2001年9月至2005年6月: 濟南大學,材料科學與工程專業,本科,獲學士學位;
2005年9月至2008年6月: 濟南大學,材料學專業,研究生,獲碩士學位;
2008年9月至2012年6月 :華南理工大學,材料學專業,研究生,獲博士學位;
2012年7月至2014年9月: 華南理工大學材料科學與工程學院,博士後/助理研究員;
2014年9月至今: 華南理工大學材料科學與工程學院,副研究員。
針對“膠凝材料使用效率不高、固體廢棄物摻量較低”等水泥基材料套用中存在的關鍵問題,開展水泥熟料與輔助性膠凝材料最佳化匹配研究。提出了“區間窄分布,整體寬分布”顆粒級配模型(Gap-graded PSD),最佳化了複合水泥漿體初始堆積狀態;利用水泥熟料、輔助性膠凝材料物理、水化特性等差異,提出了水泥熟料與輔助性膠凝材料最佳化匹配原則。僅採用25%的水泥熟料製備了42.5強度等級複合水泥,比目前現行42.5等級水泥中熟料用量降低了50%左右,顯著降低了複合水泥製備過程中的資源、能源消耗和碳排放。在Cement and Concrete Composites、Construction and Building Materials、Powder Technology等本行業權威刊物上發表學術論文30餘篇(SCI收錄22篇),獲授權發明專利1項,論文累計被引300餘次,H因子10,研究動態被國內外學術團隊追蹤。代表性論文如下:
[1] YQ Guo,TS Zhang*, WL Tian, JX Wei, QJ Yu. Physically and chemically bound chlorides in hydrated cement pastes: A comparison study of the effects of silica fume and metakaolin,Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(3): 2152-2169.
[2] XG Xie,TS Zhang*, YM Yang, ZY Lin, JX Wei, QJ Yu. Maximum paste coating thickness without voids clogging of pervious concrete and its relationship to the rheological properties of cement paste.Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 168: 732–746.
[3] YQ Guo,TS Zhang*, XY Liu, WL Tian, P Chen, JX Wei, QJ Yu. The pore fillability of cementitious materials and its application in predicting compressive strength of gap-graded blended cements.Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 168: 805–817.
[4] SL Liu,TS Zhang*, YQ Guo, JX Wei, QJ Yu. Effects of SCMs particles on the compressive strength of micro-structurally designed cement paste: Inherent characteristic effect, particle size refinement effect, and hydration effect.Powder Technology, 2018, 330: 1–11.
[5] B Zhang, A Bogush, JX Wei*,TS Zhang, WT Xu, QJ Yu. Influence of sulfur on the fate of heavy metals during clinkerization.Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 182: 144–155.
[6] P Gao,TS Zhang, JX Wei*, QJ Yu. Evaluation of RRSB distribution and lognormal distribution for describing the particle size distribution of graded cementitious materials.Powder Technology, 2018, 331: 137–145.
[7] YQ Guo,TS Zhang*, JX Wei, QJ Yu, SX Ouyang. Evaluating the distance between particles in fresh cement paste based on the yield stress and particle size.Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 142: 109–116.
[8] PH Gao, JX Wei,TS Zhang, J Hu, QJ Yu. Modification of chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete based on the electrical conductivity of pore solution.Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 145: 361–366.
[9] B Zhang, A Bogush, JX Wei*,TS Zhang, J Hu, FX Li, QJ Yu. Reversible carbon dioxide capture at high temperatures by tetraethylenepentamine acetic acid and polyethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity.Fuel & Energy, 2017, 31(4): 4237–4244.
[10] SR Yu, B Zhang, JX Wei*,TS Zhang, QJ Yu, WS Zhang. Effects of chlorine on the volatilization of heavy metals during the co-processing of sewage sludge.Waste Management, 2017, 62: 204–210.
[11] YM Yang, ZH Li,TS Zhang, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Bond-slip behavior of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) bar in concrete subjected to simulated marine environment: Effects of BFRP bars size, corrosion age, and concrete strength.International Journal of Polymer Science, 2017: 1–9.
