


  • 中文名: 張 凡
  • 職業:研究員
  • 性別: 女
  • 通訊地址:北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院3號樓
基本信息,簡歷,學 歷,社會任職,負責項目,參與項目,獲獎及榮譽,代表論著,


職 稱:   研究員
專家類別: 研究員
通訊地址:   北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院3號樓


2009年9月-至今 中國科學院青藏高原研究所 研究員
2008年4月-2009年9月 美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室環境科學所 研究員 (Research Staff Scientist)
2005年5月-2008年3月 美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室環境科學所 博士後(Research Associate)
2000年8月- 2005年5月 美國中佛羅里達大學 研究助理 (Research Assistant)

學 歷

2000年8月-2005年5月 美國中佛羅里達大學土木工程專業(水資源方向) 博士
1998年9月-2000年7月 清華大學 市政工程專業 碩士
1994年9月-1998年7月 清華大學 環境工程專業 學士


學術期刊副主編Journal of Hydrologic Engineering(美國土木工程師學會ASCE主辦)
學術期刊科學編輯Journal of Mountain Science
2008美國能源部小型企業創新研發基金(SBIR)專家評審組成員(Review Panel)


軍事操練區土壤非飽和層包氣帶中微粒及溶解性軍火成分的運移研究,美國國防部項目。“Mobility of Particulate and Dissolved Munitions Constituents in the Vadose Zone at Operational Ranges” (Co-PI) U.S. Dept. of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program


地下水反應物運移模型不確定性評估的平行計算,橡樹嶺國家實驗室項目。“Parallel Computing for Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling” (Collaborator) ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing (HPC) Grant
加速實施場地尺度模型對污染場地微生物修復模擬的指南,美國能源部項目。“Roadmap to Accelerate Deployment of Field-Scale Models to Simulate Microbially-Mediated Remediation of Contaminated Sites” U.S. Dept. of Energy對控制放射性鈾在Hanford 沉積物中多尺度下運移與歸宿的水文學、地球化學以及礦物學過程的量化研究,美國能源部項目。“Quantification of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Mineralogical Processes Governing the Fate and Transport of Uranium over Multiple Scales in Hanford Sediments” U.S. Dept. of Energy氯代有機溶劑監測式自然衰減長期持續性的綜合評價方案,美國國防部項目。“Integrated protocol for assessment of long-term sustainability of monitored natural attenuation of chlorinated solvent plumes”. U.S. Dept. of Defense
田納西州橡樹嶺保留地NABIR污染場地研究,美國能源部項目。“Proposal for a NABIR Field Research Center on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee” U.S. Dept. of Energy
Loxahatchee河地表與地下水三維整合模型,南佛羅里達州水資源管理局-佛羅里達州環保署合作項目。“Loxahatchee River Three Dimensional Integrated Surface and Groundwater Model.” South Florida Water Management District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection
WASH123D模型介紹,美國陸軍工程兵團項目。“Document of WASH123D” US Army Corps of Engineers, 用於流域生態評價的機理模型,美國環保局項目 “Mechanistic-based Watershed Modeling for Evaluation of Ecosystem Conditions.” Environmental Protection Agency
"Multiscale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface" (Co-PI) U.S. Dept. of Energy, Environmental Remediation Science Program, Oak Ridge Integrated Field Challenge


Best Paper Award, GeoShanghai 2010
Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union, 2003
1997-1998年度大學生獎, International Engineering Technology教育基金
1995-1996優秀學生一等獎學金, 清華大學
1994-1995優秀學生一等獎學金, 清華大學


Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, and J. C. Parker(Editors). Ground Water Reactive Transport Models. Bentham Science Publishers
1. Zhang, F.*, H. Zhang, S. C. Hagen, M. Ye, D. Wang, D. Gui, C. Zeng, L. Tian, J. Liu. Snow cover and runoff modeling in a high mountain catchment with scarce data: effects of temperature and precipitation parameters. Hydrological Processes
2. Shi, X., F. Zhang*, L. Tian, D.R. Joswiak, C. Zeng, D. Qu,. Tracing Contributions to Hydro-isotopic Differences between Two Adjacent Lakes in the Southern Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes
3. Zhang, H., F. Zhang*, X. Shi, C. Zeng, D.-S. Shih, G.-T. Yeh, D.R. Joswiak. Influence of River Channel Geometry in Stream Flow Modeling and Guidelines for Field Investigation. Hydrological Processes
4. Wang, G., X. Yan*, F. Zhang, C. Zeng, D. Gao. Traffic-Related Trace Element Accumulation in Roadside Soils and Wild Grasses in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
5. Zeng, C.*, F. Zhang, Y. Chen, D. R. Joswiak. Impact of alpine meadow degradation on soil hydraulic properties over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology
6. Zeng, C., Q. Wang*, F. Zhang, J. Zhang. Temporal changes in soil hydraulic conductivity with different soil types and irrigation methods. Geoderma
7. Yeh, G.T.*, J.-P. Gwo, M. D. Siegel, M.-H. Li, Y. Fang, F. Zhang, W. Luo, S. B. Yabusaki. Innovative mathematical modeling in environmental remediation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.
8. Yan, X., F. Zhang*, D. Gao, C. Zeng, W. Xiang and M. Zhang. Accumulations of Heavy Metals in Roadside Soils Close to Zhaling, Eling and Nam Co Lakes in the Tibetan Plateau. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
9. Yan, X.*, D. Gao, F. Zhang, C. Zeng, W. Xiang and M. Zhang. Relationships between Heavy Metal Concentrations in Roadside Topsoil and Distance to Road Edge Based on Field Observations in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
10. Zhang, F.*, G. T. Yeh, J.C. Parker, H. Zhang, X. Shi1, C. Wang, R.Gu. A reaction-based river/stream water quality model: reaction network decomposition and model application. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
11. Shi, X.* and F. Zhang. A preliminary study on measurement of sediment concentration in hill-slope runoff with electrolyte tracer. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
12. Zeng, C. Q. Wang*, F. Zhang. Evaluation of hydraulic parameters obtained by different measurement methods for heterogeneous gravel soil. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
13. Yan, X., F. Zhang*, C. Zeng, M. Zhang, L.P. Devkota, T. Yao. Relationship between Heavy-Metal Content of Soil and Corresponding Grass in Roadside Farmland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
14. Shi, X., F. Zhang, T. Lei*, R. Chuo, S. Zhou, Y. Yan. Measuring Shallow Water Flow Velocity with Virtual Boundary Condition Signal in the Electrolyte Tracer Method. Journal of Hydrology
15. Shi, X., W. Chen, F. Zhang, and L. Wu*. Simulating Bromide transport from soil to overland flow: application and evaluation of interfacial diffusion-controlled model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
16. Zhang, F.*, X. Yan, C. Zeng, M. Zhang, S. Shrestha, L. P. Devkota, and T. Yao. Influence of Traffic Activity on Heavy Metal Concentration of Roadside Farmland Soil in Mountainous Areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
17. Zhang, F.*, W. Luo, J.C. Parker, S.C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and B. Gu. Modeling uranium transport in acidic contaminated groundwater with base addition. Journal of Hazardous Materials
18. Tang, G.,* E. F. D'Azevedo, F. Zhang, J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson and P. M. Jardine. Application of A Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Approach for Parallel Groundwater Model Calibration on Multi-Core Computers. Computers and geosciences
19. Zhang, F.*, Wu, W.-M., Jack C. Parker, Tonia Mehlhorn, Shelly D. Kelly, Kenneth M. Kemner, Gengxin Zhang, Christopher Schadt, Scott C. Brooks, Craig S. Criddle, David B. Watson, Philip M. Jardine.. Kinetic analysis and modeling of oleate and ethanol stimulated uranium (VI) bio-reduction in contaminated sediments under sulfate reduction conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials
20. Zhang, F.*, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and B. Gu. Prediction of uranium and technetium sorption during titration of contaminated acidic groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
21. Zhang, F.* and J. C. Parker. An Efficient Modeling Approach to Simulate Heat Transfer rate between Fracture and Matrix Regions for Oil Shale Retorting. Transport in porous media
22. Yeh, G. T.*, Y. Fang, F. Zhang, J. Sun, Y. Li, M. H. Li, and M. D. Siegel. "Numerical Modeling of Coupled Fluid Flow and Thermal and Reactive Biogeochemical Transport in Porous and Fractured Media". Computational Geosciences.
23. Mayes, M. A.*, G. Tang, P. M. Jardine, L. D. McKay, X. L. Yin, M. N. Pace, J. C. Parker, F. Zhang, T. L. Melhorn and R. Dansby-Sparks. Influence of Sedimentary Bedding on Reactive Transport Parameters under Unsaturated Conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal
24. Zhang, F.*, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine and D. B. Watson. Comparison of Approaches to Calibrate a Surface Complexation Model for U(VI) Sorption to Weathered Saprolite. Transport in Porous Media Journal
25. Zhang, F.*, W. Luo, J. C. Parker, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine, and B. Gu Geochemical Modeling of Reactions and Partitioning of Trace Metals and Radionuclides during Titration of Contaminated Acidic Sediments. Environmental Science and Technology
26. Yan X.*, E. Radwan, F. Zhang, and J. C. Parker. Evaluation of Dynamic Passing Sight Distance Problem Using a Finite Element Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering
27. Zhang, F.*, G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, and P. M. Jardine. "A reaction-based river/stream water quality model: Model development and numerical schemes". Journal of Hydrology
28. Zhang, F.*, L. Jiang, G. T. Yeh, and J. C. Parker. "An Adaptive Local Grid Refinement and Peak/Valley Capture Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Transport Problems with Moving Sharp-Fronts". Transport in Porous Media Journal
29. Zhang, F.*, W. Luo, D. B. Watson, J. C. Parker, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding and P. M. Jardine. A reactive transport model to simulate uranium immobilization through pH manipulation. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 72(12): Meeting abstract
30. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, W. Luo, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, and P. M. Jardine*. Subsurface transport and biogeochemistry modeling at IFC site, Oak Ridge, TN. Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society
31. Jardine, P. M., D. B. Watson, G. Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita, S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Phelps, C.W. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.N. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. Research Highlights and Future Directions of the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Implications to Future EM Remedial Decisions and Strategies. Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society
32. Zhang, F.*, G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, M. N. Pace, Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine, and D. B. Watson. "A reaction-based paradigm to model reactive chemical transport in groundwater with general kinetic and equilibrium reactions". Journal of Contaminant Hydrology


