- 中文名:張利雲
- 職業:副研究員
- 畢業院校:中國地質大學
姓 名: 張利雲
性 別: 男
職 稱: 副研究員
專家類別: 副研究員
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院3號樓
2005.09-2012.01 中國科學院青藏高原研究所,“構造地質學”博士學位
2001.09-2005.07 中國地質大學(北京), “地質學” 學士學位
Zhang, L.Y., Ding, L., Pullen, A., Kapp P. Reply to comment by W. Liu and B. Xia on "Age and geochemistry of western Hoh-Xil-Songpan-Ganzi granitoids, northern Tibet: Implications for the Mesozoic closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean"
Liu, D.L., Shi, R.D., Ding, L., Huang, Q.S., Zhang, X.R., Yue, Y.H., Zhang, L.Y. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic compositions of Mesozoic granitoids in southern Qiangtang, Tibet: Implications for the subduction of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethyan Ocean
Zhang, L.Y., Ducea, M.N., Ding, L., Kapp, P. Southern Tibetan adakites: A record of Indian slab tearing. Lithos
Zhang L.Y., Ding, L., Pullen, A., Xu, Q., Liu, D. L., Cai, F. L., Yue, Y. H., Lai, Q. Z., Shi, R. D., Ducea, M. N., Kapp, P., Chapman, A. Age and geochemistry of western Hoh-Xil–Songpan-Ganzi granitoids, northern Tibet: Implications for the Mesozoic closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean
Xu, Q., Ding L., Zhang, L.Y., Cai, F.L., Lai. Q. Z., Yang, D., Liu-Zeng, J. Paleogene high elevations in the Qiangtang Terrane, central Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Liu D. L., Huang, Q. S., Fan, S. Q., Zhang, L.Y., Shi, R. D., Ding, L. Subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Ocean: constraints from granites in the Bangong Co area, Tibet. Geological of Journal
Haider, V. L., Dunkl, I, von Eynatten, H., Ding, L., Frei, D., Zhang, L.Y. Cretaceous to Cenozoic evolution of the northern Lhasa Terrane and the Early Paleogene development of peneplains at Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau
Ding, L., Yang, D., Cai, F. L., Pullen, A., Kapp, P., Gehrels, G. E., Zhang, L.Y., Zhang, Q. H., Lai, Q. Z., Yue, Y. H., Shi, R. D. Provenance analysis of the Mesozoic Hoh-Xil-Songpan-Ganzi turbidites in northern Tibet: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Zhang, L.Y., Ding, L., Yang, D., Xu, Q., Cai, F. L., Liu, D. L. Origin of middle Miocene leucogranites and rhyolites on the Tibetan Plateau: Constraints on the timing of crustal thickening and uplift of its northern boundary. Chinese Science Bulletin(張利雲, 丁林, 楊迪, 許強, 蔡福龍, 劉德亮. 藏北中中新世淡色花崗岩及流紋岩的成因:對高原北部邊界地殼加厚過程和隆升時代的制約. 科學通報)
Cai, F. L., Ding, L., Leary, R. J., Wang, H. Q., Xu, Q., Zhang L.Y., Yue, Y. H. Tectonostratigraphy and provenance of an accretionary complex within the Yarlung-Zangpo suture zone, southern Tibet: insights into subduction-accretion processes in the Neo-Tethys
Strobl, M., Hetzel, R., Niedermann, S., Ding, L., Zhang, L.Y. Landscape evolution of a bedrock peneplain on the southern Tibetan Plateau revealed by in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be and 21Ne
Zhang, Q.H., Ding, L., Cai, F.L., Xu, X.X., Zhang, L.Y., Xu, Q. Early Cretaceous Gangdese retroarc foreland basin evolution in the Selin Co basin, central Tibet: evidence from sedimentology and detrital zircon geochronology
Strobl, M., Hetzel, R., Ding, L., Zhang, L.Y., Hampel, A. Preservation of a large-scale bedrock peneplain suggests long-term land-scape stability in southern Tibet
Xu, Q., Ding, L., Zhang, L.Y., Yang, D., Cai, F.L., Lai, Q.Z., Liu, J., Shi, R.D. Stable isotopes of modern herbivore tooth enamel in the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for paleoelevation reconstructions. Chinese Science Bulletin(許強, 丁林, 張利雲, 楊迪, 蔡福龍, 來慶洲, 劉靜, 史仁燈. 青藏高原現代食草動物牙齒琺瑯質穩定同位素特徵及古高度重建意義. 科學通報)
丁林, 蔡福龍, 張清海, 張利雲, 許強, 楊迪, 劉德亮, 鐘大賚. 岡底斯-喜馬拉雅碰撞造山帶前陸盆地系統及構造演化. 地質科學
丁林, 許強, 張利雲, 楊迪, 來慶洲, 黃費新, 史仁燈. 青藏高原河流氧同位素區域變化特徵與高度預測模型建立. 第四紀研究
徐曉霞, 丁林, 許強, 蔡福龍, 張清海, 張利雲, 來慶洲. 藏東南超美鐵質岩牆及其地質意義. 地質科學
蔡福龍, 丁林, 張清海, 徐曉霞, 岳雅慧, 張利雲, 許強. 雅魯藏布江周緣前陸盆地物源分析及構造演化. 岩石學報