[12] YQ Guo,TS Zhang*, JX Wei, QJ Yu. SX Ouyang. Evaluating the distance between particles in fresh cement paste based on the yield stress and particle size,Construction and Building Materials, 2017,142: 109–116.
[13] W Zhu, JX Wei, FX Li,TS Zhang, Y Chen, J Hua, QJ Yu. Understanding restraint effect of coarse aggregate on the drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete.Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 114:458–463.
[14] W Zhu, Y Chen, FX Li,TS Zhang, J Hu, JX Wei*, QJ Yu. Design and preparation of high elastic modulus self-compacting concrete for pre-stressed mass concrete structures.Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 2016, 31(3): 563–573.
[15] ZM Huang,TS Zhang*,ZY Wen. Proportioning and characterization of Portland cement-based ultra-lightweight foam concretes.Construction and Building Materials,2015, 79: 390–396.
[16] SH Yin, YF Yang,TS Zhang*, GF Guo, F Yu. Effect of carbonic acid water on the degradation of Portland cement paste: Corrosion process and kinetics.Construction and Building Materials, 2015,91: 39–46.
[17] ZH Li,TS Zhang, J Hu, Y Tang, YF Niu, JX Wei, QJ Yu. Characterization of reaction products and reaction process of MgO–SiO2–H2O system at room temperature.Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 61:252–259.
[18] P Gao,TS Zhang, RF Luo, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Improvement of autogenous shrinkage measurement for cement paste at very early age: Corrugated tube method using non-contact sensors.Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 55:57–62.
[19]TS Zhang, XY Liu, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Influence of preparation method on the performance of ternary blended cements.Cement and Concrete Composites, 2014, 52: 18–26.
[20]TS Zhang, P Gao, RF Luo, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Volumetric deformation of gap-graded blended cement pastes with large amount of supplementary cementitious materials.Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 54 339–347.
[21]TS Zhang, P Gao, RF Luo, YQ Guo, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Measurement of chemical shrinkage of cement paste: Comparison study of ASTM C1608 and an improved method.Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 48: 662–669.
[22]TS Zhang, P Gao, PH Gao, JX Wei, QJ Yu*. Effectiveness of novel and traditional methods to incorporate industrial wastes in cementitious materials–an overview.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2013, 74: 134–143.
[23]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang, CC Gong. Effect of simulative pore solution on the hydration kinetics of ground granulated blast furnace slag.Advances in Cement Research, 2013, 24(5): 283–290.
[24]TS Zhang, QJ Yu, JX Wei*, JX Li. Investigation on mechanical properties, durability and micro-structural development of steel slag blended cements.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 110(2): 633–639.
[25]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang, PX Chen. Improvement of surface cementitious properties of coarse fly ash by dehydration and rehydration processes.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 109(1): 265–271.
[26]TS Zhang, QJ Yu, JX Wei*, P Gao, PP Zhang. Study on optimization of hydration process of blended cement.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 107(2): 489–498.
[27]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, P Gao, PX Chen, J Hu. Micro-structural development of gap-graded blended cement paste containing high amount of supplementary cementitious materials.Cement and Concrete Composites, 2012, 34(9): 1024–1032.
[28]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang. Efficient utilization of cementitious materials to produce sustainable blended cement.Cement and Concrete Composites, 2012, 34(5): 692–699.
[29]TS Zhang, QJ Yu, JX Wei*, PP Zhang. A new gap-graded particle size distribution and resulting consequences on properties of blended cement.Cement and Concrete Composites, 2011, 33(5): 543–550.
[30]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang, PX Chen. A gap-graded particle size distribution for blended cements: Analytical approach and experimental validation.Powder Technology, 2011, 214(2): 259–268.
[31]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, JX Li, PP Zhang. Preparation of high performance blended cement and reclamation of iron concentrate from basic oxygen furnace steel slag.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2011, 56(1): 48–55.
[32]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang. Effects of size fraction on composition and fundamental properties of Portland cement.Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25(7): 3038–3043.
[33]TS Zhang, QJ Yu, JX Wei*, PP Zhang. Effect of size fraction on composition and pozzolanic activity of high calcium fly ash.Advances in Cement Research, 2011, 23(6): 299–307.
