


  • 中文名:張冬卉
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:幹細胞生物學、組織工程、微器官晶片構建
  • 任職院校:湖北大學




2011年—2013年,杜克大學生物醫學工程系,博士後,合作導師 :Nenad Bursac教授
2013年—2017年,哈佛醫學院波士頓兒童醫院,博士後,合作導師:William Pu教授


1.利用組織工程技術建立無支架水凝膠的人幹細胞來源心肌補片(patch),大幅提升人心肌微組織的生理學功能指標(Biomaterials, 2013, 34(23): 5813-5820);
3.構建基於遺傳學操作敲除TFAM的線粒體損傷小鼠模型,研究了線粒體損傷導致的活性氧升高在心肌細胞增殖過程中的抑制作用(Circulation Research, 2018, 122(1): 74-87);
4.建立人誘導性多能幹細胞向功能性胰島素分泌細胞的化學成分確定分步誘導方案,提出“誘導-擴增-成熟“的分化理念(Cell Research, 2009, 19(4):429-438;封面文章、Cell Research年度最佳研究論文獎);
(1)DOX誘導的人多能幹細胞基因編輯體系構建(Nature Protocols, 2017, 12(1):88-103);
(2) 巴氏綜合症的體外疾病模型的建立(Nature medicine, 2014, 20(6):616-623);
(3) 參與、鑑定用於分離人多能幹細胞來源的胰腺前體祖細胞的表面分子標記(Stem Cells, 2011, 29(4):609-617);
(4) 尋找簡單的生物標記用於預測幹細胞向內胚層方向分化的潛能(Stem Cell Reports, 2013, 1(1):46-52)。
1.D.H. Zhang, William T Pu,Exercising engineered heart muscle to maturity,Nature Reviews Cardiology,2018,556,239-243
2.Dongdong Ye, Pengcheng Yang, Xiaojuan Lei,D.H. Zhang, Liangbin Li, Chunyu Chang, Pingchuan Sun, Lina Zhang,Robust Anisotropic Cellulose Hydrogels Fabricated via Strong Self-aggregation Forces for Cardiomyocytes Unidirectional Growth,Chemistry of Materials,2018,30(15): 5175-5183
3.D. H. Zhang (#)(*),Y. Li(#),D. A. Heims-Waldron V. J. Bezzerides,S. Guatimosim Y. Guo,F. Gu P. Zhou,Z. Lin Q. Ma,J. Liu D. Z. Wang,W. T. Pu(*),Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy Caused by Elevated Reactive Oxygen Species and Impaired Cardiomyocyte Proliferation,Circ Res,2018,122(1):74-87
4.D. H. Zhang,I. Y. Shadrin,J. Lam H. Q. Xian,H. R. Snodgrass N. Bursac,Tissue-engineered cardiac patch for advanced functional maturation of human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes,Biomaterials,2013,34(23):5813~5820
5.D. H. Zhang (#) (*),W. Jiang(#)(*),From One-Cell to Tissue: Reprogramming, Cell Differentiation and Tissue Engineering,Bioscience,2015,65(5):468~475
6.F. F. Zhu (#),P. B. Zhang(#),D. H. Zhang(#),X. Sui,M. Yin T. T. Xiang,Y. Shi M. X. Ding,H. Deng,Generation of pancreatic insulin-producing cells from rhesus monkey induced pluripotent stem cells,Diabetologia,2011,54(9):2325~2336
7.D. H. Zhang(#),W. Jiang(#),M. Liu X. Sui,X. L. Yin S. Chen,Y. Shi H. K. Deng,Highly efficient differentiation of human ES cells and iPS cells into mature pancreatic insulin-producing cells,Cell Research,2009,19(4):429~438
8.D. H. Zhang,W. Jiang,Y. Shi H. K. Deng,Generation of pancreatic islet cells from human embryonic stem cells,Science in China Series C-Life Sciences,2009,52(7):615~621
9.Y. F. Li,D. H. Zhang (*),Artificial Cardiac Muscle with or without the Use of Scaffolds,Biomed Research International,2017
10.V. J. Bezzerides,D. H. Zhang,W. T. Pu,Modeling Inherited Arrhythmia Disorders Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes,Circulation Journal,2017,81(1):12~21
11.Y. X. Guo N. J. VanDusen,L. N. Zhang W. L. Gu,I. Sethi S. Guatimosim,Q. Ma B. D. Jardin,Y. L. Ai,D. H. Zhang,B. Y. Chen A. Guo,G. C. Yuan L. S. Song,W. T. Pu,Analysis of Cardiac Myocyte Maturation Using CASAAV, a Platform for Rapid Dissection of Cardiac Myocyte Gene Function In Vivo,Circulation Research,2017,120(12):1874~+
12.G. Wang L. H. Yang,D. Grishin X. Rios,L. Y. Ye Y. Hu,K. Li,D. H. Zhang,G. M. Church W. T. Pu,Efficient, footprint-free human iPSC genome editing by consolidation of Cas9/CRISPR and piggyBac technologies,Nature Protocols,2017,12(1)
13.G. Wang M. L. McCain,L. H. Yang A. B. He,F. S. Pasqualini A. Agarwal,H. Y. Yuan D. W. Jiang,D. H. Zhang,L. Zangi,J. Geva A. E. Roberts,Q. Ma J. Ding,J. H. Chen D. Z. Wang,K. Li J. W. Wang,R. J. A. Wers,W. Kulik F. M. Vaz,M. A. Laflamme C. E. Murry,K. R. Chien R. I. Kelley,G. M. Church K. K. Parker,W. T. Pu,Modeling the mitochondrial cardiomyopathy of Barth syndrome with induced pluripotent stem cell and heart-on-chip technologies,Nature Medicine,2014,20(6):616~623
14.B. Liau,D. H. Zhang,N. Bursac,Functional cardiac tissue engineering,Regenerative Medicine,2012,7(2):187~206
15.W. Jiang X. Sui,D. H. Zhang,M. Liu,M. X. Ding Y. Shi,H. K. Deng,CD24: A Novel Surface Marker for PDX1-Positive Pancreatic Progenitors Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells,Stem Cells,2011,29(4):609~617
16.W. Jiang,D. H. Zhang,N. Bursac Y. Zhang,WNT3 Is a Biomarker Capable of Predicting the Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Potential of hESCs,Stem Cell Reports,2013,1(1):46~52
17.W. Jiang,Z. Bai,D. Zhang,Y. Shi,J. Yong S. Chen,M. Ding H. Deng(*),Differentiation of mouse nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells into functional pancreatic beta cells,Diabetologia,2008,51(9):1671~1679
18.T. T. Qing H. S. Liu,W. Wei X. Ye,W. Shen,D. H. Zhang,Z. H. Song W. F. Yang,M. X. Ding H. K. Deng,Mature oocytes derived from purified mouse fetal germ cells,Human Reproduction,2008,23(1):54~61
19.W. Wei T. T. Qing,X. Ye H. S. Liu,D. H. Zhang,W. F. Yang,H. K. Deng,Primordial Germ Cell Specification from Embryonic Stem Cells,PLoS One,2008,3(12)


