. 165(5):386-388; 1990.
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