[34]TS Zhang, QJ Yu*, JX Wei, PP Zhang, S Li. Effect of size fraction of ground granulated blast furnace slag on its strength contribution and hydraulic activity.Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4(3): 1286–1291.
[35] JX Li, QJ Yu, JX Wei*,TS Zhang. Structural characteristics and hydration kinetics of modified steel slag.Cement and Concrete Research, 2011, 41(3): 324–329.
[36]TS Zhang, FT Liu, SQ Liu, ZH Zhou, X Cheng*. Factors influencing the properties of a steel slag composite cement.Advances in Cement Research, 2008, 20(3): 145–150.
[37] 余其俊, 林秋旺, 李方賢, 韋江雄,張同生, 胡捷. 矽酸鈣板-纖維增強泡沫混凝土複合牆板的受壓性能.華南理工大學學報, 2017, 45(9): 88-95.
[38] 楊永民, 李兆恆,張同生, 殷素紅, 韋江雄, 陳曉文, 余其俊. 活性氧化鎂補償無機聚合物漿體收縮的作用機制.華南理工大學學報, 2017, 45(9): 103-110.
[39]張同生, 李斌, 余其俊, 陳新智, 段明子. 煙氣複合脫硫技術最新進展.水泥, 2017, 7: 52-56.
[40] 楊永民,張同生, 陳澤鵬, 陳理達. 模擬壩體溫升的養護制度對輕燒MgO混凝土力學性能的影響研究.膨脹劑與膨脹混凝土, 2015/02
[41] 張賓, 陳陽, 韋江雄,張同生, 余其俊. 三維數字圖像相關法及其在水泥基材料變形研究中的套用. 電子顯微學報, 2015, 34(6): 521-529.
[42] 蘇登成, 夏毅, 沈東, 賀希,張同生. 高溫乾燥環境中C20和C30混凝土的體積穩定性研究. 水泥工程, 2015, 5: 81-85.
[43]張同生, 劉向陽, 韋江雄, 余其俊*. 水泥熟料與輔助性膠凝材料最佳化匹配的基礎研究進展(I)——物理效應.水泥, 2014. (7): 7–13.
[44]張同生, 劉向陽, 韋江雄, 余其俊*. 水泥熟料與輔助性膠凝材料最佳化匹配的基礎研究進展(II)——化學效應.水泥, 2014. (8): 8–14.
[45] 劉向陽,張同生, 張平平, 韋江雄, 余其俊. 低活性粉煤灰表面膠凝性能改善研究.矽酸鹽通報, 2014/07.
[46] 王玲, 蘇登成, 夏毅,張同生. 利用循環流化床灰渣製備控制性低強度材料的研究.水泥工程2014/04.
[47] 蘇登成, 顏炳波, 王玲, 謝華,張同生. 大摻量輔助膠凝材料自密實混凝土的試驗研究.水泥工程, 2013/1.
[48] 劉仁越, 王珊,張同生, 劉玉中, 蘇登成. 消石灰、無水石膏與石灰石粉對礦渣水泥性能的影響.水泥. 2009/8.
[49] 蘇登成, 唐興國, 劉仁越, 徐振寧,張同生. 鋼渣活性激發技術研究進展. 中國水泥, 2009/4.
[50]張同生, 劉福田*, 李義凱, 周宗輝, 程新. 活性激發劑對鋼渣膠凝材料強度影響的研究.建築材料學報, 2008, 11(4): 469–474.
[51]張同生, 劉福田*, 周宗輝, 李義凱. 鋼渣粉煤灰複合水泥的研究.濟南大學學報, 2008, 22(2): 174–177.
[52]張同生, 劉福田*, 王建偉, 李義凱, 周宗輝, 程新. 鋼渣安定性與活性激發的研究進展.矽酸鹽通報, 2007, 26(5): 980–984.
[53] 張同生, 劉福田, 劉鑫. 溶膠-凝膠法製備合金表面耐腐蝕塗層的研究進展. 山東冶金, 2007, 3: 4-7.