- 中文名:張傳倫
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:中國山東
- 出生日期:1962.02
- 職業:南方科技大學海洋與工程系講座教授
- 畢業院校:中國石油大學/美國德州農工大學
目前擔任“美國套用和環境微生物(Applied and Environmental Microbiology)”、“古菌(Archaea)”和“中國科學:地球科學”期刊編委,及歐洲“微生物前沿(Frontiers in Microbiology)”期刊副主編。2001年獲橡樹嶺聯合性大學青年教授獎,2006年分享獲得美國能源部100名科研開發獎,2007年獲邁阿密大學校外優秀學者獎,2013和2014年兩次獲得“中國科學:地球科學”優秀編委獎。
- 教育背景
- Distinguished off campus scholar/Graduate Faculty at Miami University, 2007
- US Department of Energy R&D 100 Award 2006 (Phelps TJ, Love LJ, Zhang CL and others. For thedevelopment of NanoFermentationTM: A Bioprocess for Manufacturing Inorganic Nanomaterials.Selected by R&D Magazine as one of the 100 Most Technologically Significant New Products of theYear).
- Petroleum Science & Technology Forum of One Hundred Overseas Scholars, 2003.
- The Oak Ridge Associated University Junior Faculty Award, 2001.
- Invited Fellow at Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, 1998.
- Geological Society of America Student Research Award, 1992.