研究論文發表在Journal of Differential Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Model and Methods in Applied Science, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik, Applied Mathematics Letter,Chinese Annals of Mathematics(B)等一些國際知名數學雜誌上。
(1) ( with Guojing Zhang and Hailiang Li) Semiclassical and relaxation limits of bipolar quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors. J. Differential Equations
(2) ( with Hailiang Li and Guojing Zhang) Algebraic time decay for the bipolar quantum hydrodynamic model, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
(3) ( with Guojing Zhang) On the bipolar multidimensional quantum Euler-Poisson system: the thermal equilibrium solution and semiclassical limit. Nonlinear Anal.
(4) ( with Bo Liang) Steady-state Solutions and Asymptotic Limits on the Multi-dimensional Semiconductor Quantum Hydrodynamic Model, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
(5) ( with Hsiao Ling and Mauser Norbert J.) The Relaxation Limits to the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors, Applied Mathematics Letter
(6) ( with Mauser Norbert J. and Qiu Youchun ) Global Existence and Asymptotic Limits of Weak Solutions of the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors, Monatshefte fur Mathematik
(7) ( with Pierre Degond ) A Scattering Matrix Model of Semiconductor Superlattices in Multidimensional Wave-Vector Space and Its Diffusion Limit, Chinese Annals of Mathematics,
(8) ( with Pierre Degond ) Diffusion Approximation of a Scattering Matrix Model of Semiconductor Superlattices,SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,
(9) ( with Youchun Qiu ) On the Relaxation Limits of the Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductor Devices, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,
(10) On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors, Journal of Differential Equations
(11) ( with Hsiao L.) The Global Weak Solution and Relaxation Limits of the Initial-Boundary Value Problem to the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
(12) ( with Hsiao L.) The Relaxation of the Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors to the Drift-Diffusion Equations, Journal of Differential Equations