張偉利,電子科技大學光通信與信息工程學院教授。2008年獲西南交通大學通信與信息系統專業博士學位;之後於新加坡南洋理工大學從事博士後研究;2010年起受聘於電子科技大學。主持/參與多項國家自然科學基金、省部級項目,教育部-外專局111引智項目、科技部國際合作項目等;獲教育部自然科學二等獎,電子科技大學青年教師學術新人獎,IEEE優秀學生論文,年詹天佑鐵道科學技術獎(學會獎),國百篇優秀博士論提名等;任國際SCI期刊Optical and Quantum Electronics編委、SCI期刊Journal of Nanoelectronics and Ophotonics副主編,IEEE高級會員。
- 中文名:張偉利
- 畢業院校:西南交通大學
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
1、W. L. Zhang, Y. Y. Zhu, Y. J. Rao et. al., Random fiber laser formed by mixing dispersion compensated fiber and single mode fiber,Optics Express(影響因子3.587),2013.04;
2、W. L. Zhang, Y. J. Rao, Optical Tamm state polaritons in a quantum well microcavity with gold layers, Chinese Physics B (影響因子1.376), 2012. 06
3、W. L. Zhang, Y. J. Rao, J. M. Zhu, et. al., Low threshold 2nd-order random lasing of a fiber laser with a half-opened cavity, Optics Express(影響因子3.587),2012.06;
4、W. L. Zhang, Y. J. Rao, Coupled polariton solitons in semiconductor microcavities with a double-well potential, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals(影響因子1.222), 2012.04
5、W.L. Zhang, S. F. Yu, Bistable switching using an optical Tamm cavity with a Kerr medium,(影響因子1.486), Optics Communications, 2010.06
6、W.L. Zhang, S. F. Yu, Vectorial polariton solitons in semiconductor microcavities,Optics Express(影響因子3.587),2010.09;
7、W.L. Zhang, S. F. Yu, Bistabilities of birefringent vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifiers with antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics(影響因子1.879), 2010.01
8、W.L. Zhang, S. F. Yu, Optical flip-flop using bistable vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifiers with anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, (影響因子2.784), 2009.11
9、W. L. Zhang, W. Pan, B. Luo et. al., Polarization switching and hysteresis of VCSELs with time-varying optical injection, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics(影響因子3.78), 2008.05
10、W. L. Zhang, W. Pan, B. Luo et. al., Chaos synchronization communication using extremely unsymmetrical bidirectional injections, Optics Letters (影響因子3.399), 2008.02