張傳磊,於2015年取得無機化學博士學位,並於2016年進入南京大學生物學流動站從事博士後研究工作,長期從事無機、有機和材料及其交叉領域研究,近年來在chem. eur. j., chem. commun., dalton trans., cryst. growth des., crystengcomm 等雜誌上發表論文十餘篇。
2015.6 於南京大學無機化學專業獲理學博士學位
2019.7 於南京大學生物學博士後流動站獲博士後證書
2015.7 加入安慶師範大學化學化工學院
- 功能配合物化學
- 晶態智慧型材料
- 配位鍵理論
- Chuanlei Zhang, Ziteng Liu, Heng Xu, Jing Ma*, Hegen Zheng*, JingZhao*.An excellent example illustrating the fluorescence sensing property of cobalt–organic frameworks, Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48(7): 2285–2289.
- Chuanlei Zhang, Yanle Li, Heng Xu, Jing Ma*, Hegen Zheng*,TheMutation in the Single-Crystal Structural Transformation Process, Induced by the Combined Stimuli of Temperature and Solvent, Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 327–331.
- Chuanlei Zhang, Yanle Li, Ting Wang, Zemin Ju, Hegen Zheng*, JingMa*,Three different metal-organic frameworks derived from a one-pot crystallization and their controllable synthesis, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51: 8338–8341.
- Chuanlei Zhang, Zhenzhen Shi, Ling Qin, Hegen Zheng*,DiverseStructures of Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Different Metal Ions: Luminescence and Gas Adsorption Properties, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44: 4238–4245.
- Chuanlei Zhang, Mingdao Zhang, Ling Qin, Hegen Zheng*,The CrystalStructures and Spectroscopic Properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Rigid Ligands with Flexible Functional Groups. Cryst. Growth Des., 2014, 14: 491–499.
- Chuanlei Zhang, Han Hao, Zhenzhen Shi, Hegen Zheng*,Four newmetal-organic frameworks based on a rigid linear ligand: Synthesis, optical property and structural investigation, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16: 5662-5